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Burnout And Stress ‒ How To Create More Energy, Time And Health” ‒ Part Two

Written by: Lidia Kuleshnyk, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Welcome to my column “Burnout and Stress: How to Create More Energy, Time and Health”, where I explore powerful foundations and solutions that support you in creating your legacy of health and wealth. In Part Two, I discuss how to create more energy by clearing your energy.

Business Woman feels uncomfortable working.

Part Two. How to Create More Energy: Clear Your Energy

Clear thinking is considered a critical factor in achieving success. As a high achiever, you recognize that mental clarity and focus help you stay on track and create achievable goals. Having a clear mind is supported with mindset tools and a connection to your passion, values and abilities. “Master your mind, master your power” is a common mantra for high performers. Great leaders are known for their brilliant minds, laser focus and expanded vision.

While all of this is certainly true, we also acknowledge how exhausting mental stress can be. Cloudy thinking, brain fog and physical exhaustion slow you down. If left unchecked, you can experience the energetic drag of indecision, poor decision-making, chronic fatigue and burnout, leading to chronic illness and chronic pain. The result: Your best laid plans can come to a screeching halt.

How do you maintain a clear mind, strong energy and live in your power, when the stress of life can leave you drained and depleted? How do you manage your stress and prevent burnout, when you rely on your mental clarity and strength to succeed every day? The solution: you schedule in time to strengthen your energy and clear your energy.

Clearing Your Energy

“Getting Clear” goes beyond the mind into a visceral state of being that is governed by your energy system. There is a holistic connection of mind-body-spirit that supports you in being grounded, energized and focused. This flow of energy is part of the deep circulation of your life force, supporting the strength of your nervous system, immune system, digestive system and all systems in your body. If your nervous system is short-circuited, “fried”, from overwork, then the flow of energy into the brain, and into the cells of the organs of the immune system, becomes depleted. When you are short-tempered and easily “blow a fuse”, you are living beyond your capacity. My Capacity Principle™ of Conscious Leadership and Success teaches you to connect with your “flashing red light indictors” that let you know when you have reached your limit. By tuning in to yourself to know when you should rest, rejuvenate and clear your mind, you can bring balance back to your nervous system, rejuvenate your brain function, and support your drive and motivation , without extreme highs and lows, frustration and anger.

The Secret Key: Circulation

The key to staying clear and focused is the deep circulation of energy in your body. In oriental medicine, circulation and elimination work together. Your energy needs to stay in flow, to circulate, so that the body can continue to detoxify and regenerate. I call this the micro-process of healing, the ongoing cleansing, clearing and strengthening of every cell in your body. When every cell in your body is energized to do this, you create more energy and a foundation for lasting health and productivity.

Stagnation is the enemy of health, vitality and clarity. Imagine a stagnant is cloudy, weak, full of sludge and toxins, unable to create a stronger current to release and regenerate. It is in decline. Like a river that needs to flow, your energy channels, your organs and systems, as well as your muscles, joints and bones, need to be continuously infused with vital clear energy.

8 Ways To Clear Your Energy

Here are 8 easy and simple ways to help you release stress, free your mind and keep your energy clear and flowing:

1. Create a Change

“Sometimes A Change Is As Good As Rest” Old English Proverb

Creating a change in your life activates movement of energy, supporting circulation , flow and clearing of energy.

  1. Change your location: Take a vacation, plan a day-trip, go for a walk

  2. Change your clothes: Change your clothes when you arrive home or when you are in different roles throughout your day. This helps you release a layer of stress, unburden and feel relief.

  3. Change your daily routine: Take a break from your regular routine. Get creative. Try a new dish or a new way of doing things. Shake off your worries.

  4. Change your home, office or workshop: Reorganize your office, kitchen, tool shop to create more ease and flow. You’ll feel lighter, more grounded.

2. Rest Your Mind:

“To The Mind That Is Still, The Whole Universe Surrenders” Lao Tzu

Give your mind and thoughts a break. Make a conscious choice to not think about your responsibilities, deadlines and pressures for a few minutes.

Commit to activities you enjoy that release heavy thoughts, stop over thinking and free your mind, such as:

  1. listening to music and audio books

  2. reading a novel

  3. watching movies

  4. staring out the window

  5. meditating

  6. easy repetitive tasks, like exercise, stacking wood, raking leaves, cleaning the house

3. Laugh

Who doesn’t feel lighter and clearer after a good belly laugh? Find a way to laugh, let go and forget about everything.

4. Detoxify

Cleansing the body clears your mind and creates more energy.

a. Sweat: Enjoy activities that make you sweat: Exercises, Sports, Sauna, Epsom Salt Bath, Hot Shower, Sitting In Front Of A Fire

b. Diet: Do a deep cleanse with healing foods, herbs or a kit from the health food store

5. Exercise

All exercise is movement and enhances circulation. Choose an exercise that you love and enjoy.

6. Breathe

Conscious breathing supports circulation of energy. There are many styles of deep breathing that will help clear your energy.

7. Clear Your Energy Field And Your Home

Simple energy clearing techniques can help release stagnation and create more flow in your body and your home

  1. Apply simple Feng Shui principles to your living space and office

  2. Enjoy a reiki energy healing session

  3. Smudge your living space with white sage or use incense and essential oils to clear the energy

  4. Add plants that detoxify and clear the air

  5. Clap: Clapping is an ancient healing technique that clears energy. Sit still, clap around your body three times in a row. As you clap, feel where energy is heavy. Return back to that area and clap 3 times to release it. When an audience claps together in a theater after a performance, it has a tremendous clearing effect.

8. Connect With Nature And Animals

Being immersed in nature and spending time with animals, without cell phones and the distraction of technology, activates the flow of energy in your body , releases stress and clears your energy.

Through supporting deep circulation, flow and detoxification, you are clearing your energy. You naturally feel lighter, stronger and less attached to external stressors. Then you are able to manage your energy and stress, create more energy and avoid exhaustion and burnout. You reclaim your health, refine your power and evolve into the conscious leader of your life and a conscious leader of the world.

Join me for my next column where I offer more valuable advice on “Burnout and Stress: How to Create More Energy, Time and Health”

To learn how to avoid burnout, and manage your energy and stress, get my Free EBook 10 Tools To Survive and Thrive In Uncertain Times”

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, or visit my website.


Lidia Kuleshnyk, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Lidia Kuleshnyk is a High-Performance Wellness Coach, 3X Best Selling Author, and Founder of Lidia helps overworked, stressed-out, high-achieving men and women master their inner power, manage their energy and stress, and create their highest state of health. As a Renaissance Woman and Thought Leader, Lidia offers pathways for every stage of personal development to help you reclaim your sovereignty and live a Centered, Connected, Conscious™ Life. To Learn More and Connect with Lidia:

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