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Do You Have An Employee Or Entrepreneur Mindset?

Written by: Brad Bizjack, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or an aspiring one, knowing if you have an employee or entrepreneur mindset can provide critical insights into the likelihood of your success. Spoiler alert: those with an employee mindset will face more obstacles and are less likely to reach the success they desire, as you'll discover below.

Not sure which way you lean? Below are three ways to identify what mindset you live in currently. As you go through the list, rate yourself honestly as to what mindset you favor.

1. How do you view successful people?

Employee Mindset: Regarding success and those who have it, you can't help but feel guarded and threatened. Why? Because you view success to be in limited quantity e.g., there's only one promotion up for grabs and you must compete for it.

Entrepreneur Mindset: You view other people's success as an inspiration and use it to fuel your fire. You view success as an abundant opportunity and know that everyone can win. Including yourself.

2. Do you focus on one project at a time or multitask?

Employee Mindset: You take multitasking to a new level, task switching with one goal in mind: get work done so you can go home. Unfortunately, multitaskers often feel like they can never get ahead. Once one project is crossed off your to-do list, three more projects crop up. The endless cycle drains you of energy, and your constant contact switching often means you don't deliver your all to what you're working on.

Entrepreneur Mindset: When it comes to your work, you like to focus on one thing at a time. By giving 100% of your intention and focus to a single project, you know the product you're producing will be successful.

3. Do you DIY or delegate?

Employee Mindset: DIY is your forte, and why not? You're being paid to do a job or service, which implies you'll be doing it yourself, if not in a team setting. Taking responsibility for the work required of you is nothing short of commendable. However, it won't get you to the success you seek any time soon because your time and experience are based on someone else's classification.

Entrepreneur Mindset: You value your time differently, which often makes delegation the smartest option for your success. Delegating work off your plate ensures that you can stay fully focused on your field of excellence and produce stellar results. To note, at the beginning of your entrepreneurial journey you may not have the funds to delegate. Nevertheless, the sooner you can make this investment in your time and self, the quicker you'll reach the next level of your success story.

What way does your mindset lean? Are you already thinking like an entrepreneur and want to push yourself to the next level? Or is an employee mindset holding you back from unleashing your true potential?

No matter the outcome, my 60-second quiz can help you break through to faster success. Once completed, you'll also receive a free PDF download filled to the brim with details on what other obstacles or limiting beliefs might be holding you back and how to utilize your strengths to conquer them.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Brad Bizjack, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Brad Bizjack is a personal development expert, mindset strategist, coach, inspirational speaker, and podcast host with over 9 years of coaching experience. He's coached over 10,000 people in the area of personal development and human potential. His mission is to help people maximize their life, master their mindsets, and elevate their relationships and career to the next level and beyond! Brad is happily married to his beautiful wife, Janiece. They reside in the Lakeview neighborhood of Chicago and have a little girl named Lillian and a dog named Oliver.

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