Written by: Awaz Ahmed, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.
Everyone is creative! It’s just sometimes working, others' expectations of us, deadlines, meetings, appointments, clutter, and exhaustion can all get in the way of being creative.
5 Simple Tips To Bring Back Creativity And Innovation!
Design an Environment that Promotes Creativity.
The environment in which we live and work has a significant impact on how we think and feel, as well as our ability to be creative. A dull, cluttered, frantic, overworked environment can affect our abilities to be motivated. To be creative and innovative, we need to be upbeat, energetic, playful, and motivated. Therefore changing the office look, music, walls, declutter, getting new supplies, or anything that makes you feel happy helps with creativity!
Be Aware of Your Biorhythms
Keep track of the times of day when you're most creative and plan your day to make the most of it. Do you prefer to get up early in the morning? Then make a plan for your creative pursuits. Are you a night person? Do the dull tasks first thing in the morning. Make a timetable change.
Try out different creative strategies, tools, methods, and processes to see which ones work best for you
Listen to music, collaborate with others, bring a tiny notebook and pen with you so you may jot down ideas, take a break, go for a walk or exercise.
Overcome Obstacles
Too many demands might exhaust us, making it difficult to activate our creativity. It’s important to have a clear mind, therefore resolving obstacles/problems to get your train of thought.
Have an idea? Jot it down! Sometimes stuff comes to mind randomly, and we tend to forget later on.
(ISEI, 2020)
Included a Fun Creativity Exercise To Do with Colleagues and Friends!
Working teams of 2-5, write all the ways you can use the following item or items realistically. Set the time for 3-5 minutes. The group with the most ideas wins!
Ideas for items that can be used or choose your own!
Paper Clip
Bobby pin
Safety Pin
Paper Cup
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Awaz Ahmed, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Awaz Ahmed is a Business Psychologist and Coach, helping organizations and individuals in the workplace by encouraging and facilitating clients in a range of professional and personal areas. In addition, she has worked internationally and is the founder of aweology, a company platform of Business Psychologists and professional coaches. With an MSc in Business Psychology and coaching Awaz Ahmed, is also a certified emotional intelligence coach, NLP practitioner, certified 70+ hours of ICF coaching training, member of the British Psychology Society, American Psychology Association, Society for Industrial and organizational psychology and currently studying her Ph.D. in Business Psychology. Through her extensive experience and education in Business Psychology, she is highly skilled and passionate about research, psychometrics, assessments, training, development, recruitment, and coaching.