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Create A Positive Lasting Change That Up-Lifts Your Personal And Business Life Outcomes With Ease

Written by: Denitsa Andonova, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Even If you Try Hard To Create a Positive Change, that Lasts, Can’t find the Right Formula for Your Desired Outcomes in Life and Business, Don’t Know How to Switch from Surviving to Thriving Mode

What comes to mind when you think of someone who is thriving or manifesting their dream life? Maybe you picture someone fit and healthy, surrounded by smiling positive successful people. Or someone who's done a amazing business projects contributed to so many people. Or perhaps it's someone who is very connected to themselves, living in their mission, enjoying the miracle of life in every single moment. These people seem to live on a different level, right.

Let’s start with a mini test HAVE I SHIFTED TO A NEW LEVEL?

Let's take a step back (for reinforcement and awareness) and share with you

a few tricks to find out if you have passed to another stage in

your development. Has it ever happened to you:

- to constantly seek the approval of others;

- to lose heart when someone does not speak kindly of you;

- the opinion of others (for you) to be more important than your own one and than your personal self-esteem;

- to have low self-esteem;

- to think that others are better (in several or many respects)

than you?

When we are not connected to ourselves, when we are in an energy imbalance,

when we do not love and we dislike ourselves, others are our mirrors and they show us and project our attitude towards ourselves through their own towards us. If we start developing one healthy care and self-love, as well as real self-esteem, the attitude of others will also change. And very naturally, quite harmoniously, people who are not energetically harmonious with us, will simply stay out of our focus and world.

1. One of my indicators that I have entered a new stage,

was that I stopped caring about the opinions of people who were not important

to me. Of course, I deeply appreciate the feedback from people who are

authorities for me - with their professionalism, kindness, humanity,

creativity and authenticity. From them, with great gratitude, I receive both positive and negative feedback. I admit that my sweet ego is still worried about the negative feedback

about the things that are too important for me and the people who are very important to me. But I try my best to take the constructiveness and improve what I think would be for my well-being.

2. Another indicator for me for the new stages in my life is the change of

the environment, who and what surrounds me. If I look around and the people around me are different than before (I am not referring here to my closest friends, who have been with me forever, always supporting me and hearing my crazy ideas and intentions that, to whom I can

share my soul and acknowledge my fears and challenges) then I have passed to a new stage and respectively to a new level.

3. The third indicator is the changes in my reactions. If I've been all my life

acted, felt, reacted in one way and suddenly realized that I'm naturally doing something I haven't thought about before, that is a wonderful sign for me.

4. The meaning in the work, in what I do. At every stage of life I loved my job. But the motives, the meaning I make, the contribution I aim for, the sense of satisfaction I want to experience, change. The value changes.

5. The following applies to relationships: who is next to you and what you are seeking for.

6. The attitude, care, love that I give to myself. At my current stage, it is extremely important for me to have the time for mindfulness, for development, for intent. My promises to myself are my top priority and I focus on keeping them.

My new business projects are also part of these promises. Here you can include so much mindfulness, mission, joy, of course knowledge and experience and the process flows with such an ease.

To me, to my soul

these wonderful projects are needed for prosperity, because that's how I give also to myself

I know very well that success in its true splendour comes from the authentic, from people with congruence and integration, from those who live what they offer to others. Because otherwise it wouldn't be sincere.

7. The prevailing emotions. Have you observed the changes (long-term) in your emotions?

Think of your own signs that you have reached a new level!Do you have the senses to follow your positive development?

Now you have some indicators for the positive change that you aim for.

Now, we are going to focus on the concrete steps.

1. Decide that you want a positive transformation in any area of your life

Your brain is a goal-achieving machine. Use it wisely, use it with a very specific intention.

Whatever system and approach you choose for personal transformation, no matter how many wonderful professionals and mentors you meet, no matter how much you read and study, you must first take full personal responsibility in your decision to change. Without this step the whole process loses its charge and focus.

