Written by: David Corsini, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Everything we do has a purpose to it. So why do some of us feel unfulfilled? Because we haven’t gotten to a deeper level of purpose.

Did you know there are levels to purpose? You can think of purpose as why we do what we do. The more superficial the why, the less important it is to us. The deeper the why, the more important it is to us (and fulfilling). I believe everyone is living with a purpose, but only a tiny fraction are living their soul’s purpose.
Let me explain – maybe right now you’re thinking, “David, how can I be living with a purpose if I’m trying to find my purpose?” Well, it’s simple, right now your purpose is to find a deeper purpose. Maybe you’re struggling in life, right now, and thinking just about paying the bills and getting by. Well, sounds like your purpose right now is to survive. On the contrary, you could have just sold your business and are enjoying yourself traveling the world, feeling free. Sounds like your purpose is to have fun and experience the world!
The fact of the matter is we are always doing things with a purpose, we just don’t think about it. And here is the secret: whatever your purpose is, you will focus on and create. That is why people that “get by” do just that. Get by! You can’t thrive when you are just focused on surviving. It’s also good to know that you can change the reason why you are living or doing anything at any point. Usually, we subconsciously make these choices when the pain of what we are doing is too great for us to handle or our desire for something better starts to burn with passion (aka a burning desire).
One of the things I work on with my clients is getting to deeper reasons for living, usually to their soul’s purpose. If you look at the top companies in the world ie Amazon, & Tesla; what is one thing they all have in common? A deeper vision. Tesla produced a tiny fraction of the top auto companies and ended up being valued as the top auto company. Why? Because people bought into their vision over their competitors who merely wanted to sell cars. Amazon wasn’t profitable for its first 9 years (7 as a publicly traded company) and yet still increased its valuation on the stock exchange and raised enough capital to keep going. How? Because investors bought into the company’s vision. Those companies’ visions are their purpose and their purpose is a deep one.
The deeper you go, the more powerful your purpose is. The more powerful your purpose, the more passionate and fulfilled you’ll be. So here are 3 ways to go deeper:
1. Ask yourself why you are doing what you are doing.
Let’s just keep it to your career. Ask yourself, “What is important to you about becoming successful?” Then, ask yourself, “Why is it important for you to (your answer)?” And go through that 5 more times using the answer from the previous question. This is called 7 levels deep. If you’re serious about gaining more clarity, then stop what you’re doing and do this exercise. What happens is you will get a lot clearer on what’s truly important to you and with that, you will feel a deeper desire and passion awaken inside of you. You will now have a deeper purpose for your career. Click here for the pdf of this exercise.
2. Think about your values in your career.
Like what’s important to you and what gets you motivated in your career. Usually, if you find your values, you can go deeper and ask yourself why you value those things and what they mean to you. For example, 2 people can both value freedom, but it could mean something different for both. For one it could mean being able to work remotely and live wherever they want in the world. For the other, it could mean building financial freedom so they have the ability to choose to work or not. They both value freedom, but it means two different things to them.
3. Our soul’s purpose usually involves how we evolve as humans and help others.
For example, my purpose in life is to demonstrate that human potential is limitless by helping others unleash their potential with long-lasting and self-sustaining transformations. I also realize that I must keep unleashing more of my potential to help others unleash more of theirs. Hence the name “The Potentialist.” So my soul’s purpose is both pushing me to always evolve as a human and to help others. Look at how you like to grow and how you like to help others, then you will notice a deeper purpose that you have!
It took me a long time (years!) to be able to deliver my purpose in a concise statement, but let me tell you, it was worth it. I went through a lot of pain and suffering to get here and that is why I help others get here a lot faster. It’s so much more rewarding and fulfilling on the other side. And whether you already did the exercises or will do them right after you finish this article, I bet you are excited at the opportunity to get clearer. I believe the best “in-spiration” comes from “with-in”. Because if you don’t go within, you will go without… Without fulfillment, happiness, joy, and freedom.
So thank you for reading this and doing the exercises. My purpose is to help you and there’s no coincidence that you’re reading this here and now, is there?
7 levels deep exercise: click here.

David Corsini, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
After years of struggling to find his identity, David decided to go on a journey. With one question in mind, “Who am I supposed to be?” finally led him to his purpose. David Corsini is now a certified trainer & coach of Neuro Linguistic Programming, public speaker, father, and business strategist. He is committed to unlocking the human code and teaching others how to access their genius.