The Soul Compass guides you to Live & Thrive in alignment with your true nature, to uncover your authenticity, and start taking steps towards your Dream Life by following your inner wisdom.

Have you ever noticed how our immediate reaction to discomfort, be it emotional, mental, or physical, is to seek instant relief? It’s a natural response. But what if these discomforts are actually important signals, trying to tell us something vital about our well-being?

As a therapist and coach, I often meet individuals who seek to eliminate their symptoms—whether it's anxiety, sadness, or other (emotional) difficulties. The desire to "make it go away" is common. But what if I told you that these symptoms aren’t the enemy? Instead, you can see them more like vigilant watchmen, stationed to alert you to potential dangers or imbalances within you. Would you ignore or, worse, shoot the messenger? Of course not! The watchman’s alertness could be the key to your safety and well-being!
Now, think of your mind and body as that fortress, and symptoms as the watchmen. These symptoms—whether they manifest as emotional or physical discomfort are not just nuisances. They are signals that something within you needs attention. They’re urging you to take action, to restore balance, and to address underlying issues.
Consider the red warning light on your car’s dashboard. It's not there to irritate you; it’s a crucial alert that your vehicle needs fuel or maintenance. Would you drive to a garage and ask the mechanic to simply turn off the light? No! You'd take action by refueling, so your car could keep running smoothly.
A similar analogy can be found in nature. Take lobsters, for example. When a lobster outgrows its shell, it instinctively sheds it and forms or finds a new one that better fits its evolving needs. This natural process of adaptation and growth is essential for the lobster’s survival.
As humans, however, we sometimes resist this process. We might turn to antidepressants, sleeping pills, or anxiety medication to suppress our discomfort rather than addressing its root cause!
In my therapeutic practice, I encourage a different approach. Rather than silencing symptoms, I advocate for listening to them. Together, we explore what these symptoms might be trying to communicate. By doing so, we can gain valuable insights and work toward resolving the underlying issues.
The next time you feel the urge to "shoot the messenger" by seeking a quick fix for your discomfort, consider pausing. Embrace the wisdom embedded in your symptoms. And if you need some support doing that, I'm here for you. Together, we will decipher the messages and work towards lasting solutions. Your body and future self will thank you for that.
Kinga de Wit, Transformational Guide, Soul Embodiment Coach, Catalyst for Change
The Soul Compass guides you to Live & Thrive in alignment with your true nature, to uncover your authenticity, and start taking steps towards your Dream Life by following your inner wisdom.
Services: Human Design, Akashic Records, Soul Realignment, Soul Body Fusion, Polyvagal theory, Nervous System Regulation, Trauma-informed Practice, NLP, OldPain2Go, Inner Child Work, Breathwork, EFT/Tapping, Spiritual Mentorship, Embodied Manifesting, Somatic Work, Conscious Parenting, New Paradigm Business Coaching (Energy + Strategy), Feng Shui, and many, many more.
Me? I'm Kinga de Wit: Aries, 6/2 Human Design Splenic Projector, and my name means "leader of the people." I'm a wife and a mother to a 4 y.o son (almost 5!) and 2 dogs. I'm originally from Warsaw, Poland. I've lived most of my life in the Netherlands and relocated to Spain in august 2023. I grew up with East-European, Eastern (Chinese), Dutch Caribbean, and Western cultures.
I love to sing, write, and take pictures. And I'm an incurable optimist. I believe that we are powerful beings and that we can heal ourselves and the world by standing in our true Power and by letting the love for ourselves overflow into Universal Love.
My knowledge is not "just" theoretical. Everything I teach I am practicing myself. I've experienced my share of struggles, breakdowns, and challenges (like depression, anxiety, burn-out, chronic pain, allergies, trauma, chronic fatigue, being disconnected from my emotions and intuition, etc). I overcame it all and now I love to share what I've learned with