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Challenging The Narratives

Written by: Dawn Bates, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


“I just wrote a book!”

The words which always seem to escape my lips every time I write a book, and I have written quite a few of them so it shouldn’t come as a surprise to me that I have written ‘another book’.

The words are always exclaimed with excitement and an element of surprise, again, I am not sure why I am surprised especially given the fact that at the time of writing this, I have published eight books as a solo author, two as a co-author, with another two anthologies and three solo books almost ready to publish.

One of which is my latest book The Potent Power of Menopause: A Culturally Diverse Perspective of Feminine Transformation curated with the leading voice on the subject of menopause, Clarissa Kristjansson – host of the podcast Thriving Thru Menopause – the most listened to podcast on the subject of menopause.

It is a book that is going to change the negative narrative of the most transformational time in a woman’s life, and in true Dawn Publishing style, it will shake a few molecules just by being in existence.

Head on over to Twitter and you can already see the pushers of the big pharma narrative unhappy with the book’s arrival.

Menopause is a subject which has been wrapped up in myths and whispers for far too long, with the attitude that women need ‘fixing’ with drugs and everyone should be walking around on eggshells and hanging on tenterhooks.

With high profile women from the UK pushing the patriarchal narrative that Big Pharma is the answer to all our woes, and thinking their narrative is the only narrative for women during this phase of their life, The Potent Power of Menopause is hitting the bookstores at the right time.

It is also highlighting some of the very problems we are facing all over the world, because instead of being inclusive and open to new ideas, women are closing the doors, stamping their feet and being rude to one another, whilst also espousing that they empower women.

How can this be so when the narrative they speak is only for the white middle classes around the world?

What about the South and East Asians? Or the Arabs? Or the Latino women? Or the various indigenous women around the world?

Do they not get a say in the narrative?

Do they not have the insights into their own cultures, healing expertise and even their own bodies to have a say in the matter?

Or have we reverted back to the pomp and arrogance of yesteryear where the Brits had to go and ‘save the savages from themselves’ because we knew better?

Controversial statements, but they shouldn’t be.

We are living in a world where a difference of opinion is now a bad thing and people are so offended by different ideas, push back and feedback that I am left wondering – how on earth have we got to this point? Like seriously, how have we got here?

Especially when you consider that innovation is driven by diversity and new ideas being discussed, torn apart and rebuilt in a way that serves us all. Not only in new technological and scientific breakthroughs, but also in the way the neuroplasticity of our brains responds to the challenges our ideas receive.

The more our ideas are challenged, the more learning goes on (if we let it) and the more our neurotransmitters connect, the greater the positive possibilities for our long-term memory. Being challenged is a good thing.

Staying stuck in a narrative isn’t.

So why is it seemingly intelligent people, who claim to be experts don’t like being challenged? Are they really wanting to invite Dementia and Alzheimer’s to their door, along with the “fluoride stare”?

These are the $64,000 dollar questions we all need to be asking ourselves.

One possible answer to these questions is that they are too afraid to go against the mainstream narrative in case they lose business and actually have to stand alone in their truth – or a fate much worse as some whistle blowers and ‘conspiracy theorists’ have discovered recently.

To innovate or to change the negative narratives and distorted truths, whilst creating a powerful legacy which will last for generations to come, we need to stand in our power, we need to own who we are and we need to be willing to stand alone instead of standing with the sheep who keep us stuck in the disempowering states of being.

Back to the book and the waves it is creating so far – even before it is released on the 11th May 2022 – it is as the title suggests the most transformational time in a woman’s life and we need to lose all our eggs to go through this transformation.

Some of the jokes which have been in circulation for decades would say we women “lose our marbles” not just our eggs, and I would argue to live in the mainstream distortion is to lose our marbles.

An opinion, a truth and a belief that I am entitled to, and one that every other person on the planet has the choice to agree or disagree with depending on their culture, faith, health and level of education.

Who am I to say they are wrong – unless of course, I have the hard data, data which has been challenged, researched, tested, retested and challenged yet again to ensure it is robust enough to withstand the scrutiny.

When I write my books, and help my authors dive deeper into their own stories, I make sure the information included is not just double-checked, but triple-checked and challenged in every which way.

It would be remiss of me to not put my clients through their paces, challenging them at every turn and dissecting their content.


Because they have to be prepared for members of the public who do not know them to challenge them and rip their work apart; and rip it apart some folks will do.

I prepare people for the life of an author, as a leading voice in their chosen field of expertise, and I help them expand their brand, taking their businesses to the next levels and show them who they truly are for themselves, their families and their communities.

I am not just a writing coach, or a book coach.

I am an author coach, and a very powerful one at that. One which prepares leaders of change to be in the public eye in a way which may be very new to them.

One of the co-authors of The Potent Power of Menopause, Su Winsbury said “writing a chapter in this book was life changing and transformational, giving me a much deeper understanding of who I am and what I believe to be true” – and she only wrote 7500 words for the book – imagine writing 75,000 words with me!

And this is the power of writing a ‘proper book’ – it is one of the most transformational journeys you will ever go on, especially if you are writing a book which impacts humanity in a profound and powerful way.

So, if you are prepared to challenge the narratives, stand in your truth and would like to join me for one of my up and coming anthologies regarding breast health, owning your ovaries, being spiked with a date rape drug or being a role model for future generations of men.

Or you would like to write a solo book with me, then make sure you send me a message and let’s see what’s possible.

In the meantime, I have three new solo books arriving on the market in the next six months, two new client books all of which are set to trigger many people around the world.

Will your book be one of the book I publish after these?

Only you can answer that, and only you can own your sovereignty of freedom to BE ALL of YOU in your own unique and powerful way.

Follow me on LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Dawn Bates, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

"Dawn Bates is a true international bestselling author multiple times over on five continents. She specialises in developing global leaders into real authorities who wish to give a voice to the voiceless whilst working with them to create brand expansion strategies through activism and authorship.

Profound truths, social justice and human rights underpin everything she does, and at the core of her soul is a passion for being of service to humanity, giving hope, courage and confidence for others to stand in their truth and live a life of conviction.

She writes for various magazines, sails around the world on yachts as a digital nomad and is currently working towards her PhD in Human Rights and Social Justice with the University of Oxford, whilst also hosting her own podcasts The Sacral Series and The Truth Serum.

Her books are powerful and comprise of solo compilations and multiple collaborations of the highest caliber. Dawn brings together the multi-faceted aspects of the world we live in and takes you on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, whilst delivering mic dropping inspiration, motivation and awakening. Her work captures life around the world in all its rawness.

Dawn’s expertise and insights will make you rethink your life, whilst harnessing the deepest freedom of all: your own truth. She’s an authority on leading others to create exceptional results by igniting the passions and fires deep within to speak and live powerfully. "

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