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Discovering Self-Acceptance Through Taming The Inner Critic – Exclusive Interview With Lisa Hansen

Lisa Hansen’s passion is empowering women to live confidently, intuitively, and authentically. She helps them shed self-limiting beliefs, overcome their inner critic, and reclaim the intuitive, wise voice that only comes from within.


She is the go-to guide for navigating life after a spiritual awakening. Drawing from her own personal journey and experience as a Certified Life & Mindset Coach, Meditation Guide, and Spiritual Teacher, she shows her clients how to become aware of the root causes of their struggles, transform their subconscious patterns, and feel empowered to go after the life they truly want to live.

Image photo of Lisa Hansen

Lisa Hansen, Mindset and Life Coach

Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life so we can get to know you better.


I am so happy and honored to be here. Thank you! I am 55 years old and live with my daughter in this cute country town in the US. I have been a single mom for most of her life, and it’s been the most transformational spiritual journey of my life. People often refer to us as the Gilmore Girls, and it’s so cute. We have two incredibly loving dogs, a rescue named Phoebe and a Golden Retriever named Isla. My daughter is looking at colleges right now, and that is a hectic, fun, and amazing adventure. She is ready to fly, and I am the lucky one to have witnessed what she chooses to do with her life.

I have always had that entrepreneurial spirit. I was just born with it. I remember looking back at playdates, and I always had to be the teacher, the leader, and the boss! And yes, I was quite bossy back then! This innate spirit has stayed with me my entire life and has served me well. At age 29, I quit the corporate ladder route and started to explore my own path and my possibilities. This coincides with embarking on a spiritual path, finding my own authentic voice, following my intuition, and leading from the heart instead of the ego. Wow, I never put the two together until now. But yes, my thirst for paving my own way went hand in hand with my spiritual awakening. If something doesn't align with who I am authentically, then I won’t do it.


Tell us about your journey and what led you to become a Life and Mindset Coach. Was there a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today?


When I was a Holistic Health Practitioner for 16 years, I found people just felt safe around me. I tend to be quite grounded and present, so I believe that is what helped my clients feel comfortable and open up. I was naturally coaching people without realizing I was. People started calling me The Wise Woman. Even back then, I knew the wisdom wasn't coming from me. All I knew was I was present enough for the wisdom to come through me. To this day, sometimes words pop out of my mouth, and I’m even in awe!


Then, when I built a large team for over 14 years for my direct sales company, I found myself mentoring the independent business owners on my team rather than doing the sales part. It was just more of a natural fit, but it also created productive results. Somewhere along the way, that pivotal moment showed up. I had never even heard of a Life Coach back then, but as the way life always seems to go, a friend introduced me to a podcast from a respected Life Coach, and within moments, I knew I wanted to become certified. The universe simply showed up and said, yes, this is the next step on your journey. You know, that unquestionable, deep knowing that arises from within you? I’ve learned to follow that.


By going through the certification program, I quickly learned I still had a lot of work to do on myself. Even though I could mentor others well enough, I was still suffering internally from a lack of self-acceptance and self-love, and my inner critic was creating self-sabotage. This showed up in my life as procrastination, self-doubt, and over-eating. I knew to be able to help others on their healing journey, and I needed to do the work on myself first. I spent that year deconstructing self-limiting beliefs and unhealthy patterns and learning how to tame my inner critical voice. I learned how to re-parent my wounded inner child and allow space for my inner wise, intuitive, and compassionate voice to emerge. This journey of self-discovery truly changed my life. I knew I was ready to live out my true purpose and guide other women on how to embark on their journey to freedom. I truly believe a great coach has done the work on herself.


What inspired you to focus on personal and spiritual development?


Ok, so you are going to really get to know me now. But I feel it’s important to share. I went through a very dark period in my late 20s. I was living on the West Coast and engaged to a man I had been dating for 7 years. When he announced he didn’t want kids, my entire world shook. Broken, fell apart, you know? We ended things, and I moved back home to the East Coast. I lost my way. I was depressed, suicidal, a recovering alcoholic, and a drug addict, and I had no idea how to handle my life. Some people call this the Dark Knight of the Soul period. I had hit rock bottom, and it was scary.


