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Creating Space For The New – Tips For Opening To Balance And Well-Being

Written by: Mindy Schrager, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


At the end of the year, I have a tradition of going through our pantry and closets to find items to donate. While I do this at other times throughout the year, for some reason the year-end clearing feels different. Like I am closing a chapter, letting go of what no longer serves me, and creating space for something new or better to arrive in the new year.

happy young woman sitting on the cozy sofa with hands behind head,

What are some ways that you can close the door on what no longer serves you and create the space for something new or better?


Are there unhealthy habits that detract from your health and well-being? Examples might include:

  • unhealthy eating

  • avoiding exercise

  • not getting sufficient sleep

  • spending too much time on social media

What unhealthy habit can you end, shift, release, or work through? What would be the healthy habits you could start, expand, or allow to flourish?


Are there relationships in your life that drain your energy, joy, and peace of mind? For instance,

  • People who devalue you

  • A person who betrayed you

  • An individual you hold a grudge against

  • Someone who gaslights you or is a narcissist

What relationships would you benefit from ending, shifting, releasing, or working through? What new relationships do you want to start and what type of people do you want in your life?


What patterns in your life make you feel like you are going in circles?

  • Behaviors patterns that undermine your success such as self-sabotage

  • Family patterns passed down through the generations

  • Thought patterns and beliefs that have you doubt yourself

How might transformational work support you to uncover and shift patterns that no longer serve you? What might open up once you understand and shift those patterns?


What dangling threads seem to hang on and deplete your energy?

  • Projects that have been on your to-do list for years

  • Clutter that fills parts of your house

  • Classes you signed up for but never finished

Do all of these depleters need to stay on your list in the new year or are there certain ones that you can release and open up space for higher priorities?

After you let go, consider different tools such as vision boards, goal setting, and your one word, among others to support you in clarifying what you want to open the door to. What new hobbies, healthy relationships, habits for well-being, and positive patterns will allow you to feel happier, more balanced, and fulfilled?

One such opportunity is a guided exercise I am offering on January 17th called Journey thru the Life Wheel. It includes an introduction to Future-Focused coaching, a 6-week program that will support you to open to a new perspective in moving towards the future you want to create.

© 2023, Systems of Change, LLC

Follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Mindy Schrager, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Mindy Schrager is an ICF PCC credentialed coach, Systemic Facilitator, Aura-Soma practitioner and founder of Systems of Change, LLC. Mindy’s focus on and passion for transformational work is built on years of experience creating strong, well-balanced teams, combined with a powerful personal discovery journey. Her experience and training have been focused on creating positive change in life and business experiences working with individuals and groups. Mindy loves to shine a light on hidden patterns and the root cause of dysfunction and then help create new pathways to growth.



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