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Conscious Leadership – The Way Of The Future

Written by: Renee C. Dominguez, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


The rules have changed in the workplace faster than most organizations can process. The leadership style in the past no longer works for leading toward the future. This thing called COVID-19 has shifted the way people want to operate and lead in the workplace.

outdoor shot of beautiful woman smiling at camera

There is no more room for barking orders, making unruly demands, and stealing others' ideas. The people have spoken and are no longer willing to tolerate being made to feel insignificant and unappreciated in the workplace.

This is the new era of conscious leadership. To show up with self-awareness and authenticity. To know that your actions and decisions can positively and negatively impact others.

Conscious leadership is vital because it allows leaders to be more effective and significantly impact their teams and those around them. Mindful and self-aware leaders can better make well-informed decisions, communicate effectively with their teams, and create a positive work culture.

Employees want guidance and assurance that they are valued. In addition, they want to contribute to the vision and work under a leader who provides support and communication.

Moreover, conscious leadership can help leaders to navigate and address challenges and conflicts more constructively and effectively. By being aware of their biases and assumptions, leaders can be more open to different perspectives and approaches and more effective in finding solutions to problems.

If you are ready to step into your new leadership style, you don't have to figure this out alone.

Here are five steps you can take to become a conscious leader:

  1. Practice self-awareness: Reflect on your values, motivations, and actions and how they impact others. Seek feedback from others to gain a deeper understanding of your strengths and areas for improvement.

  2. Communicate openly and honestly: Be transparent and authentic in your communication with others, and encourage open dialogue.

  3. Empower others: Encourage and support the growth and development of your team members by giving them the tools and resources they need to succeed.

  4. Foster collaboration: Encourage collaboration and teamwork, and create an inclusive and supportive work environment.

  5. Make ethical decisions: Consider the long-term consequences of your decisions and act in a way that is ethical and aligns with your values.

By following these steps, you can become a more conscious leader and create a positive and productive work culture. It's important to remember that becoming a conscious leader is a continuous process, and making mistakes along the way is okay. Keep learning and growing, and be open to feedback and new ideas.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Renee C. Dominguez, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Renee Dominguez is a global leader supporting women in transformational leadership, high performance, and breaking the status quo. Being a female in male-dominant industries, Renee learned that if she wanted to break the mold, she needed to step out and create a new paradigm for herself and other women. Renee has since spent her time and energy curating experiences for others to find their purpose so they can lead with impact and legacy. She is the founder of Empowered LeadHERship, the premier community for impactful women ready to show up on their terms. Her mission: it’s your time to be heard, seen, & respected.


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