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Don’t Just Build A Business ‒ Become A Legend

Written by: Nida Leardprasopsuk, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Musk, Gates, Jobs, Maserati, and Taylor Swift – What do they have in common? They are different. They are one-of-a-kind. They are disruptive and innovative. If you are someone that knows it in your bones that you were born to create something extraordinary, you have the moral responsibility to turn your vision into a reality.

It all starts with you believing you are world-class

Do you believe you are world-class? In order to build a one-of-a-kind business, having the right mindset is not enough. It’s about having the internal drive to create something spectacular. I always had this feeling that something exciting was waiting for me and I was meant to be doing something big. Maybe it wasn’t to become the next President or go to Mars, but it was going to solve an important problem. Clients I work with also say the same thing. They just had this intuition that one day they would be doing something important and impactful with their deep expertise.

Do you have what it takes to be world-class

If not, what’s missing? Who do you need to become and what do you need to do in order to have what it takes to be world-class? Maybe it’s sharpening your skills. Maybe it’s more training in highly specialized skills. Whatever it is and however long it takes, if you have the drive to get there, you will make it happen eventually, one way or another.

How to turn your world-class expertise into a global business sensation to be legendary, you need a distinct form of innovation that combines visionary thinking, intuition, strategy, and scientific analysis. I invented the Genius-Brand Innovation Method™ and I use it to help my clients become legendary market outliers.

It starts with having a one-of-a-kind market position.

When you have what it takes to be one-of-a-kind, but you have the wrong business strategy, all kinds of problems show up in your business. Advertising doesn’t work quite well. Selling feels like an uphill battle. You feel you must keep coming up with new ideas to beat the competition. You experience low client retention and you’re always on the hunt for the next client.

Here’s the thing:

When you’re not different, your business becomes expensive to run.

Forget ALL the rules if you want to truly innovate

If you want to innovate, forget the rules and go back to the first principles to think about the problems in a new way.

There’s ALWAYS an important problem to be solved

The market is crowded, but it’s not if you invent a new solution to an unsolvable problem or a new problem people aren’t even aware of. When everyone else is doing the same thing in your industry, that’s a great opportunity for you to do something different.

Cookie cutter approaches aren’t allowed here

Great results won’t make the cut. They need to be incomparable.

When you become a brand that needs no introduction, you have a lane of your own without competition. You get to charge the highest in the industry and that could mean 10 times more than what others consider a high ticket. Clients wait in line to work with you. There are many practical benefits for your business. However, the ultimate fulfillment happens internally. It’s about delivering your life’s best work.

Ready to turn your Genius-Based Brand into a legendary market outlier? Start by completing this quiz and receive your own blueprint for success.

Follow Nida on Instagram, Facebook, Clubhouse, Linkedin, and visit her website for more info!


Nida Leardprasopsuk, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Nida is a top-tier business consultant, mindset coach, and former Fortune 500 executive with more than two decades of experience in marketing, business, research, consumer behavior, and human psychology. Her consulting and coaching business centers around innovation and customer-centricity, a key factor in her own success. She helps forward-thinking and purpose-driven coaches, consultants, experts, thought leaders, and service providers reinvent, innovate, differentiate themselves from the rest of the competition, and become a category one by 1.) Discovering and utilizing their ultra-geniuses 2.) Creating groundbreaking solutions that solve clients’ problems in an innovative way 3.) Using a short and long-term innovative marketing strategy that magnifies their thought leadership over time and 4.) Help entrepreneurs innovate their businesses and build a culture of excellence.

She is the author of the One to Millions Entrepreneur and host of the One to Millions Entrepreneur Podcast show. She also has a master’s and bachelor’s degree in Business and Marketing and is currently completing her research for a Ph.D. in Social Psychology.

Nida offers 1:1 consulting and coaching services that help forward-thinking and purpose-driven entrepreneurs build a world-class legacy brand and hyper-grow their businesses through innovation and out-of-the-box thinking.

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