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Discover The 4 States Of Being In Modern Consciousness®

Stacie Shifflett is the Founder and CEO of Modern Consciousness and a multiple international bestselling author. She has boldly and successfully reinvented herself many times and now guides others through the art of transformation proving that it's never too late to craft a life you truly love living.

Executive Contributor Stacie Shifflett

Have you ever found yourself on autopilot, just going through the motions? You wake up, tackle the to-do list, and end the day feeling like you’ve done everything… and nothing at the same time. It’s frustrating, right? Deep down, you know there’s more to life than this, but you just can’t quite put your finger on what that “more” is.

Photo of Stacie Shifflett Meditating

That’s where Modern Consciousness® comes in. It’s not some far-out theory or mystical concept. It’s a practical framework, a new way of understanding yourself, your patterns, and how you grow and evolve as a human being. It shines a light on where you are, why you feel stuck, and how to move forward with more awareness and intention.

What exactly is modern consciousness®?

My theory of Modern Consciousness® maps out four states of being we all experience as we evolve through life. These states aren’t rigid steps or a straight path. Life is messy; sometimes, you’re thriving in one area and floundering in another (welcome to being human!).

The point of Modern Consciousness® isn’t perfection. Perfection is a myth and unattainable, except maybe a perfect score of 100 on a quiz! This is about life, and it’s about becoming aware of where you are right now. Wouldn’t you rather stop living on autopilot and start making intentional choices that feel aligned with who you are and what you truly want?

That’s what Modern Consciousness® is all about: moving through various states of being as your life evolves. Let me break it down for you.

1. Automaton 2.0™: Living on autopilot

Let’s be honest; most of us spend a good chunk of our lives here. Automaton 2.0™ is when you are, well, running on autopilot. It’s that stage of life where you’re executing a routine, doing what you’ve always done because that’s just how it’s always been. You’re efficient, perhaps, but there’s a problem: life feels empty.

You wake up, work, take care of others, check off the boxes, and repeat. On the surface, it looks fine, but inside, there’s this nagging feeling: is this really it?

Why? Because habits, while helpful, can also keep us stuck. Our brains are wired to automate behaviors to save energy. That’s great for brushing your teeth and driving a car but not so great when you’re stuck in patterns that no longer serve you.

The good news? That feeling of frustration or boredom isn’t a bad thing. It’s your soul whispering, “There’s more for you.”

Just so you know, I call it 2.0 to honor how far we’ve already come in life! You are not the first version of yourself. But guess what? There’s much more you can experience, including sustained joy and internal peace.

2. The awakening soul: Embracing possibility and transformation

While Automaton 2.0™ is where curiosity leads us to seek change, whether the desire for change is sparked by a quiet yearning or by a full-blown life crisis, the Awakening Soul™ is where we step beyond autopilot and begin exploring.

At this point in our lives, we’re seekers, hungry for knowledge, new ideas, and ways of thinking that help us make sense of the gap between where we are and where we want to be. Maybe we pick up a book, attend a seminar, or listen to a podcast that introduces us to concepts we’ve never considered before. These insights give us glimpses of what life could look like if we were to break free from our old patterns. We see others living fulfilled lives. What’s their secret?

But the Awakening Soul™ isn’t just about gathering information, it’s also about testing the waters. We begin to apply what we’re learning in small ways in this aspect of Modern Consciousness®, experimenting with new habits, thought patterns, and perspectives. We might start setting boundaries, exploring mindfulness, or questioning beliefs we once accepted without hesitation as we deepen our understanding of not only ourselves but also the human condition.

These shifts, though subtle at first, spark another kind of momentum, a quest for deeper meaning. As an Awakening Soul™, we begin to feel more connected to our choices and truer to ourselves, even if we’re still figuring things out. The Awakening Soul™ is about embracing the possibility of transformation and taking the first steps toward creating a more intentional and fulfilling life.

3. The illuminated adept™: Integrating growth

While the Awakening Soul™ gets us moving toward intentional change, the Illuminated Adept™ deepens and solidifies it. This stage is where the growth and insights you’ve gained become woven into the fabric of your daily life. The knowledge you’ve gained is no longer something you have to consciously weave into your life; it’s become something you embody. Your new behaviors and thought patterns become automatic, and it feels good!

As an Illuminated Adept™, intentionality becomes second nature. You find yourself responding to challenges with grace rather than reacting with frustration. Those once-difficult habits or thought patterns have been replaced with healthier, more aligned ones, so naturally, in fact, that you find yourself pausing and thinking, “Wow! Did that really just come out of my mouth?” or “I can’t believe I’m so calm in this situation!”

We begin to notice that we’ve changed. And we like it!

This stage is not about reaching perfection or an endpoint. It’s about mastery through practice, continuously evolving while staying grounded and present. You notice profound shifts as an Illuminated Adept™:

  • Your emotional regulation feels stronger. You’re less triggered, and you process your emotions with curiosity, not judgment.

  • Your relationships deepen as you show up more authentically.

  • You find joy not just in “doing” but in being and living life with presence and purpose.

What sets the Illuminated Adept™ apart is the sense of ease that begins to emerge. The struggles you once fought against don’t disappear, but your ability to navigate them transforms. Life’s challenges become opportunities to expand, adapt, and align even further with who you’re becoming.

By this point, growth feels both intentional and natural. You no longer need to force change; it flows from the foundation you’ve built. This phase invites you to trust the process, embrace continuous learning, and recognize that growth isn’t a final destination. It’s a way of being.

4. The transformer™: Turning growth into impact

The Transformer™ is where personal growth starts to ripple outward. This isn’t about becoming someone else; it’s about fully stepping into who you are and letting that transformation impact those around you. It’s about finding your purpose.

Here’s the truth: Purpose isn’t some grand, mystical revelation. It’s not waiting for the clouds to part and deliver you a life mission. Purpose is built on the small, intentional choices you make every single day.

Maybe it’s breaking generational cycles within your family. Maybe it’s running your business with integrity and care for your team. Maybe it’s showing up for your community in ways that lift others up.

Transformers™ know that change starts within, but it never stops there. It flows outward, creating ripples of impact in families, workplaces, and communities.

Why it matters

The beauty of Modern Consciousness® is that it’s practical. It’s not about reaching some final destination; it’s about becoming more aware of where you are so you can choose your next step with intention.

  • Are you stuck in Automaton 2.0™, craving something more?

  • Are you in the Awakening Soul™, exploring what’s possible?

  • Are you integrating growth as an Illuminated Adept™?

  • Or are you stepping into your purpose as a Transformer™?

Wherever you are, it’s okay. Growth is messy. Life isn’t linear. The point is to wake up to your life, stop drifting, and start creating a life that feels aligned, fulfilling, and truly yours.

So, I’ll leave you with this: If you feel that nagging voice inside you saying, “There’s more for me,” listen to it. It’s not a mistake. It’s an invitation.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Stacie Shifflett, Founder & CEO of Modern Consciousness

Stacie Shifflett is an entrepreneur, writer and proficient student of life blessed with the gifts of insight, grit, and optimism. With a tapestry of life experiences that span continents, careers, and countless roles, she's come to understand that our greatest challenges often lead to our most significant growth. Her mission is rooted in a simple yet powerful conviction: that by exploring our inner landscapes and unlocking our inherent potential, we transform not just our own life, but the world around us. She invites you to embrace the incredible resilience of the human spirit and the boundless possibilities that await when we dare to dream and act with intention and purpose.

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