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Definition Of Success The Three Keys To Success

Written by: Chef LaToya Larkin, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


When it comes to my definition of success. There are many ways to define success, in my opinion. I think the biggest thing when it comes down to success is truly living in your purpose and fulfilling your passion. When you are doing what you truly love, money naturally comes with it. Applying the law of attraction principles in life also plays a part in the success that will come your way. It is a great feeling to set goals and see them come to life when you can cross off goals from your list. In a sense, there comes a feeling of satisfaction and peace of mind knowing you can accomplish anything you set your mind out to do. When you truly apply yourself, giving your all and doing the best you can.

Develop Expertise

I feel that I have achieved a level of success at a young age and will keep striving for continual success. I keep myself on track with a purse-size journal by writing down all goals and then with each goal. Give me a detailed action plan of how to accomplish the goals and things to do to get it done. I also give myself a timeline of when I will give myself to accomplish the goal because a goal without a deadline is no much more than a dream. I have always had the goal of being a published author and doing technical writing. By the age of 28, I was able to secure a book deal and become a published author. Not to mention, I develop and write the culinary curriculum for my school district. Doing these simple tasks has kept me on track and task to honing my skills and further development of the craft.

Financially Comfortable

I have always wanted to be a trainer and teacher. I had the opportunity to do both and am good at what I do. There was a point in my life where I struggled to find employment, and no matter how many job interviews I went on and different jobs in between. It was a struggle to find something that was true for me. I can proudly say that I have reached an optimum level of success in my career because now I’m blessed to be sought after. It’s a good feeling to turn down jobs and know that I have options of when I’m ready to leave. Someone is ready to receive me and know the value of what I bring to their company. God blessed me with the vision of my nonprofit and knows that sooner than later, it will come to life.

Making A Difference

When you truly love yourself, love what you do, and love everything about how do you do things in your life. Knowing the difference between needs and wants while remembering work and balance helps define the core values of who you are. When you know who you are, then you have reached a level of success because so many people go through life not knowing who they are. More so, you are relatable to reach people to make a real difference in the lives of peoples path you cross. Overall, my definition of success is living your best life unapologetically accomplishing everything you set your sights out to achieve.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Chef LaToya Larkin, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Chef LaToya Larkin, CCE, is the Program Coordinator of the Culinary Arts Program at Spring High School while being the first African American Female Chef in the district (Spring ISD) in Spring, TX. Her 20 years of expansive knowledge and culinary passion have led to lifetime achievement opportunities. She received her MBA (Nonprofit Management) from Springfield College, BS (Culinary Management) from The Art Institute of Atlanta, and AAS (Culinary Arts) from The Art Institute of Houston. Besides the education field, Chef Larkin operates three businesses that reflect her passions in life. Tamale product line “Black Girl Tamales” of signature fusion tamales, Not Enough Thyme Personal Chef Services, a personal chef/catering business, clothing line Divah Chef Apparel of shirts & aprons, and It’s Thyme 4a Change, is a non-profit organization catering to at-risk youth to mentor and guide while planting the positive seed to exemplify the vast opportunities of culinary. Chef Larkin is an award-winning acclaimed chef that had the opportunity to cook for many of elite Black Hollywood to include: Oprah Winfrey, John Legend, Spike Lee, Denzel Washington, Robert Townsend, and Dianna Ross. She’s a literary partner in the upcoming project “Business Secret Success Entrepreneurial Thinking That Works” scheduled to be released in March 2021. She’s devoted to inspiring the youth to be all they can be so that everyone can connect to eternal love, which is the reason for our existence, and reach their full potential. Sharing her wisdom, knowledge, life experiences, and triumphs commits her to make a difference in the lives of others. She’s happy to embrace the opportunity to take part in the uplifting and happiness of others.

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