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Doing Business And Life With More Ease – By Honoring The Interconnection Of Our Body, Mind, And Soul

Corin Hinderegger is a trusted guide for conscious entrepreneurs, CEOs, coaches, healers, and change-makers, helping them align with their most authentic, thriving selves. With over 20 years of knowledge and experience, Corin leverages an extensive range of certifications to provide deep, transformative support.

Executive Contributor Corin Hinderegger

Many of us experience overworking, overgiving, anxiety, or feeling lost in one way or another and worry about how we will ever create a business that allows us to have the life we desire. This is so common with entrepreneurs, business owners, and CEOs, no matter what level of income they experience.

Woman in cross-legged position meditating over rocks in nature

When starting a business, or even after some time in it, we often face moments of uncertainty that can lead us to follow someone else's definition of success. This shift can result in designing our lives around our work, rather than shaping our work to align with our desired lives. In these instances, we may seek solutions from a disconnected state, which hinders our aligned progress. Let's get honest: we can't create sustainable solutions while we're stuck in a cycle that brought us to the problem in the first place.

When following someone else’s definition of success, we design our lives around our work. And try to create solutions from this very disconnected way of being.

Let’s get honest. We can’t find solutions while we’re stuck in the cycle that brought us the problem in the first place.

How creating alignment can shift your life and business experiences

To start out with, we need to become exquisitely aware of the different aspects that play a role in our life and business experiences.

As we explore them, I invite you to take some notes of the ones that you feel you might have dismissed or neglected so far. Gaining this awareness is the first step to creating the change you seek.

Why your body and environment are key to business growth and well-being

Many of us tend to place our holistic well-being and environment on the back burner, only to wonder why things feel more challenging than they should. We may experience burnout or stagnation in our businesses, even though we are putting in the effort to fully support our clients. Unfortunately, this approach often fails to yield the desired results.

The truth is, we can only achieve aligned outcomes if we cultivate fertile ground. Nature illustrates this beautifully: when we plant seedlings in a garden lacking nutrients and overrun with weeds, growth is minimal at best. Conversely, by regularly weeding and nurturing the garden, we create a thriving environment where our seedlings can flourish.

The same principle applies to our businesses. By ensuring that the foundational elements are healthy and in place, we can foster quicker growth. As conscious entrepreneurs and heart-centered, soulful business owners, we are part of an ecosystem. It’s vital to regularly check in with our beliefs and create both physical and emotional nourishment, along with aligned environments, to truly thrive. Otherwise, we do a great disservice not just to ourselves and our families, but also to our customers, as they will not receive the satisfaction from our services and offerings that they desire. This is especially true for service-based businesses, but it is equally applicable for product-based businesses because everything is interconnected.

Questions to ask yourself for lasting personal and business transformation

Do I have fertile ground to grow? If you feel like you haven’t, I invite you to assess what might be missing in your life and reassess your values to identify where you can make adjustments to create a fertile environment for growth. Below are some areas to explore, and see if any resonate with you.

The connection between your nervous system and business success: how energy impacts teams and growth

Powerful questions to explore in this area are:

Am I feeling safe? And do I feel supported? 

Our nervous system holds the score of our experience. If we do not feel safe in the experiences we've had throughout our lifetime, and sometimes even beyond through ancestral entanglements, it can be challenging for us to generate healthy cash flow. Issues also often arise when we cannot bring in sufficient support or we keep telling ourselves, ‘I need to do everything myself because no one can do it better than me.’ This might be true on some levels, but it is also a coping strategy that keeps us small and stuck.

The powerful mind-body connection for thriving in business

When our nervous system doesn’t feel safe in our experience of life, it triggers and activates the coping strategies we have developed over our lifetime, so the stories we tell in any given experience change, and we end up sabotaging ourselves and our business success. You can read more about what saboteurs and coping strategies might run the show for you in your business and life and how to ease their grip on you in my other articles.

Many excellent tools exist to explore within the nervous system regulation and the mind-body connection. I personally prefer to focus on authentic alignment and nervous system nourishment instead of solely focusing on regulation, as when we are authentically aligned and nourished, all the rest falls into place effortlessly. I dive into more in-depth tools and awareness-building explorations on my podcast, The Embodied Thriving Self.


If this speaks to you, I invite you to check it out.

How to harness your intuition for aligned business success

We all have an intuition, or gut feeling, or sense of things. For some of us, this can be very obvious. For others, it lingers more in the background.

Being able to trust our intuition and letting it guide us in both our life and business can help us to cut through the noise, forgo the newest quick fixes, and get to our aligned success much quicker without the shortcomings of other parts of our experiences of being.

To help build trust within our intuition, I often recommend starting a proof journal to become aware of when our intuition might be distorted and untrustworthy and when it is pure. Start to take notes of your intuitive nudges, whatever they might be. Next to it, write down how you feel and what sensations you are experiencing. Also, note how activating your day might have been so far.

Over time, you can see which intuitive nudges were spot on, and you will most likely notice that on the days you feel activated and stressed, the nudges are more fear-based and less accurate than on the days when you feel connected and calm. 

Building awareness and trust in our intuition can be such a game-changer.

In how we navigate our lives and present ourselves in our professional endeavors.

How operating from overflow creates business and life satisfaction

It’s giving from our overflow versus the lack thereof.

When we give from our overflow, we allow everyone else to do the same and create such a powerful ripple effect in the world as it changes how we show up and, therefore, the impact we are having.

A powerful question to ask yourself daily is:

What do I need today to fill up my batteries? 

And then go and do it.

The power of soul alignment: How following your unique design leads to ease in business and life

Soul alignment is a natural consequence of what happens when we address the things I previously mentioned while following our unique design of being. 

When we align with our soul, it can speak to us through the whispers of our body and guide us in living life and doing business with more ease.

I love to work with Human Design within this experience as it can be a powerful resource to explore our strategies and authority of being in alignment. 

Everything is intertwined business and personal. This doesn’t mean we are our business; it just means that there is an ecosystem within our experience with our company. 

Bringing this all back to the beautiful wisdom of nature.

Allowing ourselves to embrace different seasons of life and business aligns the layers of our experiences with our souls so everything can flow.

To your aligned success.

Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, Insight Timer, Spotify and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Corin Hinderegger


Corin Hinderegger, Transformative Coach and Mentor for Conscious Entrepreneurs, Leaders, & Change Makers

Corin Hinderegger is a trusted guide for conscious entrepreneurs, CEOs, coaches, healers, and change-makers, helping them align with their most authentic, thriving selves. With over 20 years of knowledge and experience, Corin leverages an extensive range of certifications to provide deep, transformative support. As a popular teacher on Insight Timer and host of The Embodied Thriving Self™ Podcast, she uses her intuitive gift to pinpoint what’s missing, empowering clients to break through limiting beliefs, rewire their experiences, and embody their most aligned and thriving selves—creating success and abundance on their terms.

Having personally overcome mental and physical burnout, Corin deeply understands the journey to wholeness. Her holistic body-mind-soul approach equips clients to trust their intuition, align with their purpose, and become their own medicine—ultimately creating lasting impact, health, and wealth.



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