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Do You Suffer From Video Vanity?

Written by: Linda Ford, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


The first time I saw myself on video I was horrified! Back in 2009, I had agreed to do a video testimonial for one of my coach friends, and when I saw the replay, I made the decision not to ever go near a video camera.

For most of my life I never had a problem with having my photo taken – in fact, my family and friends always commented how photogenic I was – that is until I hit fifty. Like most women I gained weight and it changed the way I looked and how I viewed myself – and unfortunately, when I gain weight, it shows up mostly on the top half of my body and my face. When you’ve spent most of your life liking the way you look and then it changes, there’s a grieving that happens. it’s a hard thing to take.

And so, I made the decision to stay away from videos when it came to promoting my coaching work. That was the beginning of my hiding out and playing small phase. That’s when I became invisible And it lasted 5 years! And it was the unhappiest time of my life.

This issue of not wanting to put yourself out there on video and post it on social media is such a common problem with female coaches. And it’s easy to see why. I was forever seeing younger female coaches – beautiful women with perfect skin, perfect hair, slim bodies draped in gorgeous clothes, and those perfect American teeth – and it would take wind out of my sails and leave me feeling a lot of shame and embarrassment about myself. How as I ever going to compete? It was easy for them! Maybe you’ve had the same thoughts?

Fast forward six years and I have gone on to produce two coaching programs – and guess what? They’re all video-based! Go figure. So, what happened? Did I lose weight? I’m still working on that one!

I reached a point in my work where I decided that my coaching work was so much more important than my video vanity. I just wasn’t prepared to spend my life hiding out. I had important work to do.

But here’s the good news! There are ways you can improve the way you show up on video with the use of great lighting, wearing the right colors that compliment you, use of makeup, and positioning your camera angle for a more flattering pose. All these tactics will help us look more professional. And we should not be shy about implementing them. I remember seeing Oprah being prepped for her show – and without her make-up and hair done, she also looked tired and old. If she can do it, so can we.

But here’s the truth: You may be blessed with the most perfect face and body – and employ all of these strategies on your videos, but that’s not the reason why people decide to buy your services. I’ve never hired a coach based on her physical appearance.

What attracts people to you will always be your presence, authenticity, and vulnerability – this is what will make you magnetic and stand out. These are an unmistakable and powerful qualities that people are captivated by – it’s the thing that will make you irresistible.

And one other important thing you should know. Most people don’t care how you look (as long as you’re presentable). You’re the only one who is making it an issue. So just think about the impact you could have if you just dropped the video vanity.

If you’re a coach who wants to stand out get noticed – and who doesn’t – and you struggle to put yourself out there, then please grab a FREE copy of my PDF Guide:

The 7 Deadly Sins that Kill Your Confidence – and how to get over them. CLICK HERE FOR YOUR COPY

Here’s to your confident coaching!

Follow Linda on Facebook, Youtube and visit her website for more info! Read more from Linda!


Linda Ford, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Linda Ford is a master coach and author who specializes in helping introverted coaches and solopreneurs who want to have more impact and clients – who want to be seen and heard but who struggle with imposter syndrome, hiding out fear of criticism, and the uncomfortableness of having to put themselves 'out there'.At the heart of Linda’s work is the belief that we have to develop a deep connection with our unique gifts, message and to know our true value. This is the rocket fuel that allows us to be seen and heard and feel the ease of putting ourselves 'out there'. When we do this essential inner work, we awaken our natural confidence, charisma, and power to connect and resonate with others. It surpasses and precedes any marketing strategy. Linda Ford is the co-creator of the online programs, The Confidence Coach – how to have more impact and change the world, and Confidence in a Box: If I’m so smart, then why don’t I feel more confident? Ford is also the co-author of the Kindle best-selling book Women and Confidence: The truth about the lies we tell ourselves.

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