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Doing Business In Foreign Countries

Written by: Léa Agbo, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


In a very pragmatic way, your international business partners or business contacts have a strategic vision of the world and relationships that may differ from yours.

Therefore, as an entrepreneur, it is strongly recommended to take an interest in interculturality to place your collaborations in a serene climate and sustainable perspective.

A different perception of the future

There is a great impact on the entrepreneurial mindset and the company when the perception and apprehension of the future are addressed.

Should we try to control it or just let it happen?

This ambiguity can be a source of anxiety depending on the culture, but all have learned to manage this anxiety in their own way.

Uncertainty control thus reveals the extent to which members of a society feel threatened by uncertain or unknown situations, and they have created systems and beliefs accordingly.

Scenario N°1: Within a weak control of uncertainty culture, personal initiative is strongly encouraged, and tolerance to new ideas should be widely practiced.

In countries such as the United States, Canada or Indonesia, it is possible to affirm that there is a real predisposition to flexibility. Thus, for more “flexible” cultures, an uncertain aspect can be fascinating and stimulating; hence a more enterprising mindset.

Scenario N°2: Conversely, when this dimension is high, individuals tend to “prepare” themselves. For example, the majority of French people seek, at all costs, to avoid what is uncertain because it is synonymous with instability. Structure and planning are, by extension, indispensable elements. They are developing complex technologies and systems in a stable and appropriate environment. In direct relation to this observation, France, like Japan or even Russia, also tends to show strong resistance to change.

On the other hand, African countries are generally characterized by scores ranging from low to median. It is also interesting to be aware of this data concerning this very large continent and the consolidation of these emerging markets.

A different conception of the message

In some cultures, the interpretation of messages mainly depends on the situation and the context, while in others, the content of the message is self-sufficient. The observation: in cultures with a strong context, the message turns out to be intensely implicit, while in a weak context culture, the message is more passionately explicit.

This gives rise to distinct conceptions of agreement and trust.

Depending on the country or its region, an oral commitment may not be considered solid, just as it may be perceived as the basis of a partnership and constitute a personal commitment.

So, how can this have an impact on your business relationships and opportunities abroad? I will answer that explicitly, identifying the scenario in which you find yourself, which is essential.

Scenario N°1: A (future) partner or collaborator will be able to take your word alone as a pledge of trust and efficiency. It is therefore imperative to move forward on certain points and only what you will not come back to. Otherwise, abstain. You risk breaking the trust that may be granted to you.

Scenario N°2: In a country with different cultures, concerning this same aspect, you will quickly be asked for “proofs” on which to rely in order to concretize the agreement (contracts, written agreements, emails, confirmations, etc.). Even if your sincerity and honesty are not in doubt, you will be fully trusted and receive more formal approaches.

By definition, implicit information is implied, suggested. So, this calls for deduction and interpretation to arrive at the meaning and subtleties. This is why this way of communicating remains an enigma for an "explicit" and that, in many cases, it can generate tensions and misses. Prior to the exchanges, you may have with international interlocutors, looking into the subject is therefore entirely appropriate.


Undoubtedly, acquiring intercultural skills is a great and useful asset. It will make you feel comfortable and give you the privilege to easily communicate with foreign partners.

Also, the added value of your project and the way of approaching and presenting it will help you understand and seize foreign opportunities.

Follow me on LinkedIn and visit my website for more info!


Léa Agbo, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Léa is an entrepreneur and infopreneur, a certified coach in positive psychology, and a specialist in cross-cultural business. With over 10 years of experience in personal development, her focus is for you to become a better version of yourself.

A wide range of clients, including entrepreneurs, require her services to smoothly optimize their lives and/or business projects, have more confidence and energy to pursue their goals, and build real, constructive, and consistent self-esteem.

She specifically coaches entrepreneurs on the cross-cultural aspects of their businesses and is the author of the ‘Globalisation Programme.’

Léa holds a master’s degree in Strategic Business Management and Entrepreneurship. She is also a Certified Operational Manager. Léa is the Founder of AGBO Business Consulting, a company aiming to challenge you to the next level.

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