Written by: Kim Parker, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Have you ever really stopped to consider how technology is affecting your well-being?
The reality is that each one of us is being inundated with more and more invasive technologies, from both a well-being point of view and a privacy point of view. If this isn’t scary enough, our chronic addiction to these technologies and dependency on them, is.

Our living spaces, both private and public, are no longer clean and free from the negative impact of technology. Instead, they are being bombarded by such, on a scale never seen or experienced before. The question is at what cost?
Unfortunately, it’s at great cost. Great cost to our physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Not to mention the implications it has on our privacy and our freedom. It’s also having significant ramifications on our relationships with ourselves and others.
I became aware of the repercussions certain technologies were having on my own health years ago, when I was working in an office in very close proximity to a mobile tower. At first, I began to experience what I now call “EMF headaches”, after a short duration of exposure to the tower. These headaches felt different to my normal headaches (which I very rarely suffer from). They had a heavy, dense energy and made me feel nauseous and light-headed too.
They would start as soon as I came into my workplace and would begin to dissipate as I left the office parking lot. The more often I was in proximity to the mobile tower, the more sensitive I became. Unfortunately, this sensitivity remains with me and now worsens with each further exposure to any radiation or electromagnetic fields, even though I no longer work near the mobile tower anymore and haven’t for years. The effect on my well-being at this stage seems permanent and accumulative.
In 2019, I was checking into a hotel while holidaying in Vietnam and began to get an “EMF headache”. At first, I thought I was imagining it, but by the time we got to our hotel room, I was feeling lightheaded and nauseous too. I went straight to the window in our room and pulled back the curtain to see if there was a mobile tower close by. Sure enough there was one, about one hundred metres from our hotel. Needless to say, we had to find other accommodation and left immediately.
I’m a firm believer that things always happen for a good reason and my journey with EMF sensitivity is no different. I went searching for solutions and found extraordinary ones, for myself and others. Long story short, I was introduced to a company who manufactures high quality harmonising equipment for all our environments.
This harmonising technology that I found and now distribute, restores your surroundings, filled with technology, electrical devices and chemicals, and returns them to their natural states, neutralising emitted radiation and improving the quality of your environment. They are wonderful wellness solutions for your mobile phone, car, home, or workplace.
Harmonising my environments, together with detoxing my body of radiation and helping it heal, has brought back balance to my well-being. It’s a journey though, because EMF toxicity has a cumulative effect on my health and lifestyle and in our world today (outside of my harmonised environments), my exposure is constant. As is yours.
No matter whether you “feel” the effects of the technology in your environment, or not, it is impacting you. Unfortunately, no-one is immune to the repercussions. Because we are all different and our health journeys are unique, our experiences with the effects of technologies will be different.
Thankfully there are amazing solutions available that enable you to live more carefree with these technologies.
If you are interested in learning more about EMF toxicity, the harmonisers I distribute or the detox programs I run, please reach out to me through my website. I would love to help you.

Kim Parker, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Kim Parker is a thought leader and coach in health transformation and healing, both physically and spiritually. She has over 30 years of experience and her journey embarked when her husband began suffering from a debilitating health condition. Their struggle to find the root cause of his illness and appropriate healing solutions spanned decades. After finally helping her husband heal, she was determined to share her findings, extensive research and experience with others to help prevent long-term suffering. Her mission is to educate and empower people so they feel confident to take ownership of their health and well-being. She is a distributor for USANA Health Sciences cellular supplementation and has been working in the supplementation industry since 2010. She was ranked their number one customer enroller in Australia in 2014 and also served as an ambassador for this global company. She is a passionate health advocate and conscious truth seeker and knows we all have the power to heal.