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Changing The Way We Talk About Loss, Grief, And Dying

Written by: Michele DeVille, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Western culture often dismisses loss and grief, and because of how uncomfortable society is with talking about it, the topic is often minimized or ignored.

People who are either grieving the loss or anticipating the loss of a loved one will sometimes hide their grief to avoid making others uncomfortable or for fear of being judged. That’s so unfortunate in today’s world.

We live in a world that has the means to offer more support than ever before. There are so many channels in which we can offer support, provide education and resources, and show up for those who are struggling and in pain.

The loss of a loved one is one of the most painful experiences human beings will go through and, every single person on this planet will eventually face loss, death, and grief. It’s imperative that we continue to work together to change the conversation and the way we think about death and grief.

People should never feel isolated or alone in their pain because they don’t want to make others feel uncomfortable. And those who are grieving a loss or anticipating a loss should never have to hide their feelings because they are afraid of being misunderstood or judged.

Everyone will grieve and while everyone’s grief journey is personal and unique, there is still a thread of universality when it comes to loss and grief that binds us all.

Why is it so difficult to talk about something that is such an impactful part of life and is impossible to avoid?

Luckily, there continues to be a movement towards change. A movement that is providing more resources and is passionate about changing the way society thinks about loss, grief, and dying.

There are wonderful organizations like that are dedicated to changing the discussions about end-of-life issues.

Loss, grief, and dying are all a natural part of life yet so many people continue to talk about it and would prefer to not think about it all. Until they are forced to and then it can leave people feeling lost and unprepared for the storm that just showed up at their door.

These can all make a difference in the smallest of ways:

  • Show up when someone you care about is struggling with grief and loss.

  • Be kind and compassionate. You never know what someone else is going through.

  • Even though it’s hard, have the discussion. Talk to your family about your wishes for the end of your life. It’s a true gift for those left behind.

  • There are so many wonderful resources available to you. Use them and share them with others.

  • If you are truly stuck, reach out to others who can help. There is the end of life Doulas, Grief Coaches, and Therapists available to listen and support you when life turns upside down.

Loss, grief, and dying are heartbreaking and it’s never a journey people choose to take but it’s a reality we must all face.

We are all in this together and there is healing and power through connecting with others. Together, we can change the way we talk about and think about all three.

For more information on resources, workshops, and coaching including Grief in the Workplace, visit or send an email to

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!


Michele DeVille, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Michele DeVille has a deep passion for supporting those who are grieving as well as educating loved ones, communities and the workplace on how to better support grievers. Her own life experiences and grief journey led to this important work. She is dedicated to changing how we think about grief through workshops, coaching, writing, and creating helpful resources in the grief space. All grief matters and deserves to be validated, seen, and heard.

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