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Discovering Your Unique Selling Proposition — It’s Within Your Story

Tamra Andress is the CEO & founder of CORE Creatives women's business membership and expert coaching program. She’s the host of the globally ranked Fit in Faith Podcast serving to illuminate, create & activate God-centered women within business-sector to propel Kingdom Impact.

Executive Contributor Tamra Andress

The market is flooded. You feel insignificant and overworked with nothing to show. Your sales funnel less frequented, even though you’re investing more in your ad spend. You’ve lost clients to others, and you can’t nail the social media game.

a car full of colors

The common next steps often leave us stuck in the vicious cycle of creating something new and fresh. Our investment of time, energy, and resources ends up being deposited in places that stifle us from operating in our full zone of genius.

So we continue to adjust copy, learn a new insta-trick, or enhance our website in our quest to create the next new deliverable or blog.

Full stop…

Have you taken a step back to take a full macro lens view on your mission?

Your WHY propels your momentum, but your unique selling proposition (aka USP) propels your success.

We all have one. And you don’t need months and years of identifying or schooling on it to uncover what sets you apart. Our fingerprints, eyes, and the hairs on our head declare this easily…so why not step into that differentiating factor more freely?

Your business, similarly, has its own identity. And with you as the driving force, regardless if you’re the face or name of the company, you exist within the heartbeat of its purpose.

This is your competitive edge. No one else can tap into this superpower.

So, how do you declare your unique selling proposition?

As a coach, this has become one of my favorite sessions with my clients.

Let’s dissect your pain and passion points. What gets your blood boiling, and what soothes your soul? These two lists often have some incredible connectivity points based on your personal testimony. You’ll be able to connect dots from one side to the other, sharing on that connected path how you transitioned your pain into passion.

Examples always showcase the meaning best.

Perhaps your pain point was feeling insignificant or unworthy due to your childhood obesity, and your passion point is raw vegan cooking. Your connected dot was learning to take ownership of your health by learning to cook and letting go of bad habits and negative mindsets. From this one layer, of the many you will see emerge, you can easily design an entire mission statement, business concept and name, ideal avatar, and signature program. This experience, which only you have had in this specific way, also meets an audience…an audience you’ve yet to tap into based on the depth of your unique story.

In fact, what’s even more freeing to know is that people are actually waiting for you to put this into motion! And without your activation, they too remain stuck.

Think about it. You’ve been dissecting these two opposites for years, often decades. You’ve researched, you’ve tested, you’ve trained, you’ve even failed forward and learned something new. You are the expert because you’ve lived it.

This is your unique selling proposition.

So now, instead of operating out of the place of building a business day in and day out, you operate out of your purpose, utilizing your USP to connect, communicate, cultivate and curate every part of what you do. You now operate out of a place of servant leadership providing value, resources, support, and love to those within your community.

The deepest layer to this understanding is knowing the truth behind our competitive edge and USP. With this knowledge, we can freely exist in this place without the limiting beliefs of our worth, capability, or access holding us back.

1 Peter 4:10 says that we each have a unique gift from the great reserve of spiritual gifts that flow from our Father, and He wants us to utilize them to serve each other. That, my friends, is a high calling. That means that our specific gifts are intended to serve each other, and service, I believe, is the ultimate root of entrepreneurship.

The more we are in touch with the One who designed us and purposed all things, even the pain for good, the more easily we can activate our actual business best.

Follow Tamra on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit her website for more info!


Tamra Andress is the CEO & founder of CORE Creatives Chrisitan women's business membership and expert coaching program. She guided start-up women-owned companies to $350k in revenue during Covid 2020. She’s the host of the top 2.5% globally ranked Fit in Faith Podcast serving to illuminate, create & activate God-centered women within the faith and business-sector to propel Kingdom impact. She was additionally featured as the TOP 500 Global Influencer list by Brainz Magazine, alongside Gary Vaynerchuk and Mel Robbins. She’s a wife and mama of 2 as well as a certified ordained minister, international retreat host and author. She’s a born and raised beach babe, lifetime fitness lover and travel junkie, living life one God wink to the next!

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