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Do You Give Up Often? Read To Know How To Build A Habit

Written by: Nilima Amit, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Blissful life is everyone’s dream. Everyone is aware of the habits or lifestyle one needs to have a blissful life. A few habits are a part of our lifestyle, but there are a few that we need to inculcate in our life.

For example:

1. A few people always eat healthy food, and it comes naturally to them to exercise and stay fit, but for a few, it’s a task eating healthy and exercising.

2. For some, meditation comes naturally, and for a few, it isn’t easy to sit in one place with closed eyes.

3. Gratitude is ingrained in a few people’s lives, and for a few, it’s tough to be grateful when life is difficult.

The most common reasons why it’s so difficult to stick to a habit that does not come naturally to us are as below:

1. We expect to see results almost immediately

2. We set unrealistic goals

3. We try to implement the new habit in each area, which leads to us being overwhelmed and, in turn, quitting it.

How can we overcome the above hurdles and inculcate the habits that we want and make them our lifestyle?

1. Start with small goals

2. Do with no expectations of results

3. Choose one area of life and apply only in that area for sometime

Example how we can inculcate this:

1. Suppose we want to eat healthy and exercise. If eating healthy is difficult and leaves your craving for food most of the time, replace one meal with healthy options until you become comfortable and enjoy it. Exercising for an hour or more is tough, then start with lesser time and then increase once you become comfortable for a month or more.

2. Meditation is an area most of us struggle. When I decided I want to meditate daily first thing in the morning when I wake up more than a decade back, I knew getting up an hour early or spending one hour meditating would be difficult. I started waking only 15 minutes early and just sitting at one place for 15 minutes with my eyes closed. I didn’t expect to become thoughtless or become calmer. I just showed up daily for months and gradually increased my time. As time passed, I enjoyed it, and I started to see its benefits.

3. It’s easy to be grateful when we receive what we expect, but it’s the other way when we don’t receive what we expect. Try being grateful for things that are trivial or that you have taken for granted. Identify an area that needs to become better and look for what’s good in it and be grateful for them. Slowly and steadily, as time passes, you will find yourself appreciating everything around you.

Baby steps are the key to build a habit and make it a lifestyle forever. It can be challenging but not impossible to achieve if we set smaller goals to lead to our final goal. Remember, habits are not formed overnight. It takes persistence, sincere and regular efforts to form them.

You are an architect of your life, make it BLISSFUL!

For more information, follow me on Facebook, Instagram and visit my website!


Nilima Amit, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Nilima Amit is a Bestseller Author, Holistic Life Coach, and Reiki Healer. Her life is a beautiful and interesting journey from having an opportunity to be born to Osho follower parents to self-discovering her own Calling. This journey transmuted in the formation of her company, One Life Many Jouneys™. Coincidentally her bestseller book is also with the same name. The mission of One Life Many Journeys™ is to spread the light and guide souls in their quest in emotional and spiritual quest. Her book, handcrafted workshops, and Reiki infused products like affirmation box, wish box, Money, and Relationship box are created to help in the same.

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