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Core Energy Dynamics in a Multidimensional World

Kurt D. Bruckmann Sr. is a Master in Core Energy Dynamics being one of a few in the world. He provides the understanding of how our mind-body-energy connection operates delivering solutions for optimized outcome. Founder of Continuum Core Coaching and an Internationally acclaimed best-selling author of "Ready Connect Grow" Anthology published in 2023.

Executive Contributor Kurt D. Bruckmann Sr.

Multidimensional thinking is a process derived from multiple dimensions rather than simply adopting one approach. It is desirable because it allows for greater intellectual penetration while enabling a multidimensional thinker to think without relying heavily on a specific framework. This approach allows for tapping into varied sources of core energy and its dynamics.

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The key elements that summarize the multidimensional approach recognize human behavior as an interaction between a person and their environment. Personal dimensions follow the biopsychosocial approach, which understands human behavior as the result of interactions among biological, psychological, spiritual, and social systems.

The concept of multidimensional thinking refers to the ability to understand and manipulate ideas across various dimensions or perspectives, such as spatial reasoning, abstract thinking, and the ability to consider multiple variables simultaneously. A multidimensional thinker is someone whose ability to think is not confined to a single perspective or viewpoint. They approach any situation from various angles, striving to comprehend each perspective thoroughly and gain a comprehensive understanding of different viewpoints, core energy, and its functions.

Multidimensional identity refers to the complex and varied aspects of an individual's identity that interact and influence each other, including race, ethnicity, gender, class, sexuality, cultural background, and overall environment. Multidimensional thinking exists in many different places at once, allowing one to shift consciousness and switch realities—much like flipping from one station to another or moving the dial of consciousness.

Identifying one's purpose, core values, beliefs, identity, and life vision defines the spiritual dimension. These elements shape the essence of a person, enabling them to build inner strength, find meaning in experiences, behave ethically, persevere through challenges, and remain resilient in the face of adversity. This understanding empowers individuals to harness their core energy to achieve desired outcomes in all they do.

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Multidimensional thinking is a key element in summarizing core energy within a multidimensional life. Personal dimensions follow the biosocial approach, understanding human behavior as the result of interactions among biological, psychological, spiritual, and social systems.

Core Energy describes the thoughts, feelings, and actions a person exhibits while interacting with the world around them. This understanding mirrors the multidimensional aspects of life. There are six core energy influences that contribute to and enhance awareness within a multidimensional world.

6 energy influencers interacting with multidimensional life

  • Environmental - relating to the natural world arising from a person's surroundings and the impact of human activity on its condition.

  • Social - who you interact with and how can greatly impact how you perform in whatever you’re doing.

  • Physical - things that allow your body to move and work in the way you want while nurturing your physical needs.

  • Mental - access your full brain power carried out or taking place in the mind.

  • Emotional - a barometer which helps awareness when stress is rising or falling, shifting emotional states arousing intense feelings. Energy in motion.

  • Spiritual - a sense of purpose and meaning creating fulfillment while executing your authentic self.

This is where core energy, the total amount of energy at any given moment in thoughts, feelings, and actions, interacts with the multidimensional world. Here, you find the energy of change creating transition while igniting transformation. You are now in the flow of your authentic life.

Enter the element of time

Time, past present and future is a co-created construct that is held in place by humans' multidimensional belief in it. When the divisions between past, present and future dissolves, time collapses and the true nature of your reality reveals itself as timeless, eternal, multidimensional and happening now. This is the zone of your core energy dynamics operating in the moment with 100 % of energy creating growth. Visioning is to dream forward, future. Remembering is to dream backwards, past. The moment is the action of all dimensions at once. It is your truth.

Transition energy

Core transition occurs when we move from where we are to where we want to be. Since change, or time, is the only constant in life, transitions emerge in every aspect of existence, enhancing the multidimensional world. The more energy available, the greater the potential for successful transitions.

Multidimensional transition means existing in many different places at once, shifting consciousness, and switching realities. It is the ability to flip from one station to another with flow, moving the dial of your consciousness accordingly.

Core energy awareness in a multidimensional life fuels one's purpose, core values, beliefs, identity, and life vision. These elements define the essence of a person, enabling them to build inner strength, find meaning in experiences, behave ethically, persevere through challenges, and remain resilient in the face of adversity.

The anchor, time

Time can be viewed as the measured or measurable period during which an action, process, or condition exists or continues. It is the duration in which all things happen. Time is the indefinite, continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future, regarded as a whole, identifying a point in time.

Making choices in the present moment is your strength. Conscious choice seeks shifts in core energy or consciousness, becoming the primary driver of positive change. Everyone leads by choice or by default in a multidimensional life. Choose conscious choice for the desired outcome.

"From Impossible To I'm Possible"

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Kurt D. Bruckmann Sr., Core Energy Dynamics Master

Kurt D. Bruckmann Sr. is a leader in the understanding of Core Energy Dynamics. As a child, he experienced several untimely tragedies in the loss of his father and other family mentor figures.

He turned to his teachings for them to embrace nature and its ever-guiding lessons of continual growth while in a continuum of change. As his life evolved Kurt went on to build and establish his

own company while becoming one of the world's top precious metals traders on the floor of the commodities exchange in the World Trade Center. He is a two-time survivor of WTC attacks. He delivers his expertise of energy as the founder of ContInuum Core Coaching. Kurt teaches and guides people in understanding their core energy. "From Impossible To I'm Possible"

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