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Communication Skills For A Happy Life

Written by: Dr. Robert A. Portnoy, Ph.D., SLP, SPHR, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Dr. Robert A. Portnoy, Ph.D., SLP, SPHR

If you were asked what’s the number one secret to a fulfilling career and a happy relationship, what would your answer be?

image photo of persons talking

Many people would answer communicating effectively with bosses, colleagues, and customers in work settings and with family and friends in interpersonal relationships.

How would you rate yourself as an effective communicator? On a 1 to 10 scale with 10 representing highly effective communication:

  • I get my point across clearly as soon as I start talking

  • People remember what I want them to remember

  • My voice is pleasant and expressive

  • I look directly at others, often making warm and engaging eye contact

  • I often tell meaningful stories which people enjoy

  • My answers to questions are direct and responsive

  • People often say to me, “Thanks for listening.”

Learning how to speak clearly and listen carefully can be two of the most meaningful gifts you can give yourself, as well as though who influence and contribute to your life.

Mastering these gifts, if you haven’t already done so, can be challenging and often requires hard work, particularly if unlearning ineffective communication is needed.

The new learning process includes persistence, patience, and practice and completing it sets you on a course for career success and personal fulfillment.

What does the research have to say about effective communication?

  • Reducing stress

  • Increasing trust

  • Building meaningful relationships

  • Saving time and reducing costs

  • Happiness

  • Better physical and mental health Google it and see for yourself.

Interested in boosting your own communication skills? I’d be happy to explore some possibilities with you. I’ve coached hundreds of aspiring and top-tier business professionals to design and deliver compelling presentations and to build meaningful and productive relationships by learning how to listen carefully, both at work and at home. Check out my LinkedIn profile.

Let’s explore some possibilities. Schedule a Complimentary Session.

And for immediate help in designing your own professional presentation that grabs attention and makes a critical point, download your free copy of The Ultimate Presentation Skills Toolkit. It’s a video-based tutorial with examples that demonstrate step-by-step exactly what to do. You’ll be glad you did!

Follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Dr. Robert A. Portnoy, Ph.D., SLP, SPHR Brainz Magazine

Dr. Robert A. Portnoy, Ph.D., SLP, SPHR, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Dr. Robert A. Portnoy is the President and Master Trainer at the Learn to Present Academy. Clinically and professionally trained Dr. Portnoy helps businesses increase their productivity through effective communication. Whether coaching executives deliver compelling presentations, enabling managers to boost employee performance by aligning daily work to company goals, or preparing job seekers to stand out with stellar interviewing skills, effective communication drives results. Dr. Portnoy's proprietary methods are time-tested, research based, and produce visible and measurable results.

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