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Earn It: Living On Purpose

Written by: Zachary Hoffman, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


I would be willing to bet that there are a lot of people out there who are still searching for their life’s true purpose. Even those who are financially successful and have accomplished a lot oftentimes find themselves unsatisfied and in a constant search for happiness and satisfaction. The bottom line is this before any of us can truly find our purpose we first start living on purpose. Living with and on purpose can often be mistaken for the same thing especially when one doesn’t take the time to think about it. However, I challenge you to take a moment and truly try to decipher the difference between the two sayings. Let’s start with living on purpose since it is needed to live with purpose. In my experience, living on purpose starts first and foremost with appreciating the life we have been given. I realize that this sounds cliché and nearly every influencer and inspirational speaker preaches appreciation and how we need to be thankful for what we have and not what we don’t.

That being said, I think of a particular movie scene in the film Saving Private Ryan. Most of us have probably seen this film or at least parts of it and have likely seen the part of the movie which I am about to reference. After the final battle at the bridge is over actor Tom Hanks (Captain John H. Miller) is speaking to Matt Damon (Private James Ryan) after being fatally wounded. He mumbles the words “James… Earn this, earn it”. Captain Miller was referring to the life that Private Ryan had ahead of him and the lives sacrificed to save his own. He wanted Ryan to earn this sacrifice by living a life of purpose and meaning.

This is one of my favorite moments in modern- cinema because not only does it allow one to appreciate the sacrifices made by our ancestors to protect our freedoms, but it also reminds me of everyday life.

Those of us born into developed, 1st World countries, born without any major health problems or disabilities often take for granted all we have been given and privileged with. A large majority of us become numb to just how fortunate we are. We fail to realize or simply are ignorant of those who struggle or live a life of pain each and every day. In my opinion, one of the greatest evils in our human nature is the lack of appreciation for life’s simplicities. Because these simplicities (health, developed countries, education, etc) put us in a position to live our best lives and reach our full potential.

That being said, a lot of us with these fortunate circumstances still make excuses for why we can’t accomplish our goals and achieve our potential. A lot of us know we aren’t living out our true purpose and potential, but simply ignore our consciousness and rationalize with ourselves and our mediocre decisions.

Now I am not saying that there is anything wrong with this at all. And having a simple life, with a husband/wife, 2 kids, and a picket fence can also be very satisfying for a lot of people. But for most, it isn't enough. And that's just the reality.

Therefore, I challenge those who think differently to look deep within themselves and ask the question: Are you earning the life you’ve been given? Are you truly chasing your potential considering your circumstances?

There is something similar about all those who have found their purpose and lived a life of impact: they all began to ask themselves these same questions and began to take action despite their past plans, risks, and unknowns involved. This is living on purpose.

Because the fact of the matter is that we all have a purpose to fulfill. Yet, this purpose very rarely shows itself as clear as our reflection in the mirror. Many search their whole life and never find it because they are looking in all the wrong places. It starts from within. It starts from realizing your potential. It starts with wanting a life of impact. And it truly begins when we run towards the fear that blockades so many of us. Those who chose to live in this manner are living with purpose.

So if you haven’t realized by now, living with purpose is the by-product of living on purpose.

So again, I challenge people to look deep within themselves and ask: Am I earning this life? Once we begin to answer this question honestly, we begin to put ourselves in a position to experience our best life.

Want to learn more from Zac? Follow him on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and visit his website.


Zachary Hoffman, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Zac is an Italian/American dual citizen, effective leadership developer, award winning author, and former professional American football player. Originally from a small, rural town in Western Pennsylvania (USA), he has spent his twenties living in 6 different countries while playing and coaching American football. During his time abroad, he developed the SWALeadership concept based on his many thrilling and eye-opening experiences within various leadership roles across cultures.

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