Written by Dr. Dain Heer, Speaker and Author
Dr. Dain Heer is an avid explorer of possibilities and an internationally recognized author and speaker. As the founder of the annual International Being You Day and Co-creator of Access Consciousness—one of the largest personal development movements practiced in 176 countries—Dain serves as a catalyst for empowering individuals to realize they can change anything in their lives. For over 30 years, he has encouraged people to view their differences as strengths, amplify their uniqueness, and fully embrace their greatness!

In our journey through life, many of us find ourselves standing on the brink of change, just like a courageous little cow I recently encountered while white water rafting in Costa Rica. His bold leap from the safety of a (15-foot!) cliff into the roaring rapids below was more than just a curious moment. It was a profound illustration of the true power of choice.

The extraordinary encounter
As a group of friends, coworkers, and I navigated the challenging waters of level four rapids, we noticed a bizarre site just ahead: a small cow, his head barely above water, in the middle of a relatively calm area of the river, paddling for dear life, a couple hundred feet upstream from impending death in even more rapids.
Seeing that cow in the middle of the river stopped us all in our tracks. A few cowboys were wading to his spot in the river, urging him to move to safety, but he steadfastly remained as though he were waiting for something. Or someone?
Little did we know, this encounter would spark a series of events that would forever change this little cow’s life and contribute immensely to ours.
After several intense minutes of trying to get the resistant animal to shore, the cowboys finally succeeded. We all watched, transfixed and stunned by what we were witnessing. Have any of you ever seen a cow jump into a rapidly moving river from a cliff? Neither had we. Neither had the river guides with decades of experience. And neither had the Cowboys.
After ensuring the little cow was safe, we learned that he had made a spontaneous leap of faith just as our crew passed that very cliff, jumping headlong into the fast-moving river from the 15-foot rise above. He had abandoned the comfort and safety of the only place he had ever called home for something different.
I couldn’t shake the feeling that meeting this cute little courageous cow was just the beginning, not the end.
There was just something so unique and different about this encounter and this cow that I asked the cowboys if we could buy that fantastic little creature. Sensing something themselves, they happily agreed. So, later that day, we bought the cow and named him Lucky.
We took him to our eco-resort, where his story spread to all the guests and employees. Since his arrival, that lucky little cow has been cuddled, adored, and showered with admiration and attention. He now thrives among friends (both cow and people), getting many scratches behind the ears from people and running free with other well-cared-for animals, a living testament to the magic of choice.
The leap of faith
Lucky’s action may seem instinctual, but it is also quite uncharacteristic for a cow. (Leaping off cliffs isn’t their forte!) And it resonated deeply with me. It mirrored a lesson I’ve learned over the years: our biggest choices in life often arise from a place of intuition and our knowing! Rather than logical reasoning.
We often find ourselves at a crossroads, our autopilot urging us to remain in the safety of the familiar. Yet, there’s a whisper within, urging us to leap into the unknown. Much like Indiana Jones’ dramatic moment in "The Last Crusade," when he steps into the abyss, significant leaps of faith can lead to extraordinary transformations.
What if what we define as fear is actually excitement?
What if discomfort is not a foe but a friend leading to new beginnings?
What if the unknown is the very treasure we seek?
Navigating the discomfort of big choices
Making substantial choices can be daunting, yes. From facilitating people worldwide, I’ve noticed that the discomfort seems to arise from the sense of losing control of potential consequences. Questions swirling in our minds: Will I be supported? What if I fail? What will people think? Am I making the "right" choice? Will I die in the rolling river of the uncontrolled?
And the discomfort of losing control can feel paralyzing, urging us to cling to the safety of our current circumstances, even if they no longer serve us. But what if that feeling uncomfortable is part of your growth process? What if this choice, this leap, is precisely what you’ve been asking for, just showing up differently than you thought it would?
The discomfort shows us that we are (finally!) venturing beyond our usual boundaries. Just as Lucky faced the rush of the rapids, we too can feel the turbulence of emotions, fear, excitement, and anxiety when we’re about to leap into our future.
However, embracing this loss of control is where the magic lies. By leaning into our unease, we create space for exploration and discovery. Instead of resisting the feelings, we can acknowledge them as natural companions on our journey toward growth.
The illusion of no choice
As I’ve reflected on my own experiences, I’ve realized one of my greatest challenges arises anytime I believe I don’t have a choice. In those moments, I become a cranky, resistant version of myself—akin to a toddler throwing a fit. This illusion is a powerful one; it takes away our agency and cuts off our energy.
Yet, the truth is that we always have a choice.
And we always know what we truly require.
For me, the most fabulous fuel in life is the sense of freedom. And that freedom happens when I let go of control and embrace the questions “What else is possible I’ve never considered?” and “Where do I find it?” When I ask those questions, I open the doors to receiving something different. That enthusiasm for the possibility of receiving and creating something different and greater propels me forward.
When I choose to function from the space of questions rather than a conclusion and acknowledge that there is always another choice available, even if I can’t see it yet, it always creates more space and more sense of freedom.
Let’s face it: none of us likes being stuck with the lie that we don’t have a choice.
Discovering your power and possibilities
Take a moment to consider your relationship with choice: What fuels you? And what serves as your kryptonite? Are you willing to welcome the moments of big (undefined) choices into your life and ask a question like “What else is possible?” rather than rejecting them?
The key question is: are you ready to jump into the possibilities that are available that you haven’t yet seen? Like Lucky, who embraced his leap of faith (or was it awareness of the greater future he desired?), we all have the capacity to embrace the unknown.
The invitation lies in our willingness to choose courage over comfort, adventure over stagnation.
So, what about you?
Are you ready to claim choice as your superpower? If yes, is now the time to leap?
Read more from Dr. Dain Heer
Dr. Dain Heer, Speaker and Author
Having grown up in a challenging environment in Los Angeles, Dain faced constant adversity but chose resilience over victimhood. His determination to create positive change has fueled every aspect of his work, from facilitating global classes to authoring books and developing business ventures embodying benevolent capitalism principles.
Dain draws from his personal experience to inspire individuals from all walks of life to create the money, happiness, and life they truly desire. In his talks and workshops, he offers a set of tools and step-by-step energetic processes that help people break free from limiting conclusions and judgments, guiding them toward a place of choice and transformative change.
As a conscious and innovative business leader, Dain’s passion for possibilities and creating a better planet fuels all of his projects, including Castello di Casalborgone, a luxurious castle in Italy restored to its former glory; a thriving ranch in Houston; and EL Lugar, a fully sustainable eco-retreat in Costa Rica, designed in harmony with the earth.