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Do Women Need Strong Men Anymore?

Written by: Sasha and Daniel, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


On the surface, it doesn't seem that way. Women are highly capable and do not need strong men to survive. But do they thrive without a strong man in their lives? Here we discuss what it is to be a strong man, why women need them and how strong men are sometimes confused as weak and toxic men.

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The many waves of the feminist movement have helped level the playing field, and rightly so, for men and women. However, whether it's equal, fair and balanced is a topic for another conversation.

Women are intelligent, strong, and capable of forging their careers and earning their own money; women no longer need men to survive financially. They can stand on their own two feet and do it successfully. Women have become achieved leaders and are thriving in previously male-dominated fields.

More women than ever are choosing to become mothers without having a male partner. Thanks to the scientific discovery of IVF, men are not needed, in the traditional sense, for reproduction anymore.

Unfortunately, there is a downside. Women have had to become more masculine to succeed in this male-dominated world. Women shut down their emotions, intuition and instincts to operate like men. Women react to messaging suggesting the only way to succeed is to hustle, push and use force to achieve.

With women becoming stronger and more masculine many men, as a result, have become emasculated and passive in their relationships, leading to the rise of the sensitive new-age guy who is more feminine, gentler and more passive-aggressive than men have been previously. As polarity and imbalances of the feminine and masculine in the world occur, it naturally affects all aspects of life.

Do men know their place in the world?

A man can't know how he fits in this world if he is uncertain of his role as a man. Men need to know they are valid, have worth, are appreciated, and contribute to the world.

What is required to be a man for a woman when he is confused with the mixed societal messages? For example, women are taught to be independent and stand on their own two feet, so how does a man know how to be there for her emotionally? To lead and be decisive in a relationship, a man can be labelled as controlling. Yet the truth, many women are yearning for men to step up and take the lead so she doesn't always have to.

When a strong man is there for a woman, she helps him reveal his potential and be solid and certain in who he is. Adored, appreciated and desired, she becomes the air under his wings. She builds him up to be even stronger and contributes to his and society's betterment.

What is a strong man?

He is devoted, centred, and present with grounded energy. He provides safety, protection, and consistency. Mission-driven, he has a clear purpose, intention and direction. He is decisive and confident and takes the lead. A strong man leads with openness, integrity, compassion and concern for others. He is courageous, fierce, and brave and faces his fears. Rawness, passion and creativity give him great depth.

He holds love in his heart and is open with his feelings, leading to deeper intimacy and connection. He is thoughtful and caring and embraces vulnerability. His grounded energy and certainty within himself create a safe emotional space for the woman. A woman doesn't have to carry a strong man's emotions, and he allows freedom for hers.

Why do women reject strong men?

Some women will push against strong men and their existence because of their wounding by weak men during childhood experiences or while growing up. Feeling unsafe and unsupported by a weak male figure, many women have not had the experience of a genuinely strong man. Somewhere along the way, masculine strength has been labelled as toxicity. When a woman rejects her femininity and lives more in her masculinity, she is unable to allow in a strong man and thus rejects him instead.

Why do women need strong men?

A strong man, in his groundedness and certainty, offers emotional, physical and spiritual safety to a woman. A woman needs to feel safe emotionally to thrive as her true self. Feeling desired with deep intimacy and polarity between them restores the natural flow of the universe. A woman can breathe again when she doesn't need to be everything to everyone else because a strong man will allow her to shine. We learned from Joseph Campbell that she wouldn't need to reduce her effulgence to match a man less evolved than herself.

What does it mean for a woman to have a strong man in her life?

A strong man allows a woman to relax into herself and her femininity. He is her emotional safety and comfort, and he sees her; he listens, respects and adores her. She feels closeness, opens her heart fully and allows her intuition and instincts to thrive. She becomes his greatest confidant and wise sage, valued, needed and appreciated for her brilliance.

She drops her masculine shield, which allows her to stop overdoing and being everything to everyone and nothing to herself. Instead, she accepts help, learns her limits and says no when she has a strong man by her side who supports her to be the full expression of herself.

Answering the question

Of course, women can survive without strong men, but for women to thrive, she needs a strong man. Strong men are necessary in this world, in relationships, workplaces and families, just as the world needs feminine women.

Neither a strong man nor a feminine woman takes away from the other; they raise each other in love, adoration and support of each person, being the most full and best version of themselves. God/Source created the masculine and feminine for a reason, and we all need it for order, balance and clarity.

If you want more polarity and balance in your relationship, download our 14 Guiding Principles on our website.

See our previous article here.

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Sasha and Daniel, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Sasha and Daniel specialise in relationships, human behaviour and experiential healing. Their collective 14 years as coaches taught them that patterns from previous relationships and upbringing could adversely affect their connection, even knowing they were soul mates. So from day one, they consciously designed their relationship by creating 14 principles to guide their behaviours and focus.

Sasha and Daniel aim to heal the world with their love by showing couples how to turn towards each other again for fulfilment, intimacy and connection.

Sasha and Daniel offer exclusive 1:1 coaching and retreats for couples that are at 80% and want that extra 20%. They teach simple, actionable principles for partners who love each other but have lost their way.

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