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Could A Resolution Also Be A Reincarnation?

Written by: Dr Lynn Anderson, Executive Contributor

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Executive Contributor Dr Lynn Anderson

How can we use our present reincarnation to help us make and keep our resolutions? It's that time of year when we all make resolutions or promises to ourselves about making changes or instilling new habits, behaviors, and beliefs. When we make resolutions, we make decisions and set goals. Reincarnation is more about the soul's rebirth or expansion of consciousness. We think of it in terms of dying and then returning to earth life to live out our mission, which in karmic terms means to resolve something. So, could a resolution be like a reincarnation? Both call upon us to examine our lives and then attempt to fix something usually connected to our behavior.

Low section of man climbing up stairs with new year number

Reincarnation and resolutions involve the idea of renewal. Both promote the cyclical act of reflection and then a decision as to what action we will take to create a desired outcome. The difference is that resolutions are often tied to specific dates or times where reincarnation cycles repeat the cycle of renewal until we resolve an issue from the soul’s perspective.

Whether you believe in reincarnation or not, it's an interesting concept that might be explained by looking at the fundamental law of physics, which can be summarized as, “Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only change from one form to another.” According to Kamra, this is the principle of reincarnation. We are simply a bundle of energy constantly changing but never lost. When we reincarnate, we are believed to return to earth life to correct or resolve something. In a sense, we shift our energy each New Year into a new form that commits to resolving a conflict or changing a habit. This is much like reincarnation.

Both reincarnation and resolutions are seen as opportunities to make change. Resolutions allow individuals to break free from past patterns or mistakes so we might improve the future. In the same way, reincarnation is seen as an opportunity for the soul to consciously become aware of previous life’s experiences, rectify actions, and evolve towards a higher state of being. 

Reincarnation and resolutions involve self-reflection. In both, there is the concept of consequences for one’s actions. Both can be seen as a search for a deeper meaning and purpose in life. Resolutions, however, involve a decision to change some form of behavior to improve present life. In contrast, reincarnation implies a journey through many lifetimes in the pursuit of a higher understanding of the purpose and meaning of life.

You could say that reincarnation and resolutions run parallel lines through our lives. Where one brings us up against the present, the other looks to past behavior as a lesson that, if consciously learned, will help us to change and thus evolve. But isn’t that what we all attempt to do when we make those New Year's resolutions? We want to switch to a better way of being by changing, removing, or striving for something. We want to evolve into a better version of ourselves.

It's not easy to keep resolutions, but if we strive to make our resolution habits that form and shape our existence rather than abstract concepts, over time, these actions will shift from conscious thought to happening without notice. That is precisely what karma teaches us about reincarnation. It’s the conscious awareness of the things we need to change, resolve, or correct so that with conscious thought, we adopt behaviors that help us evolve into a higher state of being, and when we do that, we are working our karma. So, yes, a resolution is like a reincarnation. When we make favorable resolutions into habits, they become part of our being, and it is this energy, according to Kamra, that we take into our future lives. So, make your resolution count. Make them habits that become a part of your being because you may carry them for many reincarnations.

Happy new year!

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Dr Lynn Anderson Brainz Magazine

Dr Lynn Anderson, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Doctor Lynn is a Naturopath, yoga nutrition therapist, fitness professional, karma master, published author, international speaker and video producer with over 40 years’ experience in the field of natural health and fitness. She has been featured in Redbook, Reader’s Digest, Huffington Post, Shape, SELF and various other national publications, TV networks and Podcasts. She is the author and producer of the Soul Walking series; Karma, Prosperity, Vitality and The Naturopathic Wellness Series; The Yoga of Nutrition and Recipes for Health, Sex, Happiness and Love; and Doctor Lynn’s Proactive-Aging Workouts; DVDs and TV with international distribution; CEC author, Burnout – it happens to all of us.

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