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Ditch The Drink – A Smarter Way To Dreamland Than The Viral Sleepy Girl Mocktail

Written by: Tana J Cohen, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Tana J Cohen

We all adore a quick fix, don't we? A straightforward tip that gets our tart cherry juices flowing, making us feel like everything is finally about to get easier.

sleepy cat

Imagine if all our answers were found in a vibrant red concoction that lulled us into sleep, only to wake up as the boss babes of our dreams. The kind whose hair perfectly cascades and wafts as we stride, resembling a 6ft tall vision who was a supermodel in another life.

But what if I told you the real key to unlocking your potential lies in something far more juicy and reliable than the latest beverage craze?

Now, you might find this laughable. When you try to concentrate, it's futile, and when you attempt to unwind, your thoughts scurry about like a horde of over-sugared 5-year-olds.

Yet, there's one strategy I've discovered that ensures a restful night's sleep, regardless of my former battles with anxiety and ADHD. And guess what?

You're about to be in on it too.

When you're nestled in bed, struggling to drift off, you're likely oblivious to the real spectacle unfolding. Your mind is awash with thoughts like, "I can't sleep, I need to sleep, I have so much to do, did I forget XYZ?"

It's hardly surprising that you might reach for some trendy mocktail to survive the night.

What you might not realise, though, is the softness of the pillow cradling your face, the substantial weight of your body when you tune into it, or the cosy warmth enveloping you under the covers. You're missing out on noticing the safety of your home, the protection it offers, and the reason you chose your sheets for their delightful, fresh sensation against your skin.

Shifting your focus to what feels soothing and comfortable soothes your nervous system as a result, setting the sleepy stage for rest and replenishment.

Remember that catwalk sensation I alluded to earlier? In my experience, there's nothing quite as empowering as realising you possess all the necessary tools within. As you discover the extent to which you can steer your focus, and thereby alter your state, you become the gentle master of your own show. That's truly a boss move, don’t you think?

And if the idea of some cherry-infused fizz still entices you as a pre-sleep ritual, by all means, indulge!

But never underestimate the rich, tangy satisfaction that comes from knowing that your true power resides within you.


Oh, and if you're in the mood for a delightful bedtime treat to support this process, swing by my website and snag yourself a Somatic Evening Practice that starts working from day one and lasts until you're decorated with greys & wrinkles, as you embody someone that truly knows what it means to have lived... And, for that matter, slept.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and visit my website for more info!

Tana J Cohen Brainz Magazine

Tana J Cohen, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Tana J Cohen, a Somatic Coach and Embodied Mindfulness Mentor, whose work is informed by her personal experiences with anxiety, burnout, and complex trauma, which have shaped her empathetic and effective approach to helping others. She is passionate about aiding those who strive to make a difference, offering them the tools to navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience. Tana believes in the power of somatic coaching to unlock profound shifts, fostering a sense of safety, self-expression, and empowerment in her clients.

Get your hands on the free Rested Mind Evening Practice' through her website today and nourish yourself to be the change you wish to see, or better yet, wish to be.

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