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Decluttering for Zero Living 8.0

Written by: Bernadette Bruckner, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


I don’t know about you, but I grew up with parents who were war and post-war children. We even had a bathtub in our attic (in case of bad times?… I don’t know!) or my granny’s clothes who had already passed away more than ten years before (just in case of… I don’t know either!).

What we really need for daily living! How we can declutter easily on all levels.

Are you also one of those people who keep everything as you never know if you might need it again?

Did I uncover your guilty secret?

Some call it being messy, others hoarding, and still, others have an outlook like my mum as a post-war child who experienced having nothing and believed we might need everything again one day as we never know what will happen!

I guess that is one of many reasons why I love decluttering, including fasting, is to get clear again about what’s important in life.

Do you know what’s important in your life?

Before Covid19?




Then…it’s now time, more than ever!

Covid19 can be seen as a huge chance for re-loading your life from scratch and begin maybe completely new, decluttering from the inside|out – yes INSIDE|OUT is the key!

But how?

Zero-waste, zero living, zero excuses – can that be fun?

One day, I decided to reduce my living to nearly zero to discover what I truly needed in my life to be happy and content. I not only worked on my personality, healing my soul through my own coaching and therapy style as well as focusing on my nutrition, changing my diet to healthy living. For many years now, I have been reducing and decluttering big time, and, YES, I love it!

One day all my belongings fit in a car.

Yes, in a normal car!

Does that sound weird? 😊

My biggest challenge will always be books—not clothes, shoes or bags, BUT books!

I was happy, content, in my best health and body shape ever, and my life was FLOWING”. I even reduced my ecological footprint as I used public transportation as much as possible, lived in Airbnb accommodation when I was abroad, and did food sharing and bought food that would have been thrown away. I loved it as I met new people who had an alternative perception of living and became aligned with mother earth for maximum sustainability.

So, can zero wasting be fun?

I say yes, yes, yes! An extra plus is meeting new, like-minded people who are aligned with the same values and visions as you.

Today, I buy second-hand clothes for work, have my own diet involving cooking organic food from local farmers, and have no cheating days anymore or any eating challenges. I have no “need” to buy stuff I do not need or buy things for image. I also have new friends who I love having around, nurturing more awareness in the world for a better life and healthy earth.

So, now I ask you, how would it be living with zero waste and decluttering as much as possible?

You might ask yourself now:

What has business got to do with it?

A lot… how do you want your business to function? By destroying mother earth?

Not me!

If our planet is healthy, we are all healthy!

It’s that simple!

When I declutter myself inside|out and understand that we only have one planet to live on, we appreciate that living WITH the earth is our only choice!

When we do not take care of ourselves, including allowing our business to become sustainable, how can we take care of our clients, family, and mother earth?

We can’t, not at all!


Let’s face it, 90% of companies (and nearly all big companies) do not work for, or with, mother earth but instead exploit it and other people!

More than ever, we witness burnout, depression, domestic violence, corruption, and diseases correlated with bad nutrition, no exercise, and no mental challenge! Does that sound healthy? Not for me, and we are not even talking about Covid19 here.

In my best years (my 20-30’s), I had a wow business life which was fast lane living with tons of traveling, successful business work opportunities, friends, and many party times! And yet, I became severely suicidal, had three burnouts, ate bad food, drank excess alcohol. Do I want to pretend this time did not happen? No. Was it healthy? No, and I nearly died four times!

My ‘AHA’ moment came after realizing that fasting, decluttering, and slowing down are KEYS for becoming unstoppable on all levels. I even got faster at fulfilling my dreams with my healthy body, mind and soul being aligned with mother earth and with my family valuing both my and their time. I grew very clear about what I love to do and became certain about why I wanted to create my legacy WITH mother earth.

More than ever, today, slow down and go inside to become unstoppable outside by taking care of yourself first so you can nurture others, including mother earth!

My approach to business changed hugely by including mother earth and how I could serve her from the inside|out!

Being “clean” inside my body also changed my behavior around food, exercise, nurturing friendships, and addressing what is important for me. Saying “NO” is also something that evolved due to decluttering and fasting.

How much are you worth to yourself to take care of you, your body, AND our planet while still being healthy, vital, and doing what you love to do?

Are you ready to declutter?

Are you ready to fast?

Let’s go…!

P.S.: I am planning a 7-day challenge on my Facebook page in case a decluttering party would be a benefit for you! 😊

For more information, follow me on Facebook, Instagram and visit my website!


Bernadette Bruckner, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

The creative allrounder worked successfully in different working fields in Austria and abroad. By her interest in corporate communications, marketing, human resources, and many other business areas, she has appropriated an enormous amount of knowledge over more than 30 years.

Numerous educations at international top-trainers like Richard Bandler, Robert Dilts, Roy Martina, and Clinton Swaine. Internationally active as a holistic trainer in health, nutrition, and mental health with exceptional holistic resilience methods. Founder of „iMM – intuitive mentoring method and 1-min-coaching-to-go“, further development of NLP, as well as „ORINITION® - n(fl)ourish soul.mind.body.“ – an innovative nutrition work of (re-) membering our own body intelligence.

Successfully Master’s degree in health management with a focus on public health. International Ph.D. & research in health communication with a focus on psycholinguistics combined with neuroplasticity and health economics.

International bestselling publisher and author of numerous books in different languages. Global Author Award 2018 / Nominatee NLP Award in Research 2019 in London. 2021 opening my own research center for intuitive science in Austria.

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