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Business And Your Lifestyle

Written by: Mutita Panmook, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


What do you think of when someone mentions ‘Work-Life Balance’? It is the point where your business is capable to provide you a utility sustainably under a condition, whether it be time, capital, or health, and you’re satisfied with the way it works, not just the final output but also each of the processes align with your purposed values. The balance is where a business is orientated well together with a lifestyle.

How business and lifestyle could be balanced?

People create their ideal of living differently depending on what they’ve been through and what they aim to achieve.

Some people seek an adventurous journey with the quote ‘YOLO’ while some people try hard to live their life simply as a ‘Claim-seeker’. Same as a business. There are a several ways to do your job; you can be a full-time employee working in a world-class company with a high salary, reputation, and respect from people in a career path, or run your own cooperation with a purposeful mission building a better society, even be a freelancer working as a digital nomad, to have one laptop and work from anywhere in the world.

You can also just stay at home and Netflix on your favorite sofa while waiting for stock dividend profits and ignore all negative voices saying you’re jobless.

There is no one size fit in, nothing wrong to live differently from others perspectives.

Ask yourself what you consider as 1st priority in life. Family, friends, good health, reputation, or money. Those whole things are individual factors which are called ‘Self-awareness'. People always have their own values.

You are free to choose and initiate your own direction, that might sound easy creating a combination from what you are free to choose, but if there is any limitation that even a billion million still can’t buy, it is impossible to increase when you want to have more and impossible to decrease when you want to have less, that’s ‘Time’.

Have you ever imagine playing a game on a chilling weekend, level up and get a rare item, but there is still have an unfinished business to be done, and then tell yourself that ‘I have no time’.

For some people who love traveling, all plans for the next trip are done, and then you realized that ‘There is not enough annual leave’. It is because of the limitation of time. ‘Time’ is the only commodity that humans born are equal with. No matter how hard you work and no matter how rich you are, you still have only 24 hours per day.

Time’s condition is impossible to be changed. Still, it is impossible to be well organized, to make a good trade on your business, and gain maximum utility in your own lifestyle.

Want more resources to utilize your business that supports your lifestyle? Check

Want to learn more from Mutita? Follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and visit her website.


Mutita Panmook, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Mutita Panmook is a business operation strategist who’s as known as ‘The Time Queen.’ She believes that time is the number one commodity in the world that you can’t get back once it’s gone. Because of that, Mutita helps small business owners and entrepreneurs build and design efficient business that supports their lifestyle with the Get UNSTUCK Method. Mutita's mission is to help business owners and entrepreneurs getting unstuck from working in the hamster wheel. The goal is to reclaim their time to be with their families, do what they love with joy, or even travel the world, whenever they want, wherever they want, with whomever they want, and letting their business work for them. She is also a host of Get UNSTUCK Podcast that helps entrepreneurs get unstuck in their journey through the guest experts' experiences. Mutita's joy is when her clients keep making positive impacts on the world and become unstuckable.

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