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Don’t Be Sheeple – Three Lessons From Sheep To Elevate And Empower Your Life

Written by: Anton Broers, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


How do you walk through life? Are you walking your path independently, self-confidently and freely? Fantastic! You belong to the happy few people on this planet that lead their own life. Most people are not like this. Most people are just following the crowd, either consciously or unconsciously.

Do you want to be happy? Do you want to be a victor in life? Do you want to walk your own path? Then you don’t want to be a sheep. You don’t want to be sheeple. Sheep are known to mindlessly follow the pack wherever it goes. This is not a good strategy for life. We can learn to be people (i.e., not sheeple). Read about the ‘suicidal’ sheep in Turkey and learn three lessons to elevate and empower your life!

The ’suicidal’ sheep in Turkey

On 8 July 2005 newspapers reported a collective suicide of a flock of sheep in the village of Gevas in Turkey. As the stories told, hundreds of sheep had jumped off a cliff toward their death. Approximately 450 animals had died and hundreds of other sheep had survived as their fall was cushioned by the pile of earlier jumpers.

The story attracted a lot of attention. Why did the sheep decide to end their lives? How did this happen? Various people travelled to Gevas to investigate. They found that the sheep did not commit suicide. The investigations showed that the sheep were following the crowd as ‘good’ sheep do. When the sheep in the front approached the edge of a cliff, he wanted to stop. But the sheep crowd just continued moving forward. Because of this, the first sheep was pushed off the cliff and thereafter, hundreds of others.

This is not how we want to live our life. We don’t want to be sheeple… We want to be people! But most people have a tendency to follow the crowd, to act like sheep. This will not give you your best life. You will never reach your potential. There are powerful lessons to be learned from sheep behaviour.

You want to be happy?

So sheeple are people who behave like sheep. They just follow the crowd. Without thinking. Without making their own conscious choices. There are many sheeple in this world. Actually, the vast majority of people behave like sheep. You might know some of them. You might be a sheeple yourself. If you are, I would like to wake you up. Your life can be so much better.

There is an ancient secret of happiness that I found in my learning and training. I want to share it with you: you can create your own happiness! How? By consciously focusing on things that make you happy. It really is this simple. But not for most people. Most people are unhappy and we can learn from sheep why.

The world around us is suffering from a negativity bias. All day long, we are being bombarded with drama, disaster and disruption. It sells and hence commercial media bring it into our lives continuously. When we unconsciously allow our life perspective to be led by all this negativity, we will experience a negative life. All this negativity will impact our happiness. The crowd is negative. So sheeple who follow the crowd, follow negativity and therefore they will never be happy.

But we all want to be happy, right? Well, you can be happy. But you will have to take control. You will have to learn to choose your own focus in life. To decide your own perspective. Happy people, i.e. not sheeple, lead their own life. They are consciously sowing the seeds of their own happiness. People who learn to exercise their in-born power of focus can take happiness in their own hands.

You want to be victorious?

Imagine you are always following the crowd like sheeple. Often times the crowd will take you places where you don’t want to be. Places that translate into results for your life that you don’t like. This way you become unhappy. You end up in painful relationships. You spend your days working in a job without joy and enthusiasm.

A sheep that ends up in an unwanted situation will ‘’moan’’. Sheeple will moan. They blame others for the unwanted outcomes in their life. They just followed. And now the outcomes are not what they would like. But it is not their fault. No, other people are to blame. Circumstances are to blame. It is not them. Not their fault. Nothing they can do about it. Nothing they can change. That is how sheeple think. They suffer from victim-ites. Living with a victim mentality will not make you victorious in life. Moaning and whinging will not improve your life. It is not a worthwhile life strategy.

There is another way. You can be a victor in life. Victors exercise control over their life by unlocking an inherent superpower that we all possess: the ability to take responsibility. Responsibility for the good and the bad in your life. Responsibility for your own choices and actions. Responsibility for making changes when life is not giving you the outcomes you are seeking. You can become victorious in life when you stop blaming others and start taking responsibility for your own life. When you stop being sheeple and become a powerful people.

You want to walk your own path?

I have a question for you: do you think you were born to follow others? Do you think you were born to copy and paste the life of somebody else? This is an important question that you might want to reflect on. I want to give you my answer. Each person is a unique individual. Each person is here to live their unique purpose. You are not here to be like somebody else. You are here to be your best, unique self. I am positive that your contemplation will give you the same insight.

Sheeple do not live with this mindset. When you follow the crowd, you live with an unconscious belief that you have to live up to the standards and expectations of other people. Such guide will never make you explore and find your own unique path in life. This happens so often and it makes us sad. One of the biggest regrets elderly people have is the fact that they have not followed their own dreams and aspirations. Many elderly sheeple regret the fact that they have not lived according to their own unique wishes and choices.

You are here to be your best, unique self. You are here to walk your own path in life, also if that means that other people do not agree with you. Let them walk their own path although they probably don’t. If they would, they would love to see you doing the same. What does it take to walk your own path? It requires conscious choices for yourself. It requires courage to do so. And it requires action to pursue and materialise your path. We are all capable of doing this. What it takes is to stop being sheeple and start being people!

Get rid of your Sheeple Mindset, Build a People Mindset and Elevate your Life!

We are not born sheeple. We are born utterly free. But as we grow up, we all get conditioned. We develop a sheeple mindset that sets us up to live a sheeple life. It does not have to be this way. Happiness, victory, your own path are all possible for you. The key lies in your mindset. When you elevate your mindset, you will elevate your life.

We can change our outer experience of life IF we change our inside mindset. Change always starts within. I found the treasure of Mind Power through my learning and experiences in Asia. It is now my mission to share this treasure through my coaching and training to guide and support people to live their best lives.

Connect with me if you want to learn how you can improve your life or business.

Or read my book ‘’The Robot who became a Human’’, an entertaining fable in which you will learn about the conditioned sheeple mind that limits your life and how you can set yourself free and elevate your life.

Follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info! Read more from Anton!


Anton Broers, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Anton Broers is a leading mindset coach and trainer based in Europe. He is a former senior business leader at a global brand who spent time in Europe, Asia, and the Americas. Anton is a keen student of ancient spiritual wisdom made simple for modern-day application. As the CEO of Mind ur Life in the Netherlands, he helps children, adults, and businesses toward happiness, success, fulfilment, and freedom. Anton’s mission is to introduce the world to the power of the mind to create the life and results we desire.



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