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Coaching For The Sustainable Future Business

Written by: Nikolett Huszák, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


First of all, I’d like to raise the attention that sustainability is one of the focus points in our everyday life. This is something that we cannot avoid. We need to be aware of the meaning of sustainability and also the meaning of coaching to see the importance and the relation between them.

Executive coaching is in focus in this article however business coaching has an instrumental role on all company levels.

What is sustainability?

Sustainability usually comes up when we read about waste reduction, CO2 emission, plastic- free materials and regulations, renewable energy, etc. However, sustainability is not just environmentalism. we could look at sustainability from different aspects, as it is composed by three pillars: economic, environmental, and social. I'd like to share how coaching, and sustainability can link to each other in business and in the personal development areas to reach or maintain a sustainable future business.

’Sustainability means meeting our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In addition to natural resources, we also need social and economic resources. Sustainability is not just environmentalism.’

As we live in an ecosystem we need to use our holistic view and analyze the company, individuals, the organization, and the company culture together.

In this ecosystem coaching mindset and coaching culture should be implemented so the transformation could lead the company for further development not just during Covid times but the new normal or whatever we call it.

Well-being at work, as the social pillar of sustainability, would not just be an illusion but an essential part of the company culture.

Coaching can be a perfect solution for thinking about a sustainable future with perfect timing in this sensitive period.

Social pillar of sustainability

Social sustainability is a process of creating successful places that promotes well-being, create space for evolving, support social and cultural life, understand people’s needs, create a system for engagement. In business, social sustainability includes human rights, fair labor practises, health, safety, wellness, living conditions, life-work balance, empowerment, community engagement.

What is coaching?

Bachkirova, Cox, and Clutterbuck proposed that coaching could be seen as ’a human development process that involves structured, focused interaction and the use of appropriate strategies, tools, and techniques to promote desirable and sustainable change for the benefit of the client and potentially for other stakeholders.’

How can executive coaching support sustainability?

Coaching as a supportive tool can help to create or to maintain sustainable change, sustainable performance, sustainable company culture, and a sustainable future.

If we check an average company organizational chart, the CEO on the top of the pyramid is responsible for creating the values and mission & vision statement. CEO will show the way what will be followed by the people. In case the CEO is committed to the change, organizational development can start in partnership at all level of the company. During the coaching process, goals need to be defined to be able to see the result.

5 + 1 essential requirements for the impactful executive coaching cooperation:

  1. Having trust in the coaching relationship

  2. Being committed

  3. Feeling special

  4. Space of think

  5. Receiving objective feedback

+1 Time for self-reflection

5 steps to get closer to the sustainable future (business)

  1. Executive coaching process

  2. Coaching culture to implement

  3. Ask your employees

  4. Time and space for innovative ideas

  5. To think about leadership as a lifestyle instead of a position

This is all about change. How to know it, how to face it, how to handle it, and what resources does the executive have to make the changes happen to take a step forward for the sustainable future business.

Key take-aways:

  1. Executives are in the vital role

  2. Sustainability has economic, environmental, and social pillars

  3. Coaching has an instrumental role

  4. Trust is essential

  5. Big changes start with small steps.

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Nikolett Huszák, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Nikolett HUSZÁK ACC is an ICF Accredited Business Coach and Human Marketing Developer She has 16+ years of professional experience in Airline, Retail, and Property marketing. This knowledge gives her a Helicopter view of how the business runs. She is currently in a change as she just left the multinational company she worked for 16 years and give herself a break to have deeper knowledge and a clear view on her future. She holds a Bachelors's degree in Economics, a Masters's degree in Marketing, an ACC credential, Business coach certification.

Nikolett is passionate about coaching, and it is one of her great passions besides traveling and sports. She loves to support people when they have dilemmas or challenges in their business. Through coaching, she is in charge of inspiring people. Nikolett used to be a professional handball player, and she accomplished several half-marathons.

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