Written by: Louisa Havers, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Can you command your desired income, attract ideal clients with ease, and create anything you desire, whenever you choose? Yes, you can! I know from long experience! If achieving this is proving difficult, I invite you to consider: do I have complete confidence in myself and do I feel safe? Because, when you get this right… it’s life-changing!

The key is soothing our monkey mind! If it feels secure in our ability to achieve our goals, trust in ourselves; in alignment with our upgraded identity, and the systems around us, then creating quantum leaps in our business is not only easy, it's inevitable!
The secret lies in effective inner and outer work.
1. Change The Channel
Your unique energy field – I call this our human WIFI – attracts to it everything that's in resonance with it. This means breaking through to your next level, is like changing the channel. It requires a new identity; a new set of beliefs and emotions – to mirror what we want to achieve. Changing our channel allows us to live at a higher vibration, attracting more in.
Why it's important:
Our current identity has created our existing reality; it informs the actions we take now. Therefore, altering our perception of ourselves, belief in ourselves, changes everything! To step into the new, we must seek an inner shift to release the old. In short, if you're a multi six-figure earner seeking to move to seven-figures, you must let the identity of the multi six-figure earner go.
However, changing your channel can lead to energetic resistance bubbling up. Our 'monkey mind' loves playing old classics, like: 'this isn't the right time' or 'I don't have the time'. It's keen to keep us pegged to our existing identity. Why?
It wants to keep us 'safe' because our past experiences and any financial traumas have created the setting: "we're not doing that again." It then uses creative ways to keep us at the current 'safe' set point.
It's this inner voice that stops you from taking the action.
You don't make the call.
You don't go to the meeting.
You don't send the email.
Self-doubt creeps in and this drives fear. Fear is the energy of contraction and inaction. The result? Plummeting vibrational energy. We are out of alignment and won't achieve what we want.
My top tip:
My clients know that when this little voice shows up, it's a good thing. They recognise it for what it is. Their monkey mind is uneasy because they are changing the channel – energetically expanding and levelling up. Using Energy Kinesiology, we rewire their vibrational attraction point, releasing limiting thoughts and patterns. Letting these go, we give ourselves permission to enjoy the transition into the updated version of ourselves, allowing us to show up differently. Showing up differently means achieving better results.
I recently worked with a client who was experiencing stagnation in her business. This all changed once we uncovered a single, surprising, reason for the vibrational mismatch: her monkey mind was telling her she could never be the family breadwinner:
"My big inner shift breakthrough came when I saw how much resistance I was carrying around being financially responsible for my family. My husband had always been the big earner and I'd simply accepted this. It was holding me back from the possibility that I too could take on this role. When I let this go, I started to have a continuous flow of new clients."
Another client re-wrote the story she was running subconsciously and changed her channel. The result? She tripled her income!
"Getting out of my head and coming into my heart allowed me to release so many subconscious beliefs I wasn't even aware I'd been holding. I feel I now know who I am. I know what I'm about and I just really know that the direction I'm going is leading me to greater things."
Despite seeking more and better, both clients existing belief systems were vibrating at a limiting frequency, which held them back. By releasing these, they were able to 'change their channels' and trigger huge growth in their businesses.
1. Self-Trust is the Key
Self-trust is the key to unlocking your next level. Without it, we won't have the faith and certainty in our manifesting, required to command our desires in. Doubts chip away at self-esteem and confidence, affecting our decision-making process, leading to indecision and stagnation.
By ditching doubt and bringing ourselves into alignment with confidence, we take action from a space of inevitability; knowing we will succeed.
Why it's important:
We are all guided to live at our highest self-expression – to be the best we can and achieve all we desire. Trust is the driving force creating the momentum that draws our desires to us, effortlessly.
Doubt happens when we don't listen to our inner wisdom. We ignore it and don't follow through on what we should be doing. Here's the thing – if we can't trust ourselves to follow through on daily commitments and goals, how will we believe we'll break through our next money ceiling?
Our monkey mind has taken note! Our self-belief, our confidence in our judgement and abilities, takes a knock. Once again, to keep us 'safe' it runs a self-sabotage agenda, letting old programming rinse and repeat over and over, so we stay where we are.
My top tip:
To bring ourselves into a place of alignment, we must build up self-trust. Start small! Learn to reconnect with your inner guidance; your higher self; take action on that guidance and – most importantly – follow through on commitments.
In addition, work on any energetic blocks and doubts using the Energy Kinesiology method. It's a great way to say goodbye to all the subconscious doubts in your nervous system, that trigger the monkey mind and hold you back.
Evidence you're vibrating at a higher-level frequency will soon become clearer when you attract what you desire with greater and greater ease. This builds the belief that taking decisions and action, with a committed, assured energy, works. Which means goodbye self-sabotage, hello confidence and flow!
Releasing doubt and limiting self-beliefs, recently enabled one client to hit her first £10k month. In turn, this allowed her to develop a deeper sense of trust and confidence in herself, and her business. She now knows, with certainty, she can hit this goal again and again:
"The fear of poverty and lack is no longer there. I know I can shift into another gear, whenever I want. Louisa combines work on our internal programming and all the subconscious stuff that gets in the way, as well as keeping us accountable; bringing it all together as a harmonious whole. I trust it works."
