Written by: Laura Di Franco, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

“How will you finish the year strong and ensure your business success in the fourth quarter?” The Zoom networking group was quiet after hearing the question. If they thought what I was thinking, then none of them wanted to answer the question.

“What if ‘finishing the year strong’ meant something different this year?” I asked. “What if we practice a different mindset that allows us to thrive without the hustle culture? I don’t know about you all, but I’m tired of the grind, especially in Q4.”
Believe it to see it
There’s nothing wrong with tracking your goals and making efforts to meet them at this point in the year. What you track grows. But if you understand brain science and are a fan of the Law of Attraction, then you know your amped-up anxiety, worry, and fear in Q4 sabotages all your best efforts.
There’s a much better mindset to practice and adopt for end-of-year business success and holiday cheer (and throughout the year).
Here are five ways to think, believe, and behave for a strong Q4 and beyond.
Appreciate what you have
Fear and gratitude can’t exist at the same time. So if you’re stressing about meeting Q4 goals, and worried you won’t, try some gratitude instead. A daily practice of gratitude ensures a better mindset, focus, and intention on what you’ve already accomplished. Has one of your contractors done amazing things for you this year? Tell them! If you’re struggling with this, pause and take a deep breath. Notice that deep breath is something you can be incredibly grateful for.
Celebrate your progress
You made it! And there’s something to celebrate, no matter what stage of business you’re in. Small, medium, or large, what can you celebrate? This is powerful energy and apt to level up your manifesting power. Try journaling about this or grabbing a colleague and sharing a moment of celebration.
Focus on helping someone else
Great business development means focusing on helping other people build their businesses. Who can you make a connection for this month? What introductions can you make? Changing the focus on helping your colleagues instantly changes the energy you’re showing up with and the relationships you’re building. You might be surprised just how quickly your Q4 picks up!
Don’t do it alone
Successful businesses are made with strong connections, community, collaboration, and relationships. Lean on the people you trust and grab a chat with them. Ask them to hold you accountable to this more positive mindset. Have a mini-mastermind together. When things are moving south in your business, instead of retreating in shame (listen, we’ve all been there), reach out for help. Asking for help can be one of the hardest things to do. It might be a pride thing for you. I call it smart.
Practice self-care
The best creative ideas don’t come from a worry or fear mindset. So if you’re waiting for one of those to pop into your head, but the self-sabotage, hustle, and grind are all you’re doing right now, try something different. Your personal energy needs to shift before that brilliant business-building idea arrives. Give yourself a few hours, or a day, of self-care. Pick up on your meditation practice. Do some art or journaling. These practices aren’t intuitive when you’re stressed about Q4. However, they could be a powerful strategy for the next idea that takes your business to the next level.
If you’re caught in a cycle of negative thinking, worry, stress, or fear about finishing the year strong, maybe it’s time to practice your ninja moves of mindset. With awareness, you get a choice. Pause. Realize you’re in the cycle. Take a deep breath and move through the five tips above. Finish the year off by starting a practice that will serve you this month and beyond.

Laura Di Franco, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Laura Di Franco, CEO of Brave Healer Productions, is an award-winning publisher and specializes in publishing and business strategy for holistic health and wellness professionals. She has 30-years of expertise in holistic physical therapy, 14 years of training in the martial arts, and her company has published over 50 Amazon bestselling books. She's a spoken-word poet, lover of dark chocolate, and has a contagious passion for helping you share brave words that build your business. BraveHealer.com