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Cymatics And Semantics, The Language Of Manifestation – How What We Say Can Create Our Reality

Written by: Ellen Jenny Watkins, Executive Contributor

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Executive Contributor Ellen Jenny Watkins

In the beginning, there was sound. Science proved that sound creates and organizes matter, through the vibrational phenomenon known as cymatics. It sounds a lot like semantics, and in truth, the two are tied together in our pursuit of manifesting what we want in our lives.

woman doing guided meditation yoga self care practice at home

I remember the first time I learned nature had energy and sound. I was very young – around 5 years old, sitting in my living room, watching Sesame Street, and a scientist connected a musical instrument to a tree. Beautiful music came out and changed as the tree swayed in the wind. I was mesmerized from that point forward and knew that my work would somehow be related to nature, energy, and ancient wisdom.

In more recent times, you may have seen a cymatics experiment on social media. When the surface of a plate or membrane vibrates at certain frequencies and the items on top, such as water or sand, are displaced and create intricate patterns. Then they change patterns when the frequency or tones change. Think about this for our body – we are mostly made of water and we can affect our cellular patterns.

What does this have to do with manifestation?

One of the most fascinating lessons from ancient wisdom, which science is now proving, is the fact that you can use your sound to create reality from just an idea. As you use the frequency of your own voice and declare a vision or manifestation for yourself, the matter around you begins to shift. Of course, this can be actually speaking it to others and making bold declarations and vibrations out loud. It can also be quieter conversations on the soul level with vision boards, journaling, and visualization during quiet times. We are multi-dimensional beings, and all parts of us matter, so there’s not just one way to achieve something.

Plus, as your subconscious becomes aware of the vision and starts looking for confirmation of its truth, doors begin to appear and open to you. This is another phenomenon at work, the confirmation bias, and you can use it in your favor to manifest what you want!

Use the confirmation bias to manifest your desires

The confirmation bias is our tendency to favor information in our environment that confirms or reinforces our beliefs and values. When used to our benefit, not our detriment in the social and political ways we’ve seen lately, this natural tendency helps reinforce our manifestation. When we speak our vision into our lives, and our subconscious begins to look for evidence that it’s true, we’ll automatically fall into the confirmation bias in a healthy, supportive way.

For instance, if you speak your vision of going on a dream vacation into your life, or a development for your business, you will begin to see evidence of this truth as you go about your day. The key is to make sure you’re specific in stating your vision.

Get specific in your manifestation

This is where the semantics part comes in. Semantics is simply the logical meaning and sense of words. So, rather than simply saying you want to go on a dream vacation this year, get super specific about it. Where do you want the vacation to be? How long will it be? Who will be with you? How will you get there (fly, drive, train, cruise)?

And then, ask yourself even more questions. How do you want to feel as you’re on your vacation, and when it’s over? How do you want to show up as you prepare for it – and when? What is the essence of this vision for your dream vacation?

Can you visualize it – parts of it? Moments of it? What do you feel when you see it?

Dive into the meaning of the words you may be tempted to use to describe these feelings. What does “happy” mean to you? What about “rested” or “peaceful.” When you specify exactly what you want AND what you want to feel, two very important things happen.

  1. You begin to make progress toward your vision each day - if you intentionally reminder yourself of it.

  2. You begin to feel the way you believe the dream vacation will make you feel, even before you start making travel arrangements.

And, be advised that the Universe has a funny sense of humor. I asked for a big tub in our next house... and I got it… but in my son’s bathroom, not the primary! Specifics matter.

That’s because the cymatics – the sounds – and the semantics – the meanings – of what you say are doing their quantum work. Your subconscious is looking for evidence of these feelings and essences in your life today. 

So, as a multi-dimensional, vibrational human being, your manifestation is in your hands, or rather, in your voice. Start using your voice to create your vision and see what begins to develop.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and visit my website for more info!

Ellen Jenny Watkins Brainz Magazine

Ellen Jenny Watkins, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Ellen Jenny Watkins is an artist, best-selling author, and award-winning trainer and coach. She’s inspired by the intersection of spirituality, modern science, ancient wisdom, and the connection back to our soul. With a focus on quantum physics, neuroscience, and chakras, Ellen is currently exploring the frequency of color and how it affects the body and environment to bring calm, inspiration, and healing to the chaos of the modern world. Ellen coaches individuals and groups through her unique approach to Creative Leadership and her signature works, Divine Explosions.

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