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Can You Balance Passion And Professionalism?

As a Life Mastery Certified Coach®, Susan integrates spirituality with practicality, guiding women to discover their unique Soul Goal™ and chart a personal path to success and happiness. Unlock your inner wisdom, align your heart with your mind, and uncover actionable steps that resonate with your authentic self.

Executive Contributor Susan F Moody

While preparing to launch my latest blog, centered around the theme of inspirational messages, I found myself drawn to a card that carried a message quite fitting to my current state of mind—lighten up. It was as if the universe had conspired to deliver this timely reminder when I needed it most. The message resonated deeply with me, especially as I grapple with the balancing act of embracing social media, an unavoidable aspect of modern small business marketing.

Woman works on laptop

Navigating the struggle

Conflicted by my preference for organic marketing methods, I often find the notion of adhering to a strict social media calendar to be somewhat forced and unnatural. Nevertheless, recognizing the importance of following current marketing "best practices," I am committed to leveraging these platforms to grow my business. As I reflected on the card's message, I realized that, in pursuing business growth, I sometimes lose sight of the joy of writing—the very activity that brought me into this venture.

Crafting nuanced messages

Writing has always been my preferred mode of communication, offering a space to articulate my thoughts and ensure my intended message is conveyed precisely. Unlike spontaneous speech, which may result in abrupt or incomplete messages, writing allows me to craft well-thought-out and nuanced expressions. It serves as a means for me to process my thoughts thoroughly before sharing them with my audience.

Freedom in flexibility

The question arose: How could I infuse a sense of lightness into my approach to blogging and social media? The answer lay in shifting my mindset and releasing the self-imposed constraints tied to a rigid posting schedule. Instead of feeling obligated to post twice a week on specific days, I decided to embrace a more flexible strategy—committing to a minimum of one post per week. The key distinction lies in the word "minimum." This approach grants me the freedom to write when the mood strikes or when inspiration nudges me, allowing me to honor the rhythm of my creative spirit.

Defying constraints

The mental image that accompanied this realization was that of a defiant little girl stamping her foot and declaring, "You can't make me!" Perhaps my resistance to adhering to a fixed schedule stems from a deeper aversion to being told what to do, even if it is for my own benefit. At this stage of life, the idea of conformity feels restrictive, and the mere thought of being directed on how and when to express myself invokes a sense of rebellion.

A lighter perspective

What truly aligns with my values is adopting a lighter approach to life, both personally and professionally. I want to relish in the enjoyment of my business, reminding myself that when passion fuels what I do, it ceases to be work. The phrase "lighten up" serves as a gentle reminder to shed the unnecessary weight of self-imposed expectations and rigid schedules. It encourages me to embrace the spontaneous joy of creation and expression, acknowledging that the only person who truly cares about meeting a self-imposed schedule is myself.

From obligation to inspiration

In essence, this message from the universe encourages a shift from obligation to inspiration, from rigid structure to fluid creativity. It invites me to rekindle the love and passion that fueled my journey into entrepreneurship in the first place. As I internalize this wisdom, I recognize the importance of finding balance and harmony between following best practices and staying true to my authentic self.

The wise woman says

Thank you, Universe, for this timely reminder to lighten up and savor the journey. It's a gentle nudge to release the unnecessary burdens and constraints, allowing the creative spirit to flow freely. As I embark on this new mindset, I am excited to witness the transformation it brings to my writing, my business, and ultimately, my overall well-being.

a quote poster

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, or visit my website for more info!


Susan F. Moody Intuitive Business, Life, and Success Coach

Susan F. Moody, Wise Woman, is dedicated to empowering women to tap into their own inner wisdom and discover the power of intentional living. Along her personal journey, Susan became a wisdom seeker looking for ways to connect with the divine for inspiration and guidance. She started working with the I Ching, angel cards, wisdom cards, runes and pendulum work over 20 years ago and now offers these spiritual insight tools as an option to her clients. She has also developed a tangible technique, the Soul Goal™ finder, to help clients answer the contemplative question “Why am I here?”



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