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Ditch Your Self Image And Uncover Your True Essence

Written by: Victoria Hart, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Only when you ditch your false self-image can you uncover your true essence and start living the life you dream of. Because until you align with who you’ll need to be to live that new experience, you won’t belong in your new life.

young woman removing plain white mask from her face

Nicola was feeling stuck and frustrated and lacked inspiration on how to move forward. She had worked in her field for many years and, despite feeling that it was time to move out of her niche, she was worried she had become institutionalised with limited options. Fear of the unknown kept her playing it safe, staying in a familiar yet no longer fulfilling role. Having read about my unique coaching approach, she chose to work with me because she knew I could help her gain clarity on her next.

Together we created a vision, connecting her more deeply to the life she desired to experience. She got clear on her values and opened to a great vision of the type of life she wanted to live, whilst shining a light on some of the hidden blocks she needed to overcome to create this new life.

It was at this point she was tested. A new job opportunity came up. One that she would likely get offered. Would she choose safe and familiar, or step into the unknown to create something new?

Yes, she was afraid that she might fail, that maybe she had bitten off more than she could chew, and that her financial stability may be threatened. Yet, she now understood that to live a purposeful life, she must choose to live on purpose.

By consciously choosing to make decisions based on what mattered to her, an invisible door of opportunity opened for new people and experiences to enter into her life that are in betteralignment with the revised version of herself, therefore enabling her to detach more from the old self-image that was keepingher stuck.

Through our work together, Nicola learned how to turn a perceived problem into a possibility for growth and potential. Ready for a new start, she now has more clarity and hope for the future!

Are you looking for guidance and support to start creating your new life story? Learn more by downloading our ‘3 Ways to Improve Your Self-Concept' – click here to get it!

Visit my website for more info!


Victoria Hart, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Victoria Hart, is a Visionary Soul Coach, Energy Healer and New Earth Leader. She has been exploring the metaphysical and mystical world for as long as she can remember and has studied with some great Masters in cutting edge and revolutionary therapies, inviting exponential breakthrough results. Victoria has an innate ability to get to the heart of the matter and brings wisdom, inspiration and humility to empower people to break the looping cycles of programmed reality and consciously create a new life story. Her mission is to create balance and harmony between humanity and nature by realising her true potential and power and teaching others to do the same.

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