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Discover The Masterpiece You Are: From Trauma To Triumph – Interview With Nicoleen Flamekeeper

Nicoleen is the Flamekeeper, a holistic healing coach based in beautiful Byron Bay, Australia. Her mission is to help you rekindle your self-confidence and heal trauma by transforming mind, body, and spirit. She believes each soul is a masterpiece of creation just waiting to be uncovered. For 10 years Nicoleen experienced severe chronic illness and was mostly bed bound. On life support, she got meningitis, during which time repressed memories of childhood sexual abuse were released. This was the start of her healing as she came to understand the connection between trauma, trapped emotions, and physical health. She assists in healing trauma from sexual abuse, domestic violence, and narcissistic abuse, which results in low self-worth, alcoholism, addiction, depression, anxiety, and chronic illness. She is a talented clairvoyant artist and channels powerful emotive artworks. 

photo of Nicoleen Flamekeeper

Nicoleen Flamekeeper, Holistic Healing Coach

I know that you have an inspiring personal story of overcoming trauma and death and rebirth. Can you share more about what happened and how that led to your work as a trauma healer and spiritual artist?

I am a trauma survivor and know first hand the impact this has on your life. My home was not a safe and nurturing space. My mother had childhood trauma which she never dealt with and she was not able to be there for me. I suffered a lot of narcissitic abuse and neglect. 

I grew up in a cult from 4-16 and it was a very controlling and isolating environment. When my family left the cult people we had known our entire lives refused to acknowledge us in the street. My mother had a mental breakdown and I tried to outrun the anxiety and depression by traveling overseas. 

I became an alcoholic for 12 years to try to numb the pain and repress my memories. At last, my body couldn’t sustain itself anymore, and when I became pregnant, my immune system collapsed, and I became mostly bed-bound and, at times, in a wheelchair. I remained bedridden for 10 years, in severe pain and battling crippling fatigue and black depression. I was diagnosed with many different things: chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, MS, etc. I became so weak that I struggled to lift a cup of tea and needed two hands to write with a pen.

I was on 42 tablets a day and still dying. On life support, I got meningitis, and the severe brain inflammation released repressed memories of childhood sexual abuse at age 4. This was actually the start of my healing as I began to understand the interconnection between emotions, energy and physical health.

I had a vision of my dead body decomposing under the soil and accepted that I was dying. I think it was my acceptance to feel the pain and to allow myself to die that actually allowed my rebirth. I noticed something strange was happening in the image; there was a light in my stomach pushing my dead body to the surface, and flowers were sprouting from it. I realised the old me was dying but that I was being reborn and I chose to come back to help others heal. 

photo of Nicoleen Flamekeeper

Death and Rebirth’ by Nicoleen Flamekeeper. Purchase original spiritual artwork and ltd edition prints.

What inspires you to keep turning up and helping people to heal?

I am inspired to help people leave behind the layers of trauma and abuse they have experienced so that they can shine as the incredible and unique masterpieces that they are. 

God has given me the gift of being able to clearly see the soul beneath it all. No matter what someone has been through, no matter how little they think of themselves or how low they feel, what they are ashamed of, or what they feel they have done, I want them to know that none of it is who they really are, and they can leave it all behind to create a life they can barely dream of right now. This is what drives me forward each and every day.

Can you tell us a bit about your 1:1 coaching program and how you help people heal from trauma and rebuild their self-confidence?

In my 1:1 coaching program, the Phoenix Program, I help you rekindle the flame of love within. This is a personalised spiritual journey to assist you to heal from trauma and regain your self-confidence so that you can create the fulfilling purposeful life you deserve.

True healing encompasses all that you are as a spiritual, emotional, energetic and physical being and so I work holistically to help you transform. 

You will heal from neglect, rejection and abandonment and fully embrace who you are and deeply nuture yourself so that you can experience loving and supportive relationships with others. By the end of our time together, you will no longer feel unsupported, your needs will go unseen, and you will have greater self-esteem. 

