Written by Tanisha Taylor, Financial & Life Coach
Tanisha Taylor is an inspirational leader in financial, life, and ministry wellness. A childhood money encounter with her grandfather created a curiosity for financial matters. She discovered the impact of money on the lives of individuals.

"Happy Mother's Day to the heart that never stops loving, the hands that never tire, and the spirit that never falters. You are the warmth in every memory, the light in our darkest moments, and the strength behind every step we take. Today, we celebrate you not just for all you do, but for who you are—irreplaceable, incomparable, and loved beyond words. Thank you for being our guide, our protector, and our greatest inspiration. Here’s to you, the most beautiful person we know!" Unknown

There are many beautiful women in the world and many of those special women are called “Mothers.” In this issue, I had the privilege of speaking with various everyday women who express the wonderful impact their mother’s have in their lives. Mother’s who have been instrumental in helping their daughters reach their destiny.
“because she said so.”
Stephanie R. Parham says, "My mother's parental instruction was frequently reinforced by one familiar phrase, “because I said so.” Normally, I operated from a place of obedience and/or fear, so I didn’t have to be encouraged to follow instructions. However, as I embraced my teenage “know-it-all” phase, my mother utilized that phrase because it had the power to silence every conversation that challenged her authority.
Unbeknownst to me, my mother was preparing me to understand that her authority superseded any thought, rationale, or feeling. She helped me realize that there was always an end to my youthful strategies that attempted to rationalize my personal requests. “Because I said so”became the period after every discussion. It was the answer to many of my questions. More importantly, it was the statement to which I was never allowed to respond.
Presently, I am clear that my mother’s demand for respect was ultimately a springboard for my submission to the authority of God. His decisions are absolute. There is no room for me to challenge His plans concerning the life that He both created and sustains. His authority alone renders me humbled and blessed.
Therefore, I must conclude that my mother understood that there were both spiritual and natural implications for obedience. Later in life, I would reap the benefit of following Mom’s instructions simply because she said so… “Stephanie R. Parham Author / Speaker Creative Communicative Connections, LLC
“Something about her singing”
DaLynn Hollis says, “ I have grown significantly on my spiritual journey and my mother has positively impacted my journey. She has encouraged me to keep my focus on God. She believes in me and reminds me of my value in Christ. She has a way of singing an encouraging song to me that transcends words in that moment of time. She demonstrates a profound relationship with God by her lifestyle; from the time I was a child and even now in my adulthood.
I am grateful and thankful to say my mother has invested in my spiritual journey; by her encouragement, listening ear, advice, and especially her prayers. I can truly say she’s seeing a return on her investment in my life. I love my mother and I know she loves me. The love of God is our foundation.”
“Her voice speaks wisdom”
As I reflect on my mother, I know I’m a woman of character, because of how she trained me from a child. How can I describe her? This article could not cover it all, but here’s a little sample of her greatness. She looks like a mother, she talks like a mother, she loves like a mother, she listens like a mother, she cares like a mother and many people call her mother.
My mother has been very instrumental in my life. She showed me how to follow God. She has always directed me to having my own relationship with God to put him first in all my plans so they would succeed. It was always stressed how important giving God glory for the things I did and to stay humble. I learned the importance of going to church and how it’s vital as a believer to attend, to stay strong in the faith and to be a help to others new to the faith.
Even though I spent a tremendous amount of time in church, she also made church at home for me; you are the Church. So everyday one should represent themselves in a Godly manner, honoring God, spending quality time in prayer and studying the Bible. She has shown me how to be loved and how to love. She has taught me how to be a giver and be compassionate to others in my walk through life. I received a strong Christian foundation living, which has helped mold me into a strong Christian woman today.
Not only did she provide a strong foundation, she was and still is very instrumental in my goals and dreams. She has always been very supportive, making sure I attain them without quitting or giving up. One thing I like most about her is she’s a fighter and she never gives up on anything or anyone, which is one of the main reasons we have a strong family unit today. With this, I don’t just have a mother, but a teacher, mentor and friend. This same example she has given me I will give to my daughters, so we can continue to build bridges from one generation to the next through the power of motherhood.
“moment to pause and bask in the warmth of the love”
Take this time to indulge in your favorite things, to relish the quiet moments, and to celebrate yourself. May today fill you with the same happiness and peace you provide daily, as we honor and cherish the incredible person you are. Enjoy every minute, for today. Happy Mother's Day!
Tanisha Taylor, Financial & Life Coach
Tanisha Taylor is an inspirational leader in financial, life, and ministry wellness. A childhood money encounter with her grandfather created a curiosity for financial matters. She discovered the impact of money on the lives of individuals. She has since dedicated her life to helping others create healthy and sustainable relationships with money and business without the fear of failure. She is the Founder & CEO of Tanisha Taylor Coaching Training & Resource Center, the exclusive virtual community. Her mission: Control your money relationship.