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Discover Art Spot On Wheels – A Unique Art Studio And Mobile Experience In Solvang, California

Written by: Chloe Redmond, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Chloe Redmond

Christi and Maria Belle are the owners of Art Spot on Wheels, located in Solvang, California. The company was born out of a desire to share a passion for painting and a gifted ability to teach students leaving, them comfortable with a paintbrush and proud of what they’ve accomplished. At the inception of Art Spot, Christi, as a natural-born explorer, was unready to put down her roots in one location and thus began Art Spot on Wheels to satisfy both pieces of her passions. After two years as a mobile business, she and her wife Maria opened Art Spot “The Landing” to offer a space for ongoing classes, workshops, and kids camps. In 2019, they opened up a larger studio that would serve as a community art center where kids and adults alike could drop in to create on their schedule. for more information or to book an experience with Art Spot on Wheels, please visit the website here.

woman in hat doing some outdoor painting on a sunny day

We are ready for a formal introduction! Please introduce yourselves and the company!

Hi there! We are Christi & Maria Belle of Art Spot on Wheels. We are the owner-operators of Art Spot which is an art studio in Solvang with art classes, camps, events & workshops for adults and kids. We also host plein-air painting events throughout Santa Barbara County in vineyards and private estates. We currently reside in Los Alamos with our three kids and sweet little dog. Maria really focuses on our kids art program and I (Christi) focus on the adult painting events and classes and take care of most of the "business" side of things.

Tell us about your passion for entrepreneurship? Give us a glimpse into the early years of Christi & Maria.

We both had our own paths to entrepreneurship and linked up shortly after we met and married. Maria started a children's consignment shop in Buellton with her sister many years ago and sold it after about 10 years in business when we decided to join forces.

I (Christi) had so many starts and stops along the way including several failed attempts at a "professional artist” career. I learned fairly early on that I don't work well in large organizations, especially when I'm the low man on the totem pole. I really like to make change and improve systems but it's hard when no one takes you seriously and you think you know everything. Embarrassing, but true–I totally thought I knew everything when I was younger.

Anyway, that had me bouncing around through professions such as insurance agent, airline customer service, graphic design, admin roles, fundraising, non-profit work, tasting room managing, etc. Nothing ever truly satisfied me but I gained so much along the way and those skills all came in super handy when starting Art Spot.

Ten years ago I had moved home and was working as a tasting room manager trying to figure out my next step. I just knew I never wanted to work for anyone ever again but needed to make a living. While there I had started thinking about the paint & sip events that were popping up at restaurants and then thought–you know, vineyards are a pretty amazing spot to paint–what if we paint the view from the vineyard while guests sip on estate wine? That's when "Art Spot" was born. It was actually called "Gypsy Studios" at the time but we have since changed the name. At the time, it was only a mobile business and we popped up at lots of different wineries in the Santa Ynez Valley.

After a while, locals who had come to events started asking about classes, so I started hosting 6-week classes around town at different breweries, wineries, and churches–anywhere I could find to host for free :) Maria signed up for one of those classes–that's how we met. Then...once we were married she decided she was ready to sell her business and start working with me. Maria brought kid expertise and built our kid's art program from the ground up. Since then we've hosted so many art classes, camps, private events, art retreats in Italy, etc. It's been wonderful!

We love that the two of you met through this experience. Christi, when did you decide that it was time to take your passion for art & business to the next level?

I think I truly love teaching more than I even love art-making–if that's possible. I think when I dreamt up the idea of "painting in the vineyard" it truly brought together all of my favorite things–teaching, art, the beauty of the landscape, being outdoors, wine, and meeting people. It was an easy choice to make a "go" of it.

I was so fortunate to have an incredible boss at the Tasting Room (Kathy Brown of Kalyra) who let me start hosting events there on days I was off and then let me slowly leave my position when I felt comfortable. I eased out when I felt like I could make enough to let go of the consistent paycheck. That was truly one of the best gifts I could have received and I am eternally grateful to them for that.

Tell us about your educational journey with art and business?

Art has been a passion since I (Christi) was little. Educationally, I started taking all of the pre-requisites for a fine art degree at Santa Barbara City College then transferred to Cal State Fullerton. They have a great art program, but I didn't realize how impractical it would be to complete my bachelors in fine art while working my way through school. Classes were 4 hours a couple of times a week in the middle of the day. That doesn't include lab hours. So–once I realized how hard it would be to find a job that would be able to work around that schedule without going into serious debt, I decided to change my degree to organizational management and completed my degree at night while working full-time. It took longer than a typical 4-year education but I got my degree and it did help prepare me to start a business. Win-win.

We love our trips to the Central Coast! Tell us about your creative studio space in Solvang, California,

We love our big studio space in Solvang. It's becoming a hub for the community and we love seeing that community blossom. We do everything we can to create a safe, inclusive space where people of all ages feel comfortable creating, making messes, mistakes, and beautiful art together.