I utilise energy healing, spiritual guidance from the archangels and medical medium protocols to heal ptsd, alcohol addiction, chronic ill health, depression and anxiety. 

It has been my privilege to witness such incredible transformations in so many souls who have gone from being suicidal, battling alcohol addiction, been hospitalised or diagnosed with bipolar or other conditions transform and heal. If you would like to know more you can book a FREE BREAKTHROUGH CALL here.

photo of Nicoleen Flamekeeper

If you could go back and give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?

Don’t let other people dictate who you think you need to be. You are valuable, you are worthy of love, your unique talents and skills are needed in this world and you don’t need to suppress who you really are to try and fit in.

Stay true to you and follow your passion because the things that light you up do so because God has put them in your heart! You are meant to create and inspire others through following your passion, this is how you are meant to serve humanity.

I am a healer yes, but I managed to heal by embracing who I am in it’s fullest. I am first and foremost and Artist that explores a deeper state of consciousness than the everyday to reveal the glory of what lies beneath. I am a shaman with a paintbrush and that is magical thing!

I understand how the experiences I went through have led me back to accepting and loving myself in a way that wasn’t possible before. I needed to experience all the soul-crushing lows and rise like a phoenix from the ashes so that I could find my way out of the darkness in order to be the Flamekeeper, holding light for others to find their way home, too. 

By accepting all of myself, my lows, my failings, my anger, sadness and guilt and loving myself through it all I can now be the most authentic raw me there is. It is my intention to allow this wave of authenticity and self-love to ripple out into the world and touch the hearts of millions, empowering them to love and accept themselves, too, because this is how we heal the world, one heart at a time. 

I know you are an amazing artist, how do you get your ideas for your paintings and are people able to purchase them?

I am inspired by Spirit. In fact, the word ‘inspiration’ actually means ‘in spirit’! I am strongly connected to my psychic senses and receive messages from the Archangels, often in the form of a vision. I usually sketch these images and am then led to paint some of them in my trademark evocative style using acrylic or oil paint. I understand that we all share the same human emotions, pain, grief, longing, and these artworks hold an energy that helps to transmute and heal. If you’re looking for something to bring high vibrational energy into your space please visit my website where you will find original spiritual artworks and ltd edition prints available. I also offer special Soul Portrait commissions which I will explain more about shortly.

photo of Nicoleen Flamekeeper

‘Spiritual Growth’ by Nicoleen Flamekeeper. Purchase original spiritual artwork and ltd edition prints 

Finally, what’s next for Nicoleen Flamekeeper, and what impact do you hope to have in the coming years?

I have a very exciting book that is being published shortly by Dragonfly Press in California and edited by Sophie Gregoire. The book is called “Becoming You: How Women Reclaim their Power”. It is a compilation of 35 powerful personal stories of death and rebirth from around the world. From leaving unhealthy relationships, healing lineages, recovering from chronic debilitating illness and finding their purpose, I know that these raw true life stories will inspire and uplift many. 

I’m so honoured to join these amazing soul led women in sharing their deeply healing stories with the world! Together we rise! This book will be available in hardcopy and electronic format on Amazon and at bookstores soon. 

I also have a brand new offering which I’m excited to share. As a clairvoyant spiritual artist and healer I tap into your unique message from Spirit by reading your energy and channel it as a Soul Portrait. A Soul Portrait is a personal high quality beautiful visionary painting, which holds your unique soul essence, so you can access that energy whenever you want.

If you value your deep connection to your guides and are ready to allow this connection to unfold even more, I can translate the mystical and spiritual into a tangible artwork just for you. 

If you’d like to find out more about how to commission a Soul Portrait of your very own have a look here. I know that these artworks are going to help spiritual leaders hold their highest vibration at a time of great transition and upheaval when the world needs it most, and I am so grateful to be able to serve humanity in this way.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!

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