Danny Bader is a near-death survivor, keynote speaker, best-selling author, and podcast host. Danny brings a unique perspective and powerful message to his audiences, drawing from his own experiences to support, inspire, and influence them on their life’s journey to greater levels of fulfillment and resilience.

We had our first snowstorm here in the Philadelphia area. Although the "storm" only brought about three inches of snow, it still managed to stir up the usual frenzy. Regardless of the forecast, you can always count on supermarkets being overrun with wide-eyed, fast-walking, cart-pushing shoppers on a mission to grab bread, milk, and other essentials, just in case they’re stuck at home for a few days. It’s almost a tradition in this area: the minute snow is predicted, people rush to stock up. And if you wait until after the snow starts falling, chances are you’ll find empty shelves.

As I sipped my Starbucks and followed my wife up and down the supermarket aisles during our weekly post-Mass grocery trip, a thought crossed my mind: Why don’t people prepare for the storms of life with the same urgency?
Life’s storms are inevitable. We all know them losing loved ones, divorces, betrayals, job losses, and countless other challenges and setbacks. Ask anyone if they’ve lived a struggle-free life, and you’ll almost always hear the same answer: “No. It’s just part of life.” Yet, despite knowing that tough times will come, many of us don’t take steps to prepare. We don’t go out and get the proverbial “bread and milk” to help us weather life’s storms.
Perhaps it’s because these challenges aren’t forecasted on the evening news. We know they’re inevitable, but we don’t know when they’ll hit. That unpredictability makes preparation feel less urgent until it’s too late.
As Lisa and I rolled past the pasta aisle, I pondered four things we can all do to prepare for life’s storms:
1. Expect the storms
Acknowledging that struggles and challenges will come shouldn’t consume your thoughts or fill you with dread. It’s not about living in fear of what’s to come. Instead, it’s about maintaining a quiet awareness that life will throw challenges your way. By expecting them, you can better prepare yourself emotionally and mentally for when they arrive.
2. Cultivate a strong support team
No one should face life’s storms alone. One of the most important things you can do is build a circle of people who love, support, and guide you. These friends and family members will lift you up when you’re down and remind you of your strength. This transfer of love and energy helps you push through tough times. Their resilience, combined with yours, can make all the difference.
3. Recognize your resilience
You’ve already made it through hard times in your life. Take a moment to reflect on those moments and recognize the resilience you showed. Notice others around you who have faced adversity and come out stronger. We are a resilient species. Acknowledging this fact builds a solid foundation of inner strength that you can draw upon when needed. It creates an unconscious mindset of persistence and perseverance that will activate when you face new challenges.
4. Trust in something bigger
Trust is defined as a firm belief in the reliability of someone or something. In the context of life’s storms, trust often means having faith in something beyond ourselves, a higher power, if you will. I call it God. Others may have different names for this life energy or Spirit that connects us all. Regardless of what you call it, nurturing this relationship can provide a sense of peace and guidance when fear, pain, and uncertainty arise.
Perhaps you need to work on cultivating all four of these areas to prepare for life’s inevitable challenges. Or maybe only one or two need your attention. Either way, start now before the storm hits. Don’t wait until it’s too late and the shelves are empty.
Do the work. Get your bread and milk.
Danny Bader, Keynote Speaker, Author
Danny Bader's transformation from a harrowing near-death experience to a source of inspiration is indeed remarkable. His journey highlights the incredible resilience of the human Spirit and serves as a testament to the power of turning adversity into growth and opportunity. As a keynote speaker, best-selling author, and podcast host, Danny uses his experiences to craft a message that touches and resonates deeply with audiences worldwide. His unique perspective allows him to connect with people on a profound level, offering them not just motivation, but tangible strategies for navigating life's challenges to create greater levels of fulfillment and resilience always.