We have a reminder painted on the back wall–"Every Artist was once an amateur" -Ralph Waldo Emerson It's so important to remember that the creative process is challenging and no one starts out a professional. We have to give ourselves the grace and space to learn and make bad art.

Amazing! Would you also give us a look inside of your Art Spot on Wheels / mobile offerings?

We offer just about any type of art-making activity you can imagine in a mobile version as well. We can put class series together and we also offer private lessons on location. Most of our mobile events happen in vineyards and private estates. We bring everything needed (tables & chairs included) for watercolor, acrylic painting, or even art projects.

Events don't have a minimum guest count–we'll set up for even one person, but the price goes down per person as the guest count goes up. We can completely customize events and paint whatever is of interest. Maybe it's the view from your backyard or it's your kid's favorite animal.

We understand that ‘Painting in the Vineyard’ has become a signature offering for the company. Can you describe this experience in depth?

A painting in the vineyard event typically begins with a tasting from the host winery. They'll talk to us about the history of the winery and explain the wines we'll taste. Usually, guests will then buy bottles or glasses to enjoy during the painting portion.

We'll set up typically in the vineyard or just outside with a beautiful view. The instructor will guide you through painting the landscape view step-by-step. It is the most lovely experience–fully engaging all of our senses.

What do you feel separates Art Spot on Wheels from your competitors?

No one in the area is doing what we're doing right now. It's a very unique experience–to paint whatever view is in front of you and end up with beautiful, layered paintings at the end.

I (Christi) would say the quality of artwork that comes from these painting experiences is incredibly high. You'll also learn about why you're mixing certain colors and why you're putting them where you are, so you walk away learning about the art-making process not just following along. You can bring those skills with you the next time you sit down in front of a canvas.

The other thing that sets us apart is the safe space we create. We really work to make sure everyone feels safe, heard, important and understood. The creative process is very personal and it's truly an honor to be able to be a part of anyone's creative journey. It's very vulnerable and we treat that with respect and try to help people through any issues that arise. It's honestly part therapy!

What other advice would you give entrepreneurs in the early stages of building their small businesses?

Just go for it. The only thing holding you back is you. We all have limiting thoughts, but if you can set those aside you'll be amazed at what you can do.

A life coach friend of mine had me picture myself as someone very successful in business (in the ways I want to be successful) and then asked me "Now, as that person, how would you answer yourself if you were asked what you need to do to get to where they are now?" I (Christi) thought about it briefly and just said...just start. Do it. There's literally nothing in your way.

We hear you have a busy summer season coming down the pipeline. Can you give us insight into your camp programs for kids?

Our kids camps are AMAZING! We have kids return week after week and year after year. Once they discover the camps, they keep coming back. I think that's the biggest testament to the camps. We love hosting them.

We have camps running from June 26–August 4th from 10-2 each day. Kids create amazing projects and also some guided paintings. At the end of the week, we have an art show and the kids are just BEAMING!

What lies ahead for the company in the next 5 years? We want to hear about arts pot goals.

In the next five years we'd really love to open a walk-in art-making space that will be open all week where our community's kids (and adults!) can come together and create when it fits in with their schedule.

We also want to have a toddler art-play area in there. We want this space for our kids and I think it's something that the Valley really needs, too. Something to DO that isn't sports, dance, art classes, etc that you have to register for and commit to. Somewhere you can walk in with $10 and walk out with an art project and a fun experience shared with friends.

Finally, as beautiful members of the LGBTQIA+ community- how will you be celebrating Pride this month? We are honored to feature your story in June!

We have a super fun PRIDE Paint & Sip night at our studio coming up on Friday night. We'll be painting and styling your ultimate Queen! Using paints, glitters, sequins, and more we will accessories and glamorize the night away. We'll have a fabulous queen there for encouragement & entertainment. This event will include a complimentary glass of wine–donated by the incredible people at Two Wolves Wine, but as always, you may also bring your own beverages of choice. All proceeds of this (sure to be epic) night will be donated to support the amazing Rainbow House Inc.

Other than that, we'll be celebrating and attending the Pride parade in Solvang, and as many pride events as we can this month–although that's a bit more challenging this year since we have 2 babies and a toddler, ha.

For formal press inquiries, please email Chloe Redmond of Vino Vaquera Consulting directly here.

Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Chloe!

Chloe Redmond Brainz Magazine

Chloe Redmond, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Chloe Redmond is a leader in digital marketing, influencer partnerships, and social media management. A chance opportunity to work with Chopra Global (Deepak Chopra’s legacy company) in 2020 that left her with the understanding of how mindfulness and marketing can co-exist. She is dedicated in helping entrepreneurs reach their pure potentiality through intentional and intuitive marketing practices. Her mission: to teach others how to put their authentic self into play what targeting their niche and discovering creative partnerships.

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