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Dr. Sukhi Ghuman: From Law to Leadership

Group CEO of Octavian International, Dr. Sukhi Ghuman is known as a visionary leader who has built a diverse portfolio. Since 2003, he has worked to expand his company’s reach into the USA, Middle East, and Africa, emphasizing risk management and security. Dr. Ghuman graduated from Nottingham Trent University and served previously for many years on the University development board. He still remains committed to mentoring startups across the East Midlands and is dedicated to nurturing new talent in the market. 

What led you to establish Octavian and dive into the security and risk-management industry?

My career as a lawyer working for a national law firm was not exactly what it seemed, and one of the key clients was having a lot of issues with their security provider. Having studied the case carefully and possessing a comprehensive knowledge of what a security company should be doing, I delved into the industry and found an industry-wide lack of quality and professionalism. There was great churn amongst the larger security companies, and the industry was segmented into large national operators and extremely small companies. 

The security industry was also unregulated, which meant that many undesirable characters were operating in the space. This inspired me to set up a security company that was run by the same standards one would expect from a professional services organization such as a law firm, allowing for an owner-led approach which was a real alternative to smaller entities and larger entities. This niche organization offered a personalized service along with the professionalism of a smaller, international company.

Where did your passion for entrepreneurship and security originate?

From a young age, my father instilled in me that law was the career I should follow. This ingrained ideology led me to study law at Nottingham Trent University, however, I was always doing entrepreneurial things on the side—buying and selling cars, selling clothing, and small-level trading. Upon graduating and completing my post-graduate studies, I realized that working in an organization with strong restrictions severely hampered what I could and could not do in the entrepreneurial realm.

My passion for entrepreneurship began to grow during the first few years I was training as a lawyer. I trained at a regional firm which was extremely friendly and had a great work-life balance, but that was not enough for me, and I had transitioned to a larger, top 20 UK international law firm. There, I realized that I needed to be my own boss.

The exposure of providing legal services to several organizations gave me a platform and understanding of what industry I could excel in. Security presented itself, and from an organic start in 2003, Octavian achieved record growth, year in and year out, becoming a prominent international provider of security services.

Looking back on the last five years of your career, what has been the highlight?

I have been diversifying business and services in the USA, and I stepped away from security and moved into different sectors. These included training and development, healthcare, and health & safety. I built a network of medical clinics, growing from one clinic to nine over a five-year period, and these clinics successfully treated thousands of people for arthritis and various cancers. 

Another great personal achievement was working through my own battle with cancer. I remain in remission today and have been taking a sabbatical from all businesses to heal, enjoy life, and prioritize my personal and professional pursuits.

Could you share the most crucial lessons you’ve learned while leading Octavian’s global expansion?

I managed to work in several different countries throughout Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Indian subcontinent, Canada, America, and Mexico. This has exposed me to various different cultures and ways in which to do business. 

We reside in a very diverse, multipolar world, where one size does not fit all. This has allowed me to acquire skills to deal with various different cultures and the flexibility to have varying approaches. All of this was possible as a result of Octavian and the exposure opened various other avenues of business.

What advice would you give to those looking to start their own security and risk management firm?

My initial advice would be to have a corporate structure in place which allows for all compliance matters to be at the forefront of the operation. Security and risk management is in the business that, when things go wrong, they go wrong badly. Any organization needs all of its documentation up to date, relevant, and reviewed on a consistent basis. The document reviews could even also be on a daily basis or even hourly basis in. line with the risk, for example, where one is providing security risk assessments for broadcasters in conflict zones, the risk in compliance is moving on a daily and even hourly basis.

The second critical piece of advice would be to surround yourself with a team of varied experts, from law enforcement to military to legal backgrounds. These skills need to be forged into a large melting pot of skills. Training programs and matrixes need to be designed for the teams on the ground. These programs and matrixes need to be renewed periodically and refreshed.

Investing in your staff is one of the most critical elements of running a successful security company. Refrain from hiring friends and family. One cannot state enough how important it is to abstain from hiring family and friends. I have lost close friends and family members by engaging in business with them. Keeping all elements of the business separate and keep a good lawyer and accountant on speed dial.

What are your aspirations for Octavian’s future?

Upon my return from sabbatical, I will be taking the company into new areas in protecting consumers and commercial entities from the ongoing threat of online reputation damage. I look forward to reapplying for my legal practice certificate and taking on interesting cases where reputation damage has taken place. I have worked very hard on protecting my reputation, you become a target with success and I was lucky to have a legal litigation background, where I was armed with the knowledge and tools to fight back, I want to work with others in helping them protect their reputation online and otherwise. 

Octavian will also be moving heavily into tech – developing software and systems for various industries. Those that do not embrace digital technology will be heavily left behind. I also will be setting up a regulated online pharmacy to make healthcare rapidly accessible for all. In the meantime, I am taking a well-earned rest and plotting the next moves to realize Octavian’s full potential.

Key Takeaways

  • Recognize opportunities in industries where there's a lack of quality and professionalism. 

  • Pursue entrepreneurship in areas that ignite your passion, even if it diverges from traditional career paths. 

  • Embrace diversification and adaptability in business to navigate changing landscapes successfully. 

  • Cultivate cultural intelligence and flexibility when expanding globally. 

  • Establish robust corporate structures focusing on compliance and surround yourself with a diverse team of experts.

  • Embrace digital technology – move with the times 


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