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Discover Your Soul's True Purpose – Exclusive Interview With Kinga de Wit

Kinga de Wit is a Holistic Transformation Guide, Healer, and Activator, combining over 17 years of experience in the mental health field as a psychologist and psychosomatic therapist with spiritual and intuitive guidance. Founder of The Soul Compass, Kinga guides spiritual seekers, empaths, visionaries, and highly sensitive people (HSPs) through a transformational journey of healing, empowerment, and self-discovery. Her unique approach integrates practical tools with energy healing, Human Design, Akashic Records, and body-based therapy, helping clients turn their pain into power and live in alignment with their soul’s true purpose.


Image photo of Kinga de Wit

Kinga de Wit, Transformational Guide, Soul Embodiment Coach, Catalyst for Change

What inspired you to create The Soul Compass?

When I was a little girl, I already had a deep-rooted sense of having a mission in this life. I wanted to heal the world. I wanted to be the one to remind people that they are never truly alone and that they are loved. From a very young age, it has been my dream to have my own practice as a psychologist. So, all my educational endeavors were focused on accomplishing that dream.

In 2005, I graduated from Leiden University. In 2007, I got my first job as a psychologist. In 2011, I finally made my dream come true by starting my psychology practice, “Wellness in Mind”. This was such a milestone, such an amazing feeling, and the practice was pretty successful. But, it was birthed from an energy of need and fixing a problem. So as my personal journey continued, I grew more and more aware that something was off. That what Wellness in Mind was a symbol of no longer resonated with me. It took me years to come to the point of going in a different direction. One that was more aligned with my core message and desire. The Soul Compass was born in 2016. Initially, it existed next to my other practice, offering “just” spiritual services.

Ever since I longed for integrating all parts of me into one business, letting go of Wellness in Mind has proven to be very difficult, so it still continues to exist and supports former and new clients occasionally. But my main focus has shifted to the Soul Compass.

I remember my grandma teaching me that everything that happens in life has meaning and a reason. That there is no such thing as coincidence. It's also important to be consciously aware of the cause and effect of patterns and draw conclusions from them. These were lessons that have stayed with me. And now, based on my personal experiences with all kinds of life events, I've become convinced of the value and truth of my grandmother's lessons.

I believe that life is our greatest teacher. Our circumstances, our relationship with money, our body, our children. they are all a reflection of what is going on inside of us. And thus, it can only be influenced and changed by going within.

I've experienced this firsthand through my own journey and through conversations with hundreds of clients. After spending years working as a psychologist, I noticed a common theme: no matter what kind of problems and ailments clients came to me with, there was always an underlying theme that was at the core of their issues. They had forgotten who they truly were. They have a negative self-image, problems with their self-worth, they don't believe in themselves, they don't trust their intuition, and they are disconnected from their emotions and desires.

So, this has become my main focus in helping people. Through The Soul Compass I help people reconnect with their authentic selves and heal from within by using their challenges as road signs to realign with who they are meant to be. Obstacles and triggers become opportunities for growth. I combine psychological expertise with practical tools, and spiritual guidance, creating a bridge between practical solutions and intuitive insight, so clients can truly reclaim their power and live wholeheartedly.

I am ever-evolving, and so is my business. I'm curious to find out what the future has in store for us!


Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that led you to where you are today.

One pivotal moment for me was experiencing a miscarriage that completely shook my world. We had been praying for this pregnancy for 3 years. This baby was so welcome. Losing this child was so painful I really thought I wouldn't be able to cope with it and it would break me. Instead, this experience pushed me towards the realm of spirituality and brought me back to my path of consciousness, inner healing, and my spiritual gifts. I had closed myself off from my intuition and paranormal phenomena. They had scared me as a child and I didn't want to have anything to do with them. But, as happens when we suppress parts of ourselves, they were the guiding posts that helped me reconnect with myself. They ultimately helped me evolve my work into something more aligned with my soul’s purpose. It was through this process that I fully embraced intuitive practices and energy healing as tools to not only heal myself but to help others step into their own power as well.


How do you help your clients?

Through The Soul Compass, I help clients navigate life’s challenges and heal from within by using a mix of intuitive guidance and practical tools. My approach is holistic, incorporating energy healing, body-based therapy, trauma-oriented and psychological knowledge, and spiritual practices. My clients often feel stuck, overwhelmed, or disconnected, and I guide them to alchemize their pain into power, remember their inner wisdom, and live in alignment with their purpose. I teach them how to trust their intuition, clear emotional blocks, and create a life that reflects their deepest desires and values.

Basically, I help them remove the blocks to living the life of their dreams.


What common challenges do your clients face, and how do you help them overcome these challenges?

A lot of my clients struggle with feeling stuck in their spiritual journey or being overwhelmed by the demands of life, especially those who are highly sensitive or empathic. They often feel drained, disconnected, or unsure of their next step. Through my sessions, I help them reconnect with their inner guidance, release old patterns and limiting beliefs, create balance, and learn to co-create their life consciously. By combining spiritual guidance and deep somatic healing with psychological tools, we work together to heal their life from within, start carrying out their mission, build a legacy, and create heaven on earth.


What sets The Soul Compass apart from others in the industry?

What makes The Soul Compass unique is the blend of psychological expertise, practical tools, body-based work, and spiritual guidance. I’m not just offering one modality, I draw from years of personal and professional knowledge, expertise, and wisdom. I practice what I preach, and I lead by example. I make sure that people feel seen and heard as I'm someone who's gone through similar ordeals and has the lived, embodied experience and the know-how to help them overcome their blocks and fears. This combination allows my clients to experience both emotional and energetic healing while making practical changes in their lives so they can lead with their souls and create lasting transformation.


What’s your purpose and driving force in your work?

My purpose is to create a better world for ourselves and future generations by helping people remember who they truly are, healing old wounds, and letting their souls be the CEO of their lives. I believe that every challenge we face is an opportunity for growth, and I’m driven by the desire to help people turn those challenges into stepping stones for healing and empowerment. At the heart of my work is the belief that we can all learn to trust our inner guidance, clear the blocks that keep us stuck, and live a life that we truly want and that helps make the world a better place for all.


For readers inspired by this interview, what first steps would you recommend?

The first step I recommend is simply becoming aware of the patterns in your life that feel out of alignment. Take time to reflect on what challenges keep recurring, whether in your relationships, career, or personal life. Once you recognize these patterns, you’re ready to begin healing. I offer a free personal recipe tool on my website to help you identify the blocks in your energy and take your first step toward healing. From there, you can book a clarity call with me to dive deeper into your journey of transformation.


Dear reader, if you’re ready to alchemize your pain, remember your inner power, and live your true purpose, visit here for more information on how we could work together towards your joy, well-being, dream life, and freedom or connect with me for a free clarity call. Let’s begin your journey of soul-aligned transformation!

Follow Kinga on her Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn or visit her website for more info.



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