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Discover How Transformational Coaching Can Unlock Your True Potential ‒Interview With Darren Diprose

Transformational Coaching can fundamentally change your life for the better. Read about how my own journey has informed how I work with clients to go beyond the status quo to achieve a life they truly desire!

Highly regarded coach and author with a truly inspirational personal story. I specialise in working with professionals who have a diagnosis of ADHD as well as anyone who aspires to be greater than the limitations they place on themselves.

Darren Diprose, Life Coach

Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better.

Hi, it's a real honor to have the opportunity to be an executive contributor to Brainz magazine. I am one of the UK’s leading Transformational Coaches & Master practitioners of NLP & Hypnosis. I decided to start coaching about 10 years ago after speaking at a public event about how I had lived with ADHD for my whole life. A number of my friends started to encourage me to take up coaching and were telling me that my own story was just so inspirational and they convinced me that I would be an inspiration to others too. I now coach clients from all over the world, including a couple of celebrities. I feel so happy when I have coached a client to achieve their goals and to have been a part of their transformation.

Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today.

I often speak about this one particular experience. I had a pretty tough start in life. I was abandoned at birth, had a childhood of emotional neglect, and following the tragic death of my mother at the age of 16 I was left feeling like I just couldn't cope. I turned to alcohol which then spiraled into using narcotics, anything to fill the pain I felt inside. I gradually descended into a world that I never imagined I would end up in. There was this particular experience that ultimately became the catalyst for me to seek help. A few years back I was sitting in the boardroom of a well-known multinational company waiting to present my strategy to the board. I was early, so I had a few moments free and I started to reflect. I had this realization of where I was and it just hit me. All of a sudden I was taken back, back to a time when I had nowhere to live, I had become homeless and destitute.

One evening a group of men came to kill me, to take my life. There were 4 of them on the other side of my door. I was terrified and paralyzed with fear. I was aware that with the slightest sound they would know I was there and would have broken the door down and murdered me. I just wanted to cry, or scream but I just felt so powerless. I heard them leaving after a while, but I sat there frozen stiff and terrified they might return. Even though they had gone, I knew they would return. I owed them money, money for drugs that I couldn't pay for. I started to sob my heart out and it all just came flooding out. I had never, ever thought my life would have come to that. I even shudder now just recalling it. This was the moment that changed my life.!

What is your business name and how do you help your clients?

My business is called Libertas Coaching and my website is Libertas is Latin for freedom. The beauty of the internet is that I can coach clients from all over the globe and I just love the diversity that comes with that. I help clients to achieve their best potential, to be the best version of themselves they can be. I don't work to my agenda, it's about going where the client wants, and as far as they want. I am a strong advocate of the fact that we limit our growth. What I mean by that is that human beings are capable of great things but often, due to early life experiences, they cannot see their real potential and that's where I help. Transformational coaching is all about the long haul but if you have the motivation and desire you can do it, let me re-emphasize that, you CAN do it. Recent research shows that our brains are malleable and that it is possible to change or rewire the neural pathways in our brain.

In NLP we use the term Neuroplasticity as a way of describing how the brain can be retaught new modes of thinking which can be strengthened through repetitive practice. It takes discipline and commitment, but the rewards are incredible.

Working together with my clients, we undertake a powerful journey of self-discovery and exploration, which helps them to learn about and become more of 'themselves, or more to the point, their authentic selves. This process allows us to uncover their true “why” or their north star. We co-create a detailed plan to make sure their goals, actions, and beliefs are aligned with that purpose. Once they have their WHY crystallized in their mind it becomes the guiding force for everything they do. My role as a transformational coach Is to guide my clients toward their desired life position. I coach and help them to navigate any challenges they may face along the way. I also help to keep them focussed and on track if they make any detours along the way. Through the support, I provide they can go for what they truly seek and desire. And, and this is critical, we go at their pace!

What kind of audience do you target your business towards?

I specialize in working with people who suffer from ADHD, Addictions, Professional Leadership Development, and men who want to discover their true selves.

What would you like to achieve for yourself and your business in the future?

I plan to publish my book, titled The Connected Human. This will be published in the Amazon Kindle store in August 2022. Following this, I plan to accelerate the growth of my business and develop my brand further, both here in the UK and on a global basis.


Libertas Coaching

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