Written by: Liz Sparkes, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Over time we develop many limiting beliefs and thoughts about ourselves. We experience various traumatic and challenging events, but we also experience rich, beautiful moments that make our hearts sing. However, we have this uncanny ability to cling and be shaped much more by our perceived negative and difficult experiences. These take us further away from feeling connected and at ease. I have heard our minds be described as having Velcro for bad experiences and Teflon for good ones. In truth, we are built to survive, and therefore the fact that we find it difficult to release difficult experiences supports this. It's in our nature to stay safe. When this becomes a preoccupation, it reduces our joy and flow with the world. Our connection to our destiny!

Over the last decade, I have explored how we can release ourselves from the subconscious and conscious fears, beliefs, and ties that reduce our ability to connect deeply with our true nature, our soul self. Often clients describe the feeling of something being missing, a sense of loneliness, or lack of connection. Having looked around for what felt like a lifetime for this similar ‘something,’ I recognize this sense of searching. The need for that connection to the deepest part of who we are.
As we begin to peel back the layers of experience, emotion, and tightly held restrictive beliefs, we begin to connect with the essence of who we are. The ability to perceive and get close to our real sense of self allows a settling down, reducing anxiety, and clarifying what we really want from our lives. The hardest part can be the transformation, the period where the awareness grows as we open up the boxes that we pushed deep into our subconscious mind. In all honesty we are learning and transforming during our entire lives, but there are points where this opening up and seeing ourselves with absolute clarity gets intense.
The power and strength of compassion work have never failed me, both for myself and my clients. I am so passionate about it that I Co-wrote an MSc in it and ran training and sessions as much as possible. When we choose to heal and open up to the real self, integrating the shadow or cast aside parts of ourselves, compassion brings the soothing element of courage and buffers against the challenging emotions. Just placing a hand on the heart and feeling the warmth can engage you in such a deep sense of peace. As we start to work with the energy of compassion, it allows a surge of determination and strength that you didn’t know you had. Cultivating a compassionate backdrop is known to impact our minds and bodies in such a huge way. We start to let go with more ease, be with difficulty differently, and allow ourselves to be seen for who we are.
Compassion meditations and practices are worth exploring, whether in a group or with an expert, or alone using something like Insight timer (a wonderful free APP for meditation). During my time leading people through compassion meditations, I have witnessed shifts in people’s awareness, changes to perceptions of physical pain, improvements in physical health, and a rate of emotional healing that without the support of compassion may have taken a lot longer. As you begin to treat yourself with the energy of compassion, the ability to transform increases.

Liz Sparkes, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Liz Sparkes is a health psychologist, intuitive coach, and meditation and reiki practitioner. After completing a Ph.D. in Pain Psychology and training to facilitate meditation and mindfulness, Liz dedicated herself to helping others feel more empowered and fulfilled. Liz has developed academic and private transformational courses for a heart-based living, meditation and compassion, awareness, and moon living. Liz works with groups and individuals in workplaces, health settings, charitable organizations, and holistic retreats. Liz utilizes a mixture of psychological and ancient spiritual methods for healing and to support living life from the perspective of the heart, gaining greater insight and intuitive trust.