Trusting herself, allowed her wealth consciousness to expand. Her growing income mirrored the burgeoning confidence in the consistency and stability of her business growth.
2. Secure Support
The moment you start shifting your vibration, everything starts to change – you attract more and better opportunities as your wealth default setpoint rises. Every time you up-level, you need to re-calibrate, and having a trusted support framework in place stops your subconscious from panicking and putting on the brakes.
Why it's important:
For many high-level entrepreneurs, coaches, business leaders – and CEO's – it can sometimes feel like operating in a bubble. It's harder to expand your horizons when you're only listening to your own advice. It limits room for growth because there's no evidence around you to help stretch your conscious thoughts and beliefs.
When we allow more support in – learning from, and with, others – it shows the Universe we're stepping up and asking more of ourselves; that we're open to allowing more in. Allowing support in boosts our frequency of support. As money is a supportive frequency, this means that when we allow support in, we open ourselves to allowing more money in!
Trusted support comes in many forms. From additional members of staff, committing to 1-2-1 mentoring sessions, following a framework for client programmes, joining a Mastermind group, or learning new business skills.
The key is finding systems that support you; that gives complete confidence. Ones you can fine-tune and improve each time they're run. The security they give provides the confidence and energetic freedom to call more in, anytime you want, so you can break through an income ceiling whenever you choose.
My top tip:
This has always been a critical part for me. One of the first things I did, when setting up my own business, was to invest in myself. I did this by calling in support, whenever it was needed. From hiring a VA to working with mentors, from whom I could learn vital skills – everything I did was so I could better help my clients. I continue to invest in myself and my company to this day. Our team has grown, to 3 VA's, A Video Editor, a Copywriter and an Associate Coach. I have private 1-1 coaching and I am in a couple of Masterminds with peers, meaning I am fully supported so that I can fully support our clients.
Being in a Mastermind Group – surrounded by peers provides invaluable support. Spending time with others, who are on a comparable journey, is incredibly powerful for building trust and raising your vibrational level. Watching them working on, and through, similar issues gives courage and confidence – these create excellent conduits for building vibrational momentum. New thoughts and new vibrations take us to the next level and the more we trust the new methods we learn, the more we build a framework that supports us on every level of our journey.
Securing support is crucial to break through an income ceiling, as another client can attest. She went from trying to figure things out on her own, to joining our community of like-minded entrepreneurs and coaches, who support each other whilst growing and evolving their wealth consciousness. Using a mix of our manifesting methods and our profitable masterclass strategy® she recently celebrated a £50k launch, as well as a regular monthly £10k-plus income stream – whilst enjoying more time with her family.
She explains:
"Working with Louisa showed me how doubt held me back. I went from working in the energy of poverty and fear to having the financial freedom I've always dreamed of. The methods she taught were a gamechanger, transforming my business completely. Yes, there's energy work to do, but there's also coaching and incredibly practical down-to-earth structured systems. It makes everything simple. You can build momentum if the right processes are in place because these can be fine-tuned and repeated."
She continues,
"Combining work on internal programming, as well as keeping us accountable, brings everything together. It's a complete package you can then deliver to your clients. I follow a system I trust works. It's changed my life and my clients lives. Before I felt like everything was push, push, push. Now it's easy! I'm no longer working ridiculous hours and have the financial stability I always dreamed of, with more time to spend with my family. The freedom to do this, for me, is priceless."
Trust is a direct result of learning to know yourself and knowing you have the systems in place to deliver your desires: "I can create anything I desire, and everything is already here for me." Moving through a six or seven-figure income ceiling – and beyond - is a journey of self-belief. It's one I've taken myself. The more you trust yourself and soothe your subconscious mind, the more you're able to claim your worth and the more you know, with certainty, you will meet and exceed financial goals. Now, whenever my monkey mind whispers in my ear, I'm quick to stop it running the show!
I love helping clients achieve similar success, combining energetic alignment with aligned business strategies. If this is feeling aligned for you and you'd like to discover more about how you can work with me, visit: www.louisahavers.com or drop me a line at louisa@louisahavers.com. Looking forward to getting to know you!

Louisa Havers, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Louisa Havers is an internationally renowned Master Transformational Coach, Master Manifesting teacher, Master Akashic Records teacher (Soul Journeys® Method), and business mentor. She enables high achievers and coaches to unlock their superpowers, turbo-charge soul-aligned magnetism, and "lift the ceiling" in both their lives and businesses. It’s a journey Louisa knows works as she’s personally undertaken it. Years spent leading change in the highly pressurized and stressful social services sector led to shingles and chronic fatigue, compelling her to break free from the corporate matrix of overwork. It was the first step to creating her own life of freedom and dream business income. Louisa enables clients across the globe to activate quantum leaps to success in their journey to fulfillment, self-love, and a six / seven-figure income. Daring to live your life’s purpose is genuinely possible under Louisa’s loving, powerful and insightful guidance.