Positive change is for everyone, access to such systems, programs and methods have more and more people, but not everyone is ready to switch to a new level. First, there are several requirements for the person who wishes quality, sustainable and meaningful transformation:

1. To want a truly positive change.

2. Be determined to achieve it, committing to what it takes to achieve the desired result.

3. To want to create their own life, taking full personal responsibility.

4. To seek and use working, sustainable and effective tools

to achieve the goal.

The fact that you are reading this article certainly shows that you have made step 4. But the article itself is a tool and it will not do magic with your life until you start using it consciously and purposefully to create a positive reality and transformation. This requires action from your side. Requires commitment to yourself. It requires energy, enthusiasm and love.

2. Practice Laser Focus and Intention setting “What do I want”

Ask yourself NOW:

Do I live the life I dream of?

Do I give everything I am capable of?

Am I manifesting myself and my truth?

Am I trying to do good for others and the world?

And the most of all: What can I do today, tomorrow, in the next week, month, year to live my dream at full speed? Make a list! Turn it into a plan! Start with small or big steps to get closer to what your heart longs for!

Open for positive transformation at all levels!

Practice laser focus on these answers every day.

3. Be connected to the Idea “I deserve it”

If you do not believe that you deserve, you will always have:

- feeling of dissatisfaction;

- feeling that you are not enough;

- your happiness will not be complete;

- you will often suffer from guilt, resentment, self-criticism;

- you will fall victim;

- even if you get a result (dream promotion, meeting an interesting potential love partner, increase in income, business proposal, etc.), you will take subconscious steps

to lose it;

- you will sabotage yourself;

- you will be satisfied with a little.

If you believe you deserve, a huge part of the "energy work" is over. This is wonderful and congratulations! Very often in my practice, however, I meet people who have not connected with the deep understanding that they deserve a life of lightness, love, success, joy.

I deserve is related to self-love. With the feeling of self-value, value, uniqueness, with the awareness of the primordial right to be yourself in your full manifestation, to see the beauty in yourself and in others and to be ready to manifest yourself to the world. I deserve is a deep process. It is also related to the balance: giving - receiving. When you know you deserve it, you get it easily and feel joy, satisfaction, gratitude. At this level, you can ask without being bound by the specific result to receive. But you are internally connected with the idea of your value and right and the strong conviction that your desire will be satisfied.

If you have anxiety, doubts that you may have blockages in this aspect, you can begin to formulate your own statements. You will find examples and guidelines in the chapter "My positive affirmations", as well as some tricks of the Law of Attraction, with which to rise to a higher vibrational level in the pyramid of emotions. Another way to deal with I deserve-blockages and imbalances is one of my favorite methods - KINESIOLOGY and K-Power techniques, which I practice with clients 1:1, in groups and I also teach certification K-Power courses. The only thing I want to point you to is that this is a very important aspect of moving to new levels and that even if you have a blockage to this aspect, there are ways to easily unlock it.

The awareness is important, and once it is there, the process has started in a positive direction. So awareness and positive action in the desired direction is the formula for overcoming any blockage that prevents you from achieving your dreams.

4. Trust yourself, trust the process and ALLOW it to happen

In this aspect of the process lies the key - whether you will see the desire, the goal, the dream in the reality, in your physical life, or it will not happen. Allowing an event, experience or goal to come true is a key point that if you learn to do it consciously, there will be no secrets for you in the manifestation of your desired dreams.

The interesting thing is that everything that surrounds you, all past events, all results, all achieved goals, every relationship in your life have received your PERMISSION to be part of it. Think about how you feel about that? What emotions, awareness and feelings do you experience? Do you resist? Or are you connected to a deep inner knowledge that this is indeed the case?

You may be wondering how you allowed negative memories, traumas, negative experiences to take place in your life. If this bothers you, take this point of view more philosophically and experiment with rationalizing it.

Imagine that you hold some very special keys and choose whether to open the doors of your life to each experience to become part of your reality. These keys are related to several aspects:

- Do you trust in the process that you will receive everything for your own and others' highest good?

- Do you resist the process, or are you in ease and connection with yourself?

