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Burnout And Stress – How To Create More Energy, Time And Health – Part Three

Written by: Lidia Kuleshnyk, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Welcome to my column “Burnout and Stress: How to Create More Energy, Time and Health”, where I explore powerful foundations and solutions that support you in creating your legacy of health and wealth. In Part Three, I discuss how to create more energy by aligning your energy.

Shot of a young businesswoman lying with her head down on a desk in an office

Part Three. How to Create More Energy: Align Your Energy


A willingness to take responsibility for your inner state of being is the first step to managing your energy and stress, mastering your inner power and creating your highest state of health. Creating inner balance of body, mind and spirit helps you feel Centered, Connected and Conscious™ so you can live with strength, purpose and fulfillment and avoid burnout and crippling stress.

There are ancient universal principles that govern all of life. As a high performer, CEO and leader, you have great intellect and powerful intuition. But you cannot outsmart the Universe, even if your ego or mind thinks it can. If your body, mind and emotions, and your vision and mission, are not aligned with your essence, you often live beyond your energetic capacity. Your essence can be described as your core energy, your fundamental life force and your unique personal frequency. Living beyond your capacity can lead to frustration, overwhelm, burnout and chronic illness. It is when your energy is dragging, when your energy is being used for survival, that you end up using your mind and willpower to “get through”. Overthinking, and using the mind to try to control outcomes, can be exhausting. You gain in some areas of your life. You lose in other areas of your life. You begin to live a life that is out of balance. You no longer live in alignment. When you are out of alignment, life is always a struggle as you “catch up” in areas of neglect and loss, sometimes after great success in areas of focus and gain.

As a high-achiever, you have high standards for yourself, in every area of your life. You want to “have it all” and rightly so. I do too. If you want to “perform”, aka live your daily life, in flow with efficiency, productivity and inner ease, you need to continuously create more energy. How? By strengthening, clearing and aligning your energy.

Aligning Your Energy

What does it mean to “align” your energy? Alignment is a natural extension of balance in your life and in your energy systems. Balance has many meanings and applications, but at the most fundamental level, it refers to the strength and distribution, the activation and connection, of the energy of all organs and systems in your body, in a mutually supportive and sustainable way. Balance also includes the integration of your body, mind and spirit performing as a fine-tuned symphony that is in unity and harmony. In this state of alignment, there is a continuous movement of energy, an open flow of receptivity and responsiveness that is not hindered or stagnated. It then becomes easy to discern and deflect external stressors. When you are in alignment, you create abundant, stable energy and a strong center from which you connect with your essence.

When you are in alignment, you begin to master your inner power and manifest your best life in a flow and inner ease which releases resistance and stress. You create more space. You expand your essence, your power. With more space, aka “the nothingness from which all is created”, you can “breathe”, “center” and “receive”. In so doing, you allow opportunities to appear in perfect timing, opportunities that are aligned with who you are and what you want. By aligning your energy, you manifest in divine timing.

Have you ever woken up in the morning feeling light and grounded, mentally clear, emotionally balanced, physically vital and completely positive and optimistic about your day and your life? I have experienced these moments even in the midst of major turmoil, loss and crisis. It always strikes me how truly amazing it is to feel so fully alive, connected and empowered, to not carry the experiences of life as a heavy weight, as a burden of resistance and drain, and to feel completely satisfied and fulfilled about how I am living and the choices I am making. When I am aligned, I have no doubt and regrets; I am fully present, clear and strong in my vision. When I am aligned, I create abundance in every aspect of my life; I live from my essence, my truth, the center of my power.

6 Ways To Align Your Energy

Here are six ways to align your energy:

  1. Yoga: Yoga is an ancient healing art that most often uses the physical body to align internal energy, creating an integrated flow of energy that unites body, mind and spirit. There are many styles of yoga practice. Choose one that is best for you.

  2. Breathing: Breathing is the great unifier and balancer. You have to breathe to survive. When you begin to breathe consciously, you activate and align your energy.

  3. Meditation: Meditation is an approach to focusing the mind to help release stress and calm and unify the mind and body. There are many approaches to meditation. All meditation helps to align your energy.

  4. Lifestyle: Create a healthy rhythm and balance between your professional and personal activities. Bring your essence, truth, power to everything you do. This full engagement of living creates a flow of energy that strengthens throughout the day and aligns your energy, so you don’t need “recovery” time “after work”. In living your passion in everything you do, you live in alignment and will create more energy throughout the day, every day. When you have more energy, your entire life becomes easier and more productive and you live in a permanent state of high-performance wellness.

  5. Holistic Coaching: Align Your Vision With Your Truth Strengthen your power by cultivating a deeper connection with your inner knowing and wisdom. Release your intellect. Expand your awareness. Align your vision with who you truly are. Some questions to ask yourself: Do my beliefs, actions and mission align with the truth of who I am? Am I able to let go of mental control and feel safe in a flow of energy and intuition? What is the feeling within me that is still not satisfied? What do I really want and value the most? What are my priorities? Are they creating the life I want? What am I truly seeking? Am I being honest with myself, in all areas of my life?

  6. Learn My Capacity Principle Of Conscious Leadership and Success: “Know Your Limit and Live Within It” is a powerful mantra that I have shared with high achieving clients for 25 years. When you align your energy, you create more energy and minimize the risk of living beyond your capacity and getting burned out, exhausted and sick.

Aligning your energy is “next level” high performance. It is High Performance Wellness that elevates you above drama, distraction and drain. It grounds you in the power of your essence with the inner knowing of who you are. Aligning your energy supports you in creating true freedom and security, in becoming a great conscious leader of your life and a great conscious leader of the world. When you align your energy, you live with abundance, ease and confidence in every area of your life.

By creating more energy, with strength, clarity and alignment, you can manage your energy and stress and no longer battle against burnout. By creating more energy, you evolve into living a Centered, Connected and Conscious™ Life.

Join me for my next column where I offer more valuable advice on “Burnout and Stress: How to Create More Energy, Time and Health”™

To learn how to avoid burnout, and manage your energy and stress, get my Free EBook 10 Tools To Survive and Thrive In Uncertain Times

Connect with Lidia Kuleshnyk here.

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Lidia Kuleshnyk, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Lidia Kuleshnyk is a High-Performance Wellness Coach, 3X Best Selling Author, and Founder of Lidia helps overworked, stressed-out, high-achieving men and women master their inner power, manage their energy and stress, and create their highest state of health. As a Renaissance Woman and Thought Leader, Lidia offers pathways for every stage of personal development to help you reclaim your sovereignty and live a Centered, Connected, Conscious™ Life. To Learn More and Connect with Lidia:

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