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Do You Need A Spiritual Detox?

Miss Kelly is a global female spiritual leader who has become a trusted person in the spiritual Industry for any soul help that one may seek. She offers psychic readings, spiritual healings, mentoring or teachings.

Executive Contributor Miss Kelly

In today's hectic fast paced life we sometimes neglect ourselves by not cleansing our energy fields, which then has us feeling overwhelmed, tired and sluggish.

Shot of a young woman burning a palo santo stick while sitting on a yoga mat at home

After a hectic day and a bombardment of thoughts along with other people's energy that you have picked up throughout your day is sticking to our energy field like glue and needs to be cleansed.

What is a spiritual detox

Spiritual detox is the process of cleansing and purifying your body, mind, and soul from anything negative, removing negative energy or toxic thoughts and anything that feels heavy and energetically low, making you feel blah!

The process of a spiritual detox involves practices to release stress and negative energy, and then you can cultivate inner peace and renew your connection to yourself so your spirit can be rejuvenated.

What makes a spiritual detox important

  • Mental clarity: clearing away the fog and all that mind chatter that goes on inside of your head, so you can think clearly.

  • Energy: clearing the heavy energy that you're carrying around with you, making everything lighter.

  • Emotional healing: letting go of any past wounds allows your spirit to be happy and gives you a sense of emotional well-being again.

  • Inner peace: reducing stress and anxiety will allow you to cultivate inner peace.


How to spiritual detox

Mediation is a great way to clear the mind and do some journal work to write down your thoughts.

Use the elements to clear your energy, go out in mother nature and shower under a waterfall or take a dip in the ocean, walk in the rain, sit in the park with your back against a tree, or go for a bush walk or simply lay on some grass and connect to the earth.

Do a gratitude challenge as that will bring you back to your heart space, each day write 5 things down that you are grateful for, this helps you break the negative thought patterns.

Seek a qualified spiritual healer and get your energy recalibrated with someone who you are magnetically drawn to, choose with your intuition as you don’t want just anybody entering your auric field.

Take a salt bath and light some incense and candles, or use some of your favourite essential oils and pamper yourself with a DIY day spa.

Positive affirmation cards and angel cards can be a great way to have a positive mindset first thing in the morning.

So many things you can do but the key is just to be consistent and do what works for you, a spiritual detox is such a powerful way to cleanse yourself, and just like the house or car we need to be cleansed and energetically maintained regularly.

As an expert in the spiritual field and working as a psychic and healer I am working with energy all day long, after clearing people's energy fields I also use the self-help tips above that I have shared, as I know spiritual detoxing is paramount in my daily practice to keep my energy field clean.


If you need to make a booking from a professional please go to my website.

I can do this spiritual clearing in person or online.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Miss Kelly


Miss Kelly, Psychic Medium Healer and Teacher

Miss Kelly has dedicated her life to uplift humanity and be a spirit guide for others to guide the way. Her services can be used if one may feel lost or perhaps just at crossroads in life or if one has found themselves in a deep dark place Miss Kelly will shine her light and guide the way.

She is a very passionate skilled healer with many healing modalities under her belt along with her psychic abilities and life coaching skills and personal wisdom she's transforming lives.



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