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Does Your Coaching Business Have These 4 Key Elements For Success?

Written by: Karen Cappello, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


You are a coach. You love what you do. Your business is established. And you have substantial goals. You want to make an impact and you want to grow your business – without the hustle or hard work.

Speaker talking in seminar with many of audiences for business meeting for key of success.

Maybe you think your strategy for success is spot on, yet you aren’t seeing the results you would like.

What gives? At times, it may even feel like you’ve hit a plateau on your success path. It's possible what has produced results in your coaching business in the past isn’t working anymore. Let's stop guessing what actions might be the most effective to get you to your goals. Instead, I have 4 key elements that will provide you with the clarity to bring you closer to the success you deserve.

You must decide on:

  1. Your Ideal Client

  2. Their Urgent Challenge

  3. Their Desired Result

  4. Your Irresistible Offer

And of course, the overarching umbrella of all of these is your own authentic essence energy. When strategy meets energy, success with ease and joy follows!

1. Your Ideal Client

Do you know who your ideal client is? Can you describe them? In order to have a successful coaching business, you must be able to identify your ideal client and market to them.

Here’s a tip to make that easier: Your ideal client is you at an earlier stage. Or you could even look at your ideal client as a current favorite client. You can factually identify this person. Create a written description of them with these criteria in mind. What are the qualities and qualifications of this person? Be as SPECIFIC as you can when you write them down.

2. Your Ideal Client’s Urgent Challenge

There’s a reason your ideal client needs you as a coach. Do you know that reason? Think of an urgent challenge you can help them solve. Here are some examples:

  • Your challenge before your transformation

  • Industry experiences you’ve had overcoming challenges

  • What keeps them up at night

Identifying their urgent challenge will help you speak directly to them and – yes – it also creates space to help solve this challenge!

3. Your Ideal Client’s Desired Result

Your ideal client wants results. The desired result may be tangible ROI (time saved, money saved, or money to be earned). It’s also possible they are seeking an intangible result. Identify what your client wants, and you’ll be ready to create an offer they can’t refuse.

4. Your Irresistible Offer

Sometimes, even though coaches have an idea of their ideal client, the ideal client’s challenge, and desired results, it’s the offer that keeps their coaching business from massive success.

First and foremost, your ideal client has to want to invest in your offer. It’s equally important that you provide options for investment. Here are some questions to ask yourself about your offer:

  • Is your offer irresistible to your ideal client? Will they invest?

  • Is their challenge something they are really, really concerned about now?

  • Is their desired result something they really, really want?

  • Is this something that you are happy about delivering that is priced correctly for your business model?

  • Will this offer help you meet your goals?

You'll save so much time when you know EXACTLY what is driving the success you desire in your coaching business.

Final Thoughts

I‘ve had the honor of working with so many talented business coaches just like you who want to unleash their coaching success. They’re tired of the guesswork and the misses. They just want the offers, the clients, the revenue, and the lifestyle. And to take their business to the next level with ease and joy!

Now here’s the thing. There’s only so much I can share in one article. I’d like to give you the full blueprint for success. If you’re interested in learning more about how to soar your business to see five-figure months and six-figure years... Let’s chat. I’m here to support you in reaching unprecedented revenue numbers this quarter. Until then, thank you for being a coach and supporting leaders to achieve levels of success that they had never thought possible. You deserve support to do the same!

Follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Karen Cappello, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Karen Cappello, MCC, BCC, is a business and executive coach, communication specialist, motivational speaker and coach trainer. She collaborates with leaders and executive coaches to promote highly beneficial business outcomes. With over 30 years of experience and expertise in business management, financial planning, and higher education, Karen has brought a broad-based background to her coaching clientele.

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