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Clear Your Mind And Simplify Your Life – Practical Steps To Reduce Stress & Enjoy Life More

Tara Leigh is a certified life coach, certified health coach, and success strategist who’s passionate about helping you simplify your life, declutter your mind, build better relationships, and create space for what matters most.

Executive Contributor Tara Leigh

How many times a day does your mind race with thoughts that don’t empower you? Thoughts that create anxiety and stress and make you feel inadequate, overwhelmed, and pressured to do more, be more, and want more?

 Young woman relaxing on pier at sunrise enjoying the sea view

If you’re like me (or how I used to be), these thoughts are endless. But here’s the good news, you can change your thinking and transform your life. It all starts with an awareness that you want a better, calmer, and more stress-free life and a willingness to do what it takes to get there. And getting there can be fun! We often make life too difficult, putting so much pressure on ourselves for things to be perfect that we forget to enjoy the process of “getting there.” When the goal is the “prize” we miss the opportunity to enjoy the ride.

Mindset check

Where are you in life regarding your mindset and your overall sense of peace and harmony? What is out of balance? What has been weighing heavily on your mind, taking up precious mental space, and robbing you of your peace? It’s ok if you have a long list, so many people do. Don’t judge where you’re at, recognize these challenges and move through them with grace.

What are you worrying about?

Here’s an assignment I give to my clients that I’ll share with you: make a list of 100 things you are tolerating in life. One hundred things that are weighing you down and draining your energy. Grab a sheet of paper right now and jot down a few things. Once you lean into this, you’ll start dumping one thing after another onto the page, and you’ll be amazed at all the items you’re able to list! Things you worry about every day will be easy to jot down. Things you didn’t realize were bothering you will surface. And the things nesting in your subconscious will show up. Some will seem trivial, some embarrassing, but jot them down anyway. No one is going to read this list but you, so go all out. (My clients share their lists with me, and we work on ways to remove each toleration and add timelines to hold them accountable.)

Common client tolerations include

  • Never knowing where their keys are

  • Hating their job

  • Being in an unhappy marriage

  • Being overweight

  • Friends who are always late

  • Coworkers who gossip too much

  • A cluttered home

  • Having a poor relationship with family members

  • Credit card debt

  • Being disorganized

  • Spending too much time on social media

  • Scrolling through Netflix searching for something to watch

Energy drains

The things you’re tolerating are energy drains. They take up physical and mental space and weigh you down. So, make your list, and add timelines and solutions to remove each one of the 100. (Yes, all 100!) If you want your life to change, you have to make changes. You can read an article, watch a YouTube video, or listen to a Podcast, but if you don’t take action, you won’t move forward. It’s time to let go of the things that are weighing you down so you can create space to enjoy life more.

Need help?

If you want help creating new patterns of thinking, reducing stress and anxiety, and implementing more joy into your days, reach out for information on my 12-week program, From Overwhelmed to Overjoyed. If you’re tired of being tired, tired of going through the motions of your day-to-day life without much excitement or joy, tired of hustling 24/7 focusing on the “urgent” rather than the “important” and want a better way, this program is for you!


During these 12 weeks, you’ll work with me 1:1 via Zoom. You’ll uncover how and why your life is out of balance, why you haven’t been making your needs a priority, why you’re taking on too much, and where your fears lie. You’ll create new, daily habits that will be sustainable long-term while gaining clarity and confidence in what you want moving forward. You’ll learn how to ditch the anxiety and overwhelm for good, and add hours back into your days, so you can live a life you love!


For more information on From Overwhelmed to Overjoyed, you can contact Tara here. You can also Book a Free Introductory Call or a Breakthrough Session to get started with any of her programs.

For more info, visit Tara’s website, contact her here, or follow her on Instagram and LinkedIn

Read more from Tara Leigh


Tara Leigh, Certified Life Coach + Success Strategist

Tara Leigh is a leader in personal development, simplification, and mindset mastery. She has been a life coach for 20+ years and is dedicated to helping others simplify their lives, declutter their minds, build better relationships, and create greater success both personally and professionally. She teaches you how to take back control of your life and live on purpose, rather than on auto-pilot, so you can live a life you truly love and leave the stress behind!

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