One night, as a self-described atheist, I started praying. Actually, it was more like begging. Just me telling the universe that if something didn't change, I was gonna die. I kid you not: suddenly, my entire bedroom filled with these majestic sparkly lights. I was laughing through my tears and completely awestruck. That moment not only changed my life, it saved my life. For the first time, I believed in a powerful, mysterious source of energy. That beautiful gift was the start of my personal and spiritual journey, and I’ve never looked back.


Who have been your greatest mentors that have inspired your work?


Eckhart Tolle and Byron Katie, for sure, have had the most influence. Gabby Bernstein, Abraham Hicks, Brooke Castillo, Dr. Shefali Tsabary. Many others along the way. And this may sound cliche, but my clients. Every person you meet is your teacher, and I have learned something about myself through every relationship.


Who are the types of clients you most often work with?


I work with women who have the realization of just how exhausted their inner critic is making them feel. Deep down, they know they are meant for more and are aware that self-sabotage is going on, in one form or another. They are so hard on themselves. They beat themselves up over everything. They don't feel like they are enough or that they do enough. Whether it’s in their careers, in relationships, or in parenting, they don’t truly believe in themselves. And since that used to be me, I cannot only relate and have compassion but also show them the way out to heal and transform. On the other side of growth is an empowered, confident, loving, and compassionate inner voice that just needs to be revealed. That’s what I help with.


What kind of transformations or feedback have you witnessed from the clients you work with?


Again, this might sound cliche, but I don’t take any credit for the work my clients do. My job is to hold space and invite women to turn inward to begin to trust their own inner wisdom and guidance. But I am adept at holding that space and asking the right questions to prompt self-inquiry. And I toss in wisdom teachings too, of course! I’ll share with you some of the testimonials I have received over the years to help readers learn a bit more about me.


“Anyone can teach you the tactical strategies you need to know, but Lisa has changed my entire mindset about myself, my life, and my goals. She helped me rewrite old scripts that played on repeat in my head and limited my results. I will forever be grateful she came into my life and changed me so much. I am a different person.” Carol


“If you’re looking for a Life Coach, Lisa is the one! She’s not the kind of coach that is going to tell you to think happy thoughts and you’ll feel better, she’s the kind of coach that is going to show you what you are creating for your own life. Sometimes I wondered if she was a mind reader she seemed to know me and what was going on without me having to say much! The work to change my inner critic was challenging, but so worth it. I now have a compassionate and empowering inner voice who has my back.” Darlene


“Lisa taught me I am enough! exactly the way I am at this very moment as an individual, mother, wife, friend, sister, etc. Whenever self-doubt creeps in, I think of Lisa and it always gives me the strength I need to move forward with my goals positively and confidently.” Julie


“There is no doubt in my mind that Lisa's coaching absolutely changed the course of my life. Her style of coaching doesn't just tell you what to do but gives you the tools to figure it out for yourself. To me that is invaluable. Thank you Lisa for helping me see that I had it in me all along and for never letting me give up on myself!” Rose


As a mentor, what is your vision for empowering individuals who have embarked on their journey of personal growth and spiritual evolution, especially through working with you?


This is the perfect moment for this question! At this point, I am completing my certification in Conscious Parenting. This way of parenting is quite different from Traditional Parenting. A Conscious Parent has the desire to not pass on the dysfunctional patterns of shame, blame, anger, control, and disconnection. They yearn for connection with their children, recognize them as sovereign beings, and want to put an end to generational trauma, big or small. This transformation can only happen when we tend to our own inner childhood wounds and tame the voice of the inner critic. But my work is not the therapy of digging into and wallowing in the past. It’s about cultivating awareness of how our past created patterns that show up in our present and how to break free from them so we can live in the now.

My vision is to empower women to learn how to re-parent themselves through working with me. When we learn how to dissolve the voice of the inner critic, who is creating self-sabotage and doubt, the loving, nurturing inner voice can arise from within and emerge into the present moment. And when we learn how to live our life from that empowering, confident, authentic voice, our entire life is transformed. And we feel a deep sense of peace within.


Who inspires you to be the best that you can be?


Absolutely, my daughter. She has been my greatest teacher, my greatest awakener. She is wise, intuitive, and knows who she is. She has been the driving force behind healing my own generational trauma and negative mindset, which has provided me with the first-hand experience I needed to mentor others how to as well. She inspires me to keep learning and helping others and is a true light in my world.


Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!

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