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Does Menopause Cause Weight Gain?

Anna Pelzer is a Vegan Menopause Coach and Registered Health & Nutrition Counsellor helping women balance their hormones, lose weight, and feel amazing during their transition to menopause. She is also the host of the Vegan Menopause Podcast.

Executive Contributor Anna Pelzer

Have you noticed that it’s more difficult to zip up your pants since menopause started? Or maybe your clothes that used to be too big are now too small? If so, you’re not alone – weight gain during menopause is an extremely common complaint.

woman looking at her body weight in a weighing scale

Why did I gain weight during menopause?

Our hormones regulate how the body uses energy and nutrients, and where in the body the fat is distributed, such as the torso versus the lower body. Menopause may be the first time you start seeing excess weight around your belly, whereas it might have always gone to your legs before. This may be associated with a decrease in estrogen.

Hormones and genetics affect where we store weight, but the weight gain itself is most likely due to getting less movement as we get older. The weight may have been slowly creeping up over the years. 

Perimenopause increases inflammation and the feeling of pain in the muscles, as well as increased joint stiffness. Combine that with added fatigue, and it might feel a lot more difficult to exercise and harder to get motivated now than in previous decades.

Also, we lose muscle and strength as we age. Because muscle utilizes a lot of energy, as we lose muscle, our metabolism slows.

If our eating habits stay the same as in younger years (and hunger can certainly remain the same!), the decrease in movement can lead to a change in body composition towards more fat and less muscle. High estrogen tends to lower the appetite and burn more calories through its actions in the nervous system. So when estrogen drops, the appetite can increase.

Why do hormonal changes make you gain weight?

 A hormone called cortisol, which is a stress hormone, contributes to the storage of body fat in the midsection. 

We also have a hormone called oxytocin, you may have heard of this as the hormone that produces feelings of love, like when you are in a new relationship, or a mother breastfeeding her baby. During menopause, this hormone drops – and lower amounts of oxytocin can cause more cravings.

Why do we lose muscle during menopause?

Estrogen, not only testosterone, helps maintain muscle mass. So when we lose estrogen during and after menopause, we experience a loss of muscle – and the muscles don’t respond as well to protein. However, if you are physically active, you can certainly have more muscle mass than if you were sedentary. You can always keep improving and working on your muscle mass, as well as your bone health and cardiovascular fitness. 

8 tips on how to lose weight during menopause

1. Have a movement strategy

By having a selection of movement activities to choose from, you can have some options that are for example, higher intensity if you have a lot of energy or want to burn off some stress like mountain biking, lower intensity if you are feeling fatigued, like yoga or stretching, something quick if you are strapped for time like having a 15-minute weight training routine, or something really fun if you are feeling like you need a pick me up, like learning a dance choreography – there are lots of simple ones on Youtube.

2. Increase your non-exercise activity

You can also up your non-exercise activity, which increases how much energy your body uses. If you walk or stand more, this adds up throughout the day. Don’t park right next to the store, park a block away and walk. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Non-exercise activity can also include activities like housework or being on your feet cooking.

3. Work on your posture

Another factor that can contribute to more fat around the middle is loss of height.

Intervertebral discs, the discs between the bones of your spine, shrink and compress as you get older. Changes to posture can result in the appearance of a thicker midsection – so one thing you could do is to work on your posture and standing up taller.

4. Be sure to eat enough protein, fiber, and fat

These three nutrients keep you feeling satisfied for longer, stabilize your blood sugar, and contribute to your overall health. Protein is especially important to maintain muscle mass, and our bodies absorb protein less efficiently as we get older. 

5. Manage cravings

It could be that you decide to do some EFT tapping to release the craving. Or perhaps just delaying the craving by 10 minutes by going for a walk or drinking a glass of water (dehydration can also lead to cravings) and seeing if you still want it. In my view, it’s important to allow yourself treats sometimes so you don’t feel like you will never have your favorite foods again – we need to have balance rather than an all-or-nothing attitude. 

6. Eat mindfully

Before and during eating, put all your focus on mindfully enjoying the food. Relax before you eat it, smell it, and savor each bite. Avoid any distractions such as the TV or computer. Instead, put your attention on the enjoyment of this food. You might find that by enjoying your food mindfully, you are satisfied with a lot less of it.

7. Reduce stress

Stress can also contribute to loss of muscle mass, insomnia, fatigue, poor recovery, and a decreased motivation to exercise. Because stress plays such a big role, stress reduction can help. This could be meditation or gentle exercise that doesn’t require as much motivation to get started.

8. Seek help

If you are having difficulty releasing certain habits or negative beliefs, working with a health coach can help with that. Coaching may also help you determine if there is a reason behind why you are having cravings, and help you to take care of your future self and not just your immediate cravings. 

Start your weight loss journey today!

Menopause weight loss may feel frustrating, but you don't have to face it alone. Take the first step towards overcoming menopause weight gain by implementing these strategies in your life. Know that small, consistent steps that align with your goals can add up to huge results. If you're ready to get started, check out my services today! 

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or visit my website for more info!

Read more from Anna Pelzer


Anna Pelzer, Vegan Menopause Coach

Anna Pelzer is a Vegan Menopause Coach, a Registered Health & Nutrition Counsellor and the host of the Vegan Menopause Podcast. She is passionate about helping mid-life women with body image and weight loss during their menopause transition. Grab a copy of her Vegan Menopause 3-Day Meal Plan at


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