- Do you have the persistence to keep your focus on what you want?

- Are you free from expectations and fixation on the results?

- Do you free up space for the desired experiences?

- Do you take targeted actions?

In addition, writing this chapter, I am very lucky to have conducted a workshop on neurographica on the topic I want-I deserve-I allow. You can find a recording of the practice (a gift from me) just message me:

Remember that if you learn to consciously control your thoughts, you will control all aspects of your life. Very often, however, people just think they are doing it. There are several levels that clearly show what we have achieved in the process. These levels are our physical state and reality, our energy and tone, and our emotional balance.

5. Listen to Yourself and Start Gaining Holistic Perspective

Listen to yourself, be aware of your inner dialogue and the different sighs coming from the different levels.


  • Mental

  • Physical

  • Emotional

  • Energy

  • Spiritual

Each of them is important for our overall happiness and well-being. By optimizing one of these levels, we get positive influences and changes at all levels. When we work and develop several levels, the results and the changes are synergistic. And the synergy is the effect known as 1 + 1 = 3, i.e. the results of the different levels, put together, they give much more than the sum of the individual parts. I believe that if we open up to a holistic approach, we begin to connect with our true nature, with our deep essence, we feel the connection with ourselves and open ourselves to abundance and harmony.

What are the different levels responsible for and in what directions will we improve them with the techniques in my practice:

Mental level: What do I think? What do I believe in? What is the mind telling me? What do I think about most often - for problems or solutions, for failure or success? What am I mindful of?

Physical level: Do I have tone, vitality, energy? Am I moving? Do I take good care of my physical health and fitness? Am I coping with stress? Am I resting well?

Energy level: Does my energy flow harmoniously and in a balanced way? How do I deal with energy blockages, disturbances in energy flow and imbalances?

Emotional level: How do I feel? What emotions do I feel? Am I suppressing my true emotions? Do I have emotional blockages, trauma and unhealthy emotions?

Spiritual level: Do I realize a higher reason for things, for my meaning and mission?

These are levels inside of us. And when we develop, enrich, improve an aspect of ourselves, something around us in our lives is changing. However, many people look first from the outside - to go to a new level in the profession, career, business, to go to a new level in the relationship.

I believe that all conflicts, resistances and disharmonies happen when we are not aligned with our inner state. I think the smart strategy is to focus inward, to transform there, and then our physical reality and results follow naturally. The main focus will be our thoughts, beliefs and convictions, the emotions we experience, energy management and release from blockages.

6. Put A Framework Around It – Use the 4Ss of Positive transformation

This is the model, that I developed and I follow it as a framework.

The 4 Ss stand for:





The concept of these 4 positive transformation “S”s again came down to me as awareness. It happened before a live video. As an economist by first education, I'm obviously used to working in models that are easy to remember. What are the aspects of The four “S”'s, you'll learn from the next few pages.

System - overall concept

I call "system" the whole concept, explained logically and methodically step by step, which gives results every time when it’s applied. If we got results once, it could have been a coincidence, "pure luck". If we don't know how to get them again, we definitely do not have a system.

"The system can be repeated and repeated, giving reliable results every time, and changes are predictable, expected, desired.

Strategy - your personal strategy for positive change

"Strategy" is actually your personal strategy for how you will act in the process, from where exactly will you start, because the process is flexible and you always have the right to make a choice (as well as to manifest of your free will). In the book I will tell you about the different benefits of choosing one or another strategy, as well as what expected manifestations you can experience. My friendly advice: have fun! Rediscover new areas! Be surprised! Get out of your comfort zone! Build daily positive habits and connect with yourself as the creator of your life!

Surroundings (Environment) - who and what surrounds you

"Environment" in my opinion is the most important factor for positive change and reaching a new level. We will consider the environment as WHAT it is around us, and WHO is around us. Try to be surrounded by a harmonious, beautiful and invigorating atmosphere. But more importantly

- choose your contacts, choose positive people, successful and mindful, and create a common field with them.

Self-awareness - the real key to a NEW LEVEL

"Self-awareness" means realizing yourself in the world, your movement, the path of change, the results, the effects, the signs, that come to you. To extract subconscious beliefs, convictions, behaviors and transform them into positive habits that bring you desired results.

Self-awareness begins with self-observation. For me, it is the high standard of personal growth.

Can you observe yourself? What do you think? Do you agree that only through self-observation, through the awareness of what we have been and what we are now, and how we have reacted, and we are reacting now, what we have dreamed of and we dream of now, we can truly realize your development and progress?

Self-awareness is of great importance for our perception of life and our personality. You can learn it. It is a skill that you can constantly develop.

The more mastery you have in it, the more new levels you will conquer.

If you methodically develop all four “S” for positive transformation, your life will change in many aspects. The four “S”s create synergy with each other, increase their power and influence, and you begin to live in a completely different vibration.

The second aspect that you may also notice is synchronicity.

When you enter the new vibration, if you start to make a transformation, the happy coincidences", the wonderful surprises, the pleasant gifts, the unexpected wonderful events and experiences appear, which we can summarize in one word - synchronicity. I adore these days when everything and everyone supports me, shows me that I am on the right path, that I am in harmony with myself, that I radiate positive vibrations.

Days in which I am constantly surprised by the power of energy, in which I realize the scope of the universal laws, in which I am in my most brilliant manifestation.

My soul is filled with reverence for the power of all that is. I love synchronicity.

I love this wonderful way for the universe to show me that I am in complete harmony with myself and everything around me.

7. Understand Yourself and the Mechanisms of the Positive Holistic Change

The summary here is this:

Decide that you want a positive transformation and activate your brain to achieve this goal

Practice Laser Focus know what do you want.

Know that you deserve it and allow it to happen.

Understand the 5 levels and observe them during the positive transformation.

Use the 4Ss of positive change to shift to the new level with lightness and joy.

Repeat the process for every new level that you desire.

I will be very happy to support and empower you with the methods that I use.

Accountability is the multiplier for success. When we set out to make improvements to ourselves and our lives, transformation is key. Information alone doesn’t transform. My coaching program, Awaken to Vocation, is an empowerment program for educated, career-driven professionals who value making a meaningful contribution as much as they value making a good living. It is designed to help you master your professional destiny, elevate your vocational confidence, and dominate your life purpose. Guard your future.

Self-awareness and positive transformation come together. When we set out to make positive changes in ourselves and in any area of our lives, a holistic approach is key. My coaching programs, New level and Shift to Thrive, are empowerment programs for better work-life balance, focus and energy management, energy balance and creative goal-setting for better results, developing thriving mindset and positive focus, while living their mission, achieving more with lightness, love and joy.

Apply HERE for an opportunity to have a Bonus Introductory Session with me.

Follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn and visit my website for more info!


Denitsa Andonova, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Denitsa Andonova, PhD. Candidate, is the founder of The Holistic Academy by Deni Andonova, How thrive®, Thriving Bulgaria Foundation for mental health and thriving mindset.

Deni Andonova helps people to do the desired shift – from surviving to thriving mode and to re-connect to themselves, re-wire their brains, re-write their lives. Her concept about the level of Holisticity, published in the bestselling collective book Emerge, in co-authorship with Brian Tracy and other experts all around the world, creates new horizons for open-minded people, who want to live amazing dream lives and to enjoy more love, gratitude, success, balance, lightness and joy. Deni Andonova is a organizational and positive psychologist, speaker, trainer, certified corporate wellness specialist, certified K-Power® instructor, HR specialist, kinesiologist, Bush flower essences therapist, specialist and certified Instructor Neurographica® – art therapy and aesthetic coaching, certified Neuro-Agility® practitioner. She has 3 master degrees in Psychology and Human Resource Management and PhD in Corporate wellness. Book Author: Nutrition on Cell level: Holistic guide for self-care and love; New Level: Holistic Guide for transformation and positive change; Emerge – with Brian Tracy.

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