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Circles Cycles And Time Itself

Written by: Thomas Janak, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Thomas Janak

Imagine the following scenario: You are beginning a fitness routine using a ‘jogging app’ that will tell you when you have reached the halfway point of your run.

A photo of wooden hour glass.

In the beginning, you are not that fit and therefore not that fast and therefore the sentence ‘you are halfway’ will be spoken quite late in your run and as you keep running using the app the halfway point can be measured against a house or a tree that just happens to be there every time you reach the halfway point.

Eventually, you will get fitter and therefore faster, and the halfway point will now be announced long after you have passed the halfway point of all the yesterdays as you were running past that landmark faster – time hasn’t changed, your speed has!

In space, objects tend to fly much faster and therefore time apparently moves slower. As seen from earth, the moon’s velocity appears to be very fast when in fact for the moon she moves a total distance of just 13° per day, which is the width of two fists side by side.

For GPS and satellites to work the way they move through space must be looked at and time must be readjusted so that they work for us down here on earth.

It is a weird thought process to realise that for fast flying objects who get to wherever they wish to go way before we would, time feels to move past slower.

Then again,

TIME – it is a bit off

Because it takes exactly 29 days from one new moon to the next (14 ½ days from new moon to full moon and 14 ½ days from full moon to new moon) and because the moon’s phases are very regular, it makes a great timepiece or calendar etc.

The waxing and waning phases have formed the basis of calendars as old as 30 000 years ago and the +- 30 days a month thing is an approximation of the lunar cycle.

But because everything is fluctuating, lunar calendars often had a 13th month added to some years and an extra day added for leap years before the introduction of our Gregorian calendar and since the earth rotates once every 23.9 hours instead of 24 hours: it is a tad off.

And while this sounds rather minute (see what I did there, lol) and maybe a bit stingy when we take 24 hours a day instead of 23.9 hours, it does add up and any clock running at a fixed, constant rate of 60 seconds per minute really can’t follow the actual sun. Instead, it follows a trajectory of a sun that moves along the celestial equator at a constant rate which follows the real sun’s average rate per year.

That system neglects the fact that actual time can be out by 16.25 minutes throughout the year.

Our clocks are based on solar time and according to solar time a star will rise or set about four minutes earlier each day, therefore, from our point of view, the stars revolve around the earth in only 23 hours 56 minutes. This time period is known as a ‘sidereal day’ which is not used in western astrology.

Now, why am I mentioning this?? – because our inner clock follows the natural movement of the sun and some people have tremendous difficulties keeping time, being on time etc because ‘constant time’ restricts and no sentient being likes to feel restricted.

In other words: There is a rebel inside all of us and while we would be rather lost without calendars and watches – things happen in their own sweet time and not at a rate dictated to us by a system even if it was meant to simplify time for us.

While time is often used to measure events from past to the present and predictions into the future, let’s not forget that life is cyclical, and cycles have an enormous impact on all sentient beings.

Here is a quote/explanation from an indigenous native American point of view:

You have noticed that everything an Indian does is in a circle, and that is because the power of the world always works in circles, and everything tries to be round … The sky is round, and I have heard that the earth is round like a ball, and so are all the stars.

The wind, in its greatest power, whirls. Birds make their nests in circles, for theirs is the same religion as ours … Even the seasons form a great circle in changing, and always come back again to where they were.

The life of a man is a circle from childhood to childhood, and it is in everything where power moves.’

BLACK ELK (Oglala) (1863 – 1950)

We will meet the same type of people / energies over and over again until we have learned whatever cosmic lessons we have with them.

The rotation of the earth gives us our clock cycle also known as the day-night cycle, we also have annual cycles and seasons and then there is the Mayan Galactic cycle.

Frequencies of all kinds seem to be the basis of ‘the cosmic structure’ and these frequencies have filtered down to living matter.

The concept of mind and matter is well known and has been known since antiquity.

The modern view is that ‘mind’ only exists in the brain and that the mind penetrates the brain with measurable Schumann frequencies of between 8 Hz to 20 Hertz and it was found that crop circles (of all things) can retune the brain, at least on a temporary basis.

We are all connected as stated under the ‘Global Scaling Theory’. This is based on the concept that the universe is structured based on ‘standing cosmic waves in logarithmic space’. If objects have been physically linked and then separated, they remain consciously connected.

A standing wave does not spread, and its nodes are coherently linked. The way the cosmos works in an integral force in all of us. ¹

That is also why birth charts were a frequent and common gift to all humans a long time ago, when every court and noble house had an astrologer, often known as ‘the seer’.

Modalities such as numerology looks deeply into when one can expect different cycles to occur and offers guidance on how to deal with them and since we are all energies, the vibrational energy of numbers can be a great help in figuring things out or to get some sort of a thumbs up as to what specific vibrations can bring.

Take 2024 for instance: 2024 = 2+0+2+4 = 8 but 8 as a single number is not the same as say a ‘life path number 8’, ‘maturity number 8’ etc and yet looking at 8 shows the following:

Simply looking at it helps you understand that when you topple eight over, it becomes the infinity sign.

Therefore, in 2024, we all should adopt the policy of changing how we see things, get fresh perspectives on life as eight is seen and understood at ‘the number of stumbling blocks’ and looking at life a bit more detached can only be a good thing.

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Thomas Janak Brainz Magazine

Thomas Janak, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

German-born Cannock/Staffordshire resident Thomas Janak is a psychic medium who works with native American guides and spirit animal guides. He is also a shamanic healer/practitioner (Ama Deus, Elven, Shamanic empowerment, Shamanic Energy healing), Sound Healing Therapist, Past life regression and soul retrieval practitioner, Reiki master and holistic animal healer and pet psychologist. He holds diplomas and certificates in many areas, both human and animal clients related such as Ancient Egyptian healing modalities, wolf studies, ornithology, snakes and spiders’ studies,

butterfly studies, primatology, dream interpretation, child psychology, metaphysics, crystal healing, colour therapy, numerology, astrology (Western and Vedic), Fibonacci numbers and the golden ratio, rune casting, Thai foot massage, seated massage, natural lift massage, palmistry, magnet therapy and tree studies.



  • [1] ‘The energies of crop circles, Lucy Pringle and James Lyons, 2019, Destiny Books, ISBN: 978 – 1 – 62055 – 867 